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  1. Wow! Congrats Gin Kings !!!! Comments: KAPAPANALO LANG: ang galing talaga ni coach, iba talaga, ang galing galing ng moves ni Nealy, ang galing ng management !!! KAPAG TALO: Bwisit na coach yan dapat palitan! Wala namang teamwork si Nealy, dapat palitan !!!, hindi naman gumagalaw at bulag ang management !!! hehehe (joke)

  2. [b]A statement from a TANGA and UTO-UTONG BOKSINGERO:


    Pacman 'sweet-talked' to TV deal

    By Nelson Beltran Updated March 28, 2009 12:00 AM



    Manny Paquiao’s business manager Eric Pineda, left, and lawyer Jing Gacal talk to the Filpino champ via phone patch. JUN MENDOZA

    MANILA, Philippines - Manny Pacquiao yesterday assailed ABS-CBN for what he claimed was “a conscious and well-planned grand design to malign him.”


    Pacquiao spoke to the media via phone patch from Los Angeles, and shortly after, his lawyer, Franklin Gacal, read a prepared statement during a press conference held at the Renaissance Hotel in Makati.


    Pacquiao, according to Gacal, was piqued when ABS-CBN announced a few days ago that the controversial video footage it aired last week had the blessings of boxer, contrary to what Pacquiao also said.


    In his latest statement, Pacquiao alleged that ABS-CBN, through its top sportscaster Dyan Castillejo, sweet-talked him into dropping Solar Sports and GMA-7 and renew his partnership with the Lopez network.


    Last week, ABS-CBN claimed that Pacquiao approached it after he had contemplated on rescinding the contract with Solar Sports because of some delay in his advance payment for the May 2 fight with Ricky Hatton.


    Pacquiao is now saying otherwise.


    He named Castillejo as the one who approached him with the idea that ABS-CBN wants his forthcoming fight with Hatton aired on their TV station, and not GMA-7 through Solar Sports.


    Gacal said Pacquiao had intended to put to rest the TV rights issue but he was offended by ABS-CBN’s statement that Pacquiao agreed to air the footage announcing his decision to transfer to the giant network.


    “I tried to dissuade him from calling the press conference and just move on and focus on his training but to no avail. He wanted to clarify things. He even said ‘the truth will set you free,’” said Gacal.


    Gabby Lopez, ABS-CBN chairman, maintained the network’s claim.


    “He approached us. He wanted to move to ABS-CBN for obvious reasons. Ang promotion, ang reach ng ABS ay far better than anything he has seen in GMA in the last year.


    “That is the true reason why he wanted to move. He rescinded his contract (with Solar). He decided to join us. Nagkagulo (Then it turned messy). We acted in an ethical manner. We did not violate any restrictions in the embargo. There is no deal on the politics. Now he has decided to go back to GMA, suportahan na lang natin siya (let’s just support him) and wish him well,” said Lopez.


    Contrary to what he said on an ABS-CBN video on March 17, Pacquiao clarified he was not the one who approached ABS-CBN for the purpose of transferring the television rights.


    Pacquiao said he was made to believe by the lawyer of ABS-CBN that there was a violation on the part of Solar, which convinced him to entertain the idea of transferring the TV rights to ABS-CBN.


    “According to Manny Pacquiao, he’s saddened, troubled and hurting from all the vilification thrown upon him by the unfortunate incident. He admits he is not without fault. He was too trusting, too accommodating and too shy to say no,” said Gacal.


    “When he was made to sign the ABS-CBN documents, he was not assisted by his own legal counsel. He was made to believe that what he signed has factual and legal foundation,” Gacal added.


    Gacal said Pacquiao is asking that he not be “crucified” as he is more of a victim than the culprit in the mess.


    “He realizes now that if indeed ABS-CBN was motivated by good faith, the prudent thing that they should have done was to exercise due diligence and should have acted without malice,” said Gacal.


    “That instead of asking him to sign the documents and to take all the video footages which were repeatedly shown on television, ABS-CBN should have instead acted like a good father of a family, required Manny Pacquiao to first consult his own lawyer,” Gacal added.


    The boxing champion also clarified that the aborted transfer to ABS-CBN was not motivated purely by monetary considerations.


