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Posts posted by KristinLavransdatr

  1. It is that look.


    My friends say i have a way to see right through people. That i can make certain individuals feel naked and exposed just by casting one meaningful glance in their direction. What i am looking at though, when i peer below the surface, is not your underwear but your underlying intention. "Where are you coming from? What are you up to? Can you be trusted? Are you going to tell the truth?" These are the questions that I subconsciously fire out as soon as i see you.

  2. when a guy fails to get what he wants he will call again the next day.


    when you ask him why he even tried, he'd say it wasn't what he had in mind.


    when you tell him it is not your game, he'll say let go and loosen up a bit.


    goodness, couldn't he just get it -- he's married and i don't do that s**t!

  3. Stranger,


    When the components are unclear you don’t resort to judging the results. You still end up guessing. Then you’re back to your circle of doubts. Not everything can be judged based on opposites all the time.


    You do not take things at their face value, but neither can you judge them based on what they do not appear to be. That is assumption.






    i want to delete the above, but what the heck, no one will care.

  4. To the Roman God:


    For years our friendship has been on and off.

    I hope by now, you already know me -- it takes a lot to impress me and so little to disappoint me.


    You're quite lucky i call you.

    Because as you know, i hate phone calls and text messages, useless chats and meaningless touch.


    See you around.


    And hey, this morning i tuned in to you. your music has improved. and i hope your ratings too.



  5. AE,


    I apologize if i seemed to have put you in a pigeonhole, labeled untouchable.

    I apologize if i assumed you and him to have been made in the same mold.


    The decision is not written in stone; it is marked in my memory of unforgettable don'ts.

    It is a decision to protect myself from disappointment and you from erring your soul.

  6. this is a question intended for "beautiful women", posted by a man, i suppose. but most replies came from men - ugly or otherwise. i wonder why.


    this thread is so full of standards, weeding out women who aren't beautiful, and limiting to men who aren't ugly.


    and it reeks with generalization.


    pardon me.


    but to answer your question, SOME beautiful women fall for dermatologically-challenged men probably because the apollos and adonises either turned gay, fat, high-and-all-mighty or got married.


    but you see like beauty, ugliness is only skin-deep. there are quite a number of ugly people in divine packages. and a lot of beautiful people hidden in simple to shabby clothes.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. am i sad to realize you're a big fat liar?


    coming out clean? coming out cool?


    whoa! last night i found out you're one of those fools.


    do i feel bad? am i sad? hey, guess what? i don't and i'm not.


    i'm elated to have missed you're sweet sweet shams,


    your long long talk and your i-me-myself brags.




    i wonder how this creature has been.


    one pathetic form of life.

  8. It's about the Marcos years - lots of real people thinly disguised. If you remember that time, you'll have a blast reading this.


    Dream Jungle also takes place during that time, but is focused on the Elizalde/"lost tribe" scandal, and weaves in the "Apocalypse Now" filming as well. I'm blanking on the name of the "tribe" now but it was quite a scam and reeled in some big names in anthropology and sociology at that time.


    As the book liner notes, Jessica Hagedorn was born and raised in the Phil;ippines but moved to the US. She lived in the Pinas there for much of the martial law era.


    Done reading "DOG EATERS." You're right about it - the backdrop is indeed the Marcos era. It's in the same league as Ninotchka Rosca's STATE OF WAR.


    Btw, would you know where i could get TWILIGHT IN JAKARTA? I only have the photocopy version of TAKIPSILIM SA DJAKARTA.


    God bless.



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