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Posts posted by KristinLavransdatr

  1. N,


    i was advised to write you a note. but what's the use? words have been said. a process has been ended.


    but it is the right thing. has always been the right thing.


    i am not about to explain myself to you. i leave to you exactly what you think of me. and i forgive you if most of them are wrong.

  2. Hello Kristin :) I'm just curious what about if you guys are already going steady. Do you mind taking care of the tab for your man once in a while?


    honestly, i don't know, josh. i never had a boyfriend who has allowed me to pay a peso on a date. :blush:


    like what one nice guy i went out said: "The reason i work my butt off is to have some cash for dates -- steady or not." And he has just earned a heap of my respect. :cool:

  3. I would say it all depends on the "diskarte of the guy". A lot of women now a these days like guy with confidence. Another thing is security that's why money attract all kinds of women. In short, even you are not good-looking but have these you might end up with a beautiful woman :cool:


    Kaya kayo mga ginoo, magsumikap kayo. work hard for date and gift money. hindi yung date pa lang, nagpapauso na kayo ng dutch treat.


    nothing embarrasses me more than sharing a tab on a date. i can pay for my own meal with friends, i would even pay for my friends' dinner. but my date??!! get a life.



  4. for the past few days i feel like i have been tossed in the middle of the sea without someone to throw me a lifeline. i just stayed there, not crying out for help, not really wanting to get rescused. i'd float where the tide takes me, out where destination does not matter.


    please, lead me.

  5. F,


    i think he is just that. and he has got you wrapped around his fingers. you allowed yourself to be led. he probably meant well, was sincere -- that moment. but he is that individual who doesn't stay in one place. and when he walks away, and turns his back, he will leave everything behind.


    memories are a cheap commodity for him. he doesn't have that space in his consciousness for which to cradle the past. emotions? feelings? sure, he has them all right, but only for an ephemeral moment.


    we breathe the same air. and walk the same earth.



  6. SUCCESS is


    -- getting paid more than your contemporaries;


    -- getting a "good work" e-mail from the big boss when you only forwarded to him an e-mail;


    -- spending the whole morning reading MTC posts and not feeling guilty about it nor getting reprimanded about it (hey, i'm the boss here, remember? :D );


    -- being able to say what you want to say, when you want it, to whom you want it;


    -- attending conferences and other big events by invitation (that means free good seats and food);


    -- not having a boyfriend and it just doesn't show.


    In conclusion, success is BORING.

  7. Hey, Broduh.


    It's your birthday today. You dropped by my place to get some things this morning. i prepared for you breakfast. but you only took some bread. you already had breakfast at home, you said.


    you've got so much to complain about Moduh. but, bro, she's just that. you know getting a little old. although, yes, she's got more friends than i do. more gimmicks than i could ever have these days. but do give her a break. she's been with us, hand and foot, for some 30 years. and yes, she does need a break.


    if she can't be there today to oversee the cooking, worry not a lot, Sistah is there. oh, yes, i forget. Moduh and I are the only individuals in our big family who can cook. but tell you what, i will try to get off work early, then maybe, i can help with your party.


    sabi ko sa yo sa October fest kana lang magpainom. ayaw mo naman, kse jologs sa southmall at maraming squatters na naka-sando at tsinelas lang ang japorms. oh, well, that's just you, i know. but guess what, i do love you, bro.



  8. SOME men of the higher order just love steamy, uncommitted, unbridled affairs. but the women they prefer aren't the type to indulge in such.


    and they shudder to the thought of having women whose needs and preferences match their own.


    i need to be enlightened here, J.

  9. full panties destroy good outfits. i just hate seeing nice skirts and pants being worn with huge undies, and yes you see the pantylines. nakakasira ng porma.


    but for denims, there is no need for thongs, ndi naman halata kung naka-full panties or tbacks. unless of course you intend to show that off later to someone...



  10. Y,


    I found the Korean transcription of my name which Seok-Hyun wrote 2 years ago. I thought I already lost it forever.


    But like Michael's kangaroo letter opener, it was just among the litters pushed back inside the last drawer of my cabinet.


    Things like those are just pushed back but never thrown away. They have a place somewhere to preserve their immortality. They may not always be within reach or within one's vision, but they are always somewhere among the things your mother would love to put in her trash bag if only you weren't looking.

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