    Pacquiao said the documents he signed didn’t even stipulate what the full and total financial considerations were to be granted him by ABS-CBN.


    Gacal, however, said Pacquiao admitted being promised support by the giant television network in the coming elections where the fighter is planning to run for a Congress seat in Saranggani.


    Gacal said Pacquiao vowed to concentrate on his training after issuing these clarifications.


    “I must admit that Manny was so much affected by this mess. Sinasabi nga niya ‘ayaw ko ng gumising bukas, baka may kontrata na naman akong pipirmahan ( I wish I won’t wake up to find another contract to sign),’” said Gacal.[/b]

  3. ^ this is just a prelude to how he will perform once elected as congressman. lol




    and with power and authority to boot. Kinda scary if you think if he's elected as Tongressman.


    By Ed C. Tolentino

    The champ who cried wolf




    We are all familiar with the fable The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The protagonist is a bored shepherd boy who entertains himself by calling out “wolf!” Nearby villagers would rush to his rescue only to realize that the alarms were false. When the boy was actually confronted by a wolf, the villagers did not believe his cries for help and the wolf ate the flock (and in some versions the boy).


    Fast-forward to the latest controversy involving ring icon Manny Pacquiao: Sensing Solar Sports had violated a provision in their exclusive contract, Pacquiao cries “wolf,” err, “foul!” However, instead of talking directly to Solar, Pacman jumps ship and joins ABS-CBN.


    ABS-CBN comes to the rescue and Pacquiao wastes no time trumpeting the network as his new media partner. The partnership ends up crumbling faster than an Elizabeth Taylor marriage. Just a few days later, Pacquiao kisses and makes up with Solar and GMA 7, leaving ABS-CBN like a shopworn mistress.


    All’s well that ends well? Not when the issue continues to swell.


    For making a mountain out of a molehill, Pacquiao only has himself to blame for the mess he got himself into. You’d think Pacman has learned from the brouhaha he created three years ago, when he signed a contract with two promotional outfits—Bob Arum’s Top Rank Promotions and Oscar De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions. De La Hoya threatened a court battle, but the matter was eventually settled by way of a compromise agreement between the two camps. Once bitten, twice shy? The adage apparently does not hold true in the latest controversy involving Pacman.


    Even a guy fresh off a stint at the big house in Mandaluyong will tell you that Pacquiao could have settled the issue outright if he raised the matter immediately and directly to the officials of Solar. Parties enter into a contract not only to reduce into writing their agreement, but to limit the resolution of any issue that may thereafter crop up among themselves. Instead, Pacquiao dragged ABS-CBN and GMA 7 to the issue—as if the two networks need additional ammunition to stay hostile to each other. The head honchos of Solar, for their part, had to travel all the way to the US to convince Pacquiao that they did not violate their contract.


    To his credit, Pacquiao had admitted his mistake and apologized. Then again, some believe the apology would have been more sincere if Pacquiao did not course it through his lawyer. After all, Pacquiao’s mug was all over the boob tube when he was dumping Solar and embracing ABS-CBN. The subsequent recantation by representation somehow left a sour taste in the mouth.


    When ABS-CBN accepted Pacquiao’s change of heart and wished him well in his future endeavors, the issue should have ended right then and there. But Pacquiao just had to throw in another wicked combination—accusing the network of being the cause of the problem. Reports had it that Pacquiao allegedly requested ABS-CBN not to release the video of him dumping his “former media partners” until he had determined the full extent of the breach committed by Solar. Pacquiao should not have made the video in the first place as he was, by his own admission, still trying to determine the culpability of Solar. You don’t solve a problem by creating a bigger and more complicated one.


    Oh, the sight of ABS-CBN correspondent Dyan Castillejo trying in vain to get a word (or even a whimper) from Pacquiao shortly after the boxer had announced his return to Solar is disturbing. Pacquiao’s hangers-on were already being rude to the diminutive Castillejo and the boxer merely stood as a mute witness. When a damsel is in distress, the prince is supposed to come to her rescue.


    Foregoing considered, one can’t help but wonder when Pacquiao will cry “wolf” again. If he does, will anybody still listen? Can the people at Solar and GMA 7 sleep soundly, convinced that Pacquiao will no longer have another change of heart in the not-so-distant future?


