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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. Fix your eating habits first.


    I also work on night shifts, maybe you can try my routine. I usually have my dinner at 7 p.m.(before going to work) 1 cup of rice max, more on protein and vegies. Next meal is around 3 a.m. half rice na lang cguro then protein and vegies ulit. then as much as possible wala ng kasunod na meal. Though its day time, its our time to rest na so our body is slow in digesting what we took in. Then eto important, no in between meals. If you want to eat fruits like apple and orange or crackers. Then if you're hungry before you sleep. Milo na lang then water. (Note:As much as possible, avoid drinking cold water, nakakataba din kasi.)


    Work out: Have you tried boxing? Ok sya as in total body work out. Then concentrate more on abdominal exercises.


    By the way, more discipline on drinking. Kung makakaiwas mas ok. Just my two cents.


    Hope this helps! :thumbsupsmiley:



    Id call this a suicide diet.


    Dude you need to LESS MORE OFTEN. In fact, 4-6 small meals a day is recommended... so when you do that, the term "eating between meals" becomes meaningless since youre not bound to the traditional breakfast lunch dinner. That also means you eat every 4 to 6 hours a day ... in your current diet plan, you go for a stretch of 8 hours without eating anything. Thats starving yourself and actually, when you do that, your body thinks that food has become unavailable and instead of burning fat, it stores fat as a self preservation mechanism.


    The eating between meals thingy, IMHO is a myth perpetuated by mothers who didnt want their kids to snack too much .... :lol:


    If youre on a diet... MILO is probably the last thing you wanna drink :rolleyes:; not that Milo is bad but its chockful of calories and fat that you dont need. Caveat on fruits -- too much fruit means too much sugar... and that isnt good for you too. Crackers, too, if not the correct kind, will be loaded with salt and carbs... stuff you dont need.


    Oh and one more thing ... how can you gain weight by drinking something that has zero calories - also known as WATER?




  2. here's h0w this g0es...


    p0ster #1 will y0u still l0ve me even if im gay..


    p0ster #2 n0 kase walang kwenta d ka tal0

    will y0u still l0ve me even if i have AIDS?


    p0ster #3 yes basta n0 sex


    will y0u still l0ve me even if......... and s0 0n......



    MOD NOTE: Im bringing the first post up for everyone's reference.


    The thread premise is you answer the "Will you still love me" question of the MTC member who posted IMMEDIATELY BEFORE YOU.


    Please dont go back to answer posts of people who posted way before the last post - that defeats thread purpose.


    Thank you...


  3. Wyld,


    With the workout schedule you've outlined, I don't consider it as slacking. Overdoing/Overtraining? I think this is more of the concern here. If you're seeing results from your workout regimen that's very good. However, overtraining or as what you've put it, pushing too much may be a concern for your well being. No doubt working out will do wonders for your body. However, too much is also not advisable.


    Here are some signs that you may be actually overtraining yourself:

    1. You feel sluggish and don't have the usual energy despite of 8 hours uninterrupted sleep

    2. You'd reach a plataue in your workouts (can't increase the intensity/weight/reps) and can't seem to progress to more challenging routines

    3. Injuries (in your case, your knees are giving out signs)


    If I may ask, did you consult a trainer before engaging with your routine? If I were to train you, I'd say you'd do weight training 3 days in a week (full body circuit type training) for 30-40mins max. You can squeez in cardio workouts but I strongly advice not to stay in the gym for more than 1 hour or maybe an hour and a half max. Lastly, I really would recommend you have at least 3 days rest a week. I know this might not sit well with you since you've been probably doing "more" than what I have recommended. Sometimes more is not better. After all, If your knees give up some day, maybe you will bid farewell to working out sooner.



    Thanks for the reply Jacques...


    Actually ... im not sluggish. Im hyped up all the time, in fact