    Your guess is as good as mine.
















  5. AH basta !!! ang ginagawa ng ABS-CBN isang walang modo na paraan. Ok, tanga si Pacman for doing the video for them pero in the first first place, HINDI DAPAT GINAWA ng ABS-CBN ang pag offer kay Pacman knowing he has a LIVE CONTRACT with Solar. BOYCOTT ABSCBN, the opposition mouthpiece. (ayaw ko rin kay GMA,,,,hehehe,,,,O.T)

  6. MANILA, Philippines - Stunned like everybody else.


    That was how ABS-CBN felt about Manny Pacquiao’s statement that the giant television network aired the video footage that showed the boxing superstar rescinding his contract with Solar Sports when it was not supposed to.


    “We are surprised by Manny Pacquiao’s statement that ABS-CBN News broke a supposed embargo,” said a statement released by the ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs to the media yesterday.


    “We respond because this charge strikes at our core values as a news organization: honest reporting and respect for our sources,” it added.


    Out to set the record straight, ABS-CBN said Pacquiao on March 14 recorded a statement “that he asked to be embargoed (withheld)” and the TV station obliged and said that the statement was “never aired.”


    It was March 17, when the issue between ABS-CBN and Solar Sports had become the talk of the town, when Pacquiao issued another statement, “saying that he came to ABS-CBN to air his next fight.”


    Pacquiao, according to the TV network, approved that statement for airing, and “our newscasts aired it on Wednesday, March 19 (Manila time).


    It was in this footage where Pacquiao announced that he was rescinding or has rescinded his contract with Solar Sports as his official media partner, due to delayed payment for his May 2 fight with Ricky Hatton in Las Vegas.


    Solar has a contract with Pacquiao to air his fights starting in 2007 until 2011, and has the right to choose a network that would air the fights locally. In this case, GMA-7 is the current partner with a live contract with Solar Sports.


    Then on March 19, a Friday in Manila, Pacquiao once again came on ABS-CBN, saying his decision “is still the same” and he asked his supporters to watch out for his Hatton fight on ABS-CBN.


    The following day, however, Pacquiao recanted all his previous statements, saying there was no violation in his contract with Solar, which he described as “valid and binding” and therefore he had to honor it.


    Pacquiao then came out of GMA-7 saying everything is back to normal. He also apologized to the public for any confusion, and said what happened was a mere miscommunication between him and Solar Sports.


    He said the Hatton fight will be aired on GMA-7.


    Still, ABS-CBN vowed to carry out its duties professionally, and part of it is to bring fresh, detailed reports on Pacquiao’s training leading to the fight.


    “Regardless (of what happened), we continue to report on Manny Pacquiao’s activities and respect his decision to enter into any arrangement with any company regarding his fights,” said ABS-CBN.


    The other day, Solar and GMA-7 held a press conference, and during a phone patch from his La Palazzo apartment from Los Angeles Pacquiao talked about the embargo deal with ABS-CBN.


    “Ginawa namin yung video statement basta ang usapan itatago lang at hindi muna ilalabas (We did it based on the agreement that it was for embargo),” said Pacquiao as everybody listened.


    Yesterday, GMA-7 also came out with a statement.


    “GMA Network maintains that after all the recent events that happened, Manny Pacquiao made the right decision by honoring his contract with Solar Sports and more importantly, by remaining a Kapuso (a member of GMA-7 family).


    Atty. Felipe Gozon, GMA-7 chairman and chief executive officer, admired Pacquiao for his courage to admit his faults.


    “It shows character for a man, particularly a world champion like Manny Pacquiao, to admit and ask forgiveness for committing a mistake. It took a lot of courage to tell the truth over what happened, even if in doing so, some quarters may fault him,” Gozon said.


    “We only want what is best for Manny and we wish him success in his fight against Ricky Hatton. His fight is not only for himself and his family, but for the entire country as well. He should now train hard and focus on his preparations for the fight,” Gozon said.

  7. Sus, nagsisinungaling at nagpapalusot pa si Pacman.............halata naman............. :P




    Pacman blames ABS-CBN

    By Abac Cordero Updated March 24, 2009 12:00 AM



    GMA Network chairman and chief executive officer Felipe Gozon (third from left) welcomes the decision of Manny Pacquiao to honor his contract with Solar Sports and GMA-7 during yesterday’s press conference at the GMA building. Others in photo are (from left) Solar Sports COO Peter Chanliong, Solar Sports chair William Tieng, and GMA Networl EVP and COO Gilberto Duavit, Jr.

    | Zoom MANILA, Philippines - Manny Pacquiao yesterday claimed that the news video aired by ABS-CBN, which showed him rescinding his contract with Solar Sports, was not supposed to have been shown at all.


    Pacquiao said he did not want to go on air and announce that he has switched back to ABS-CBN until it was established that his contract with Solar, good from 2007 until 2011, had indeed been violated.


    “Ginawa namin yung video statement basta ang usapan itatago lang at hindi muna ilalabas (We did it based on the agreement that it was for embargo),” said Pacquiao in a phone patch from LA.


    “Ayoko muna gumawa sana ng video. Sabi ko titingnan ko pa ang Solar contract kung may violation nga (I didn’t want to make a video because I wanted to see first if my contract was violated).


    “Walang violation so hindi dapat nilabas. Abugado nila ang gumawa ng statement (There was no violation so it shouldn’t have been shown. Their (ABS-CBN) lawyer prepared that statement,” said Pacquiao.


    What’s quite ironic, if Pacquiao’s latest statement is true, was that he once again appeared over ABS-CBN last Friday, saying, “My decision is still the same. Watch my fight with Ricky Hatton on ABS-CBN.”


    ABS-CBN later announced it wouldn’t make a statement, according to network executive Kane Choa. The other day, the station said it was letting go of Pacquiao.


    “Is there anything new? I thought we’ve let go (of Pacquiao) as per yesterday’s statement. But from what I know it was Pacquiao who dictated the timing (of the news video),” said an ABS-CBN insider.


    “Manny Pacquiao approached ABS-CBN to be his media partner in airing his next fights. We thank him for trusting us. He signed a contract with us, but we will not stand in the way if he decides to change his mind. We respect it (Pacquiao’s decision to honor the Solar contract), wish him good luck and we wait to hear from him,” said ABS-CBN in a statement the other day.


    The video, shot in the balcony of Pacquiao’s LA apartment, was aired Wednesday evening over ABS-CBN, and triggered a very heated argument between ABS-CBN and Solar/GMA-7.


    In that video, Pacquiao said Solar erred in delivering part of his payment for his May 2

  8. F.UCK ABS-CBN! Alam naman nila na merong contract si Manny eh, bakit ba kung ano ano pang attempt to pirate him (now when he is busy training for a crucial fight). Tanginanyo mga GAGO! Mamatay ka na Willie (ok, no connection there, pero ABS-CBN siya di ba?) :D





    Absolutely right! ABS-CBN is just playing the unetiquette game. They know that Manny has a live contract with Solar, they did not even bother to tell him about the consequences if ever Manny went on to sign their contract. Labas sila dun pero, if the signing of their contract pushed through, si Manny lang ang mamomoblema kasi his signature will be affixed sa contract. Sasabihin lang ng ABS-CBN, di naman namin alam laman ng contract eh, si Manny lang ang nakakabasa nun. yari si Pacman. QUESTION: Sino ang abogago sa ABS-CBN or sinong personnel/officer sa ABS-CBN ang nagpasimuno ng ganitong move? manny should think over and over again the personality of this broadcast station.



    F.UCK ABS-CBN! Alam naman nila na merong contract si Manny eh, bakit ba kung ano ano pang attempt to pirate him (now when he is busy training for a crucial fight). Tanginanyo mga GAGO! Mamatay ka na Willie (ok, no connection there, pero ABS-CBN siya di ba?) :D
  9. I think ABS-CBN is again up on their dirty/non etiquette way of running the shows. Sigurado, kung ano ano ang pinangako nila kay uto utong Pacman, at, ayun, kumagat ang gago. Nasilaw si Pacman sa mga glittering verbal promises ng network, nalimutan na niya yung live contract niya sa Solar. PAANO NA YAN, CONGRESSMAN PACQUIAO???? TIGILAN MO NA YANG POLITICS. di sa iyo yan!!! para mo nang awa !!!! maawa ka sa ipapahiya mong kababayan mo!!!! STICK TO BOXING !!!!

  10. ang gulo ni manny, i think masyado na malaki ulo niya. Before, he signed a contract with Toprank, tapos nung nag offer ng mas malaking pera si Golden Boy, sign nanaman ulit makina may contract pa siya. Sa Solar may contract siya then sign ulit sa ABS-CBN. Manny has no word of honor.... naka black and white binabaliwala niya pa....




    And come to think of it, he wants to become a CONGRESSMAN !!!!!!!!!!!



    Pacman reaffirms contract with Solar



    By Julius Manicad




    Solar Sports yesterday said Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao will stick to his four-year contract with the cable television firm, effectively nullifying his supposed agreement with ABS-CBN and putting an end to the controversy over which network possesses the right to air his May 2 fight with Ricky Hatton for the World Boxing Council lightweight championship.


    Pacquiao stands to receive P60 million from the match.


    In an e-mail statement, Solar Sports said both parties have already resolved their “unfortunate misunderstanding” as Pacquiao’s MP Promotion retracted its rescission letter dated March 17, that initially transferred broadcast rights of his fight to ABS-CBN.


    Although Solar Sports had to send its president, Wilson Tieng, and COO, Peter Chan Liong, to his posh Palazzo apartment in Los Angeles, California to personally talk to Pacquiao, everything eventually turned out fine after a very brief discussion.


    “Manny (Pacquiao) and MP Promotions have decided to honor the television rights agreement and fully comply with the terms and conditions therein,” the network said in a brief statement.


    “We are happy that he can now concentrate on preparing for his fight with Ricky Hatton on May 3 to be shown on GMA 7 and Solar Sports. Preparations for the fight should be his priority.”


    Pacquiao’s camp, through his counsel Franklin Gacal, said: “Nais po namin iparating sa lahat na ang aking kontrata sa Solar Sports ay ‘valid and binding’ at hindi nalabag ninuman.”


    “Dahil po dito kami po ay lubos na humuhingi ng paumanhin kung kayo man ay naguluhan kung saan ilalabas ang darating na laban kay Ricky Hatton. Ito ay resulta lang ng hindi pagkakaintindihan sa pagitan ng Solar Entertainment Coporations at MP Promotions.”


    “Simula po sa araw na ito, ay nais kong mag-concetrate ng husto sa aking training sa darating na laban sa May 2.”


    Pacquiao’s decision confirmed the previous statement by promoter Bob Arum, who claimed Pacquiao has finished his two-day waltz with disaster by deciding to favor Solar Sports, his long-time media partner, over ABS-CBN.


    Arum said Pacquiao understood the repercussions of his move. But during a live feed from Los Angeles, Pacquiao earlier contradicted Arum’s statement, claiming he will stick with his previous decision to ally with the Lopez-owned media empire.


    “My decision is still the same,” Pacquiao earlier said, insisting his decision to rescind his pact with Solar Sports. “I hope people will come out and watch my fight in ABS-CBN.”


    Had Pacquiao defied the contract, Solar Sports would have been forced to slap him with a P150-million legal charge, more than half of what he is to receive from the title fight against the British hitman.


    GMA Network, too, has expressed possibility of seeking legal remedy since Pacquiao is prohibited from appearing in “any television program, show, promotion, or event of any media entity” under a separate contract with the network. Pacquiao has two shows with GMA, Totoy Bato and Pinoy Records.


    GMA has also bought block time from Solar Sports to air the Pacquiao-Hatton brawl in the country on May 3.


    Early yesterday, however, Top Rank big boss Arum reiterated his bold pronouncement, saying that after a long, serious talk with Pacquiao, the Filipino fireball finally decided to honor his commitment with Solar Sports.


    He also revealed that should the two camps fail to reach a settlement agreement, Team Pacquiao would implement an all-out media embargo, prohibiting all local networks from covering Pacquiao until he makes up his mind about the issue. The embargo would also keep him away from off-ring distractions.


    “A contract is a contract and he (Pacquiao) knows that,” Arum was quoted as saying in a radio interview. “I believe there will be no more litigation. Manny has made a decision and it was very sound and logical to all parties concerned.”

  11. Injured List first 5 na ng ibang team


    PG - Mike Cortez

    SG - Lordy Tugade

    SF - Danny Seigle

    PF - Danny Ildefonso

    C/PF - Mark Pingris




    Add dyan. Washington

  12. Ok naman si Nealy, i think he is the perfect cut for Gin Kings, kaya lang masyadong mahina rin ang local support, lalo na sa big men natin, Menk parang adik mag laro , si reavis lampayatot, mamaril injured, sana di nila tintrade si crisano, that would be make a big difference.....




    Dami nang injured na players ang team. Tumatanda na rin yung ibang veterans. Lumalaki pa mga ulo. OO nga, sana nga di na trade si Crisano, nawalan tuloy tayo ng laruan sa court. Nealy is perfect sa team. Nagiging buwaya lang kasi nakikita nyang hindi na nag cli click yung teammates niya. Time to think hard on the future of the team. Sayang. Crowd favorite pa naman. So sad to see the crowd standing up with still seconds remaining with bowed heads.

  13. ^Marami kasing fans, hindi katulad ng ibang teams na puro employees nila ang nanonood. :evil:




    Now,THAT's the main diffrence. OO nga ano, puro employees and free ticket beneficiaries. Kinda weird kasi, nagbabakbakan silang dalawa then dito pinag uusapan Ginebra and SMB pa rin. Laki gastos ng Alaske and TNT hindi lang sa salaries and benefits ng kanilang players and staff kundi sa pamimigay ng free entrance sa mga "kunwari" fans nila. :-)

  14. it will just be a waste of time to try to stop him from entering politics. he never learned from his loss to darlene custodio. i think he's bent on entering politics. maybe we're just being biased. let's give him the benefit of the doubt. maybe he'll do well in politics. who knows? if he fails, then i'm sure he'll quit soon while he still has money in the bank.




    As mayor and governor, yes....but as congressman? NO ! That is, basing from what he declared: "I want to help my constituents." Kasi congressmen makes bills. Look what is now happening to "Mayor" Lito Lapid, ni mag participate sa mga senate investigations pinagtataguan. Panay present sa roll call then aalis na lang bigla.

  15. Hindi ba kasama sa script iyon ginawa ni Jericho?




    Hehehe Lahat naman nangyayari sa WWE and other professional wrestling with WW scripted ! Just wondering bakit ang dami daming naniniwala or taking seriously ang competition dito. Its for entertainment lang naman just like what Batista said in an interview dito sa Pinas, its all for entertainment. From the very start, they already "scripted" who will win the kunwaring championship.

  16. Malapit na ang valentine's day.


    Flower shops nun




    L Carlos

    Flowers by Sylvia in Katipunan

    Petals and Twigs


    Uso rin nun ang Social Telegram. Hehehe.




    P T & T made a killing during those years. May singing telegram pa!

  17. Yeah I agree. Yung iba di ko na rin matandaan. Dyahe namang iadmit. Hehehe. Nag-iba rin daw itsura ko. We're reconnecting because of Facebook!




    And to top it all, merong dumating sabi sa akin, di mo na ako kilala? Tinitigan ko......sabi ko, sorry pre, cant recall........then, shocking, when he introduced himself.....best friend ko pa during high school. hahaha. embarrasing !!!

  18. By the way one of the positions being targeted for him is Vice Mayor of Manila as running mate of Atienza....eh di ba ginagamit nga lang sya ...NYAHAHAHAHA...kawawang Manny




    hindi kawawa !!! may sarili siyang pag iisip...dapat TANGANG Manny. Sorry to say that pero talagang tanga siya sa decision to enter politics.

  19. sana i trade si siot kay guiao para tumigas naman ang smb.go smb!




    Wag na lang kung si Guiao, ninanakaw na nga niya ang mga pera namin sa Pampanga sa kakukuha ng sweldo pero di naman pumapasok sa opisina, puro coaching. Iba na lang ipalit kay Siot. Lalabas na nag ha harbor na naman ng isang tiwaling politiko ang SMB nyan.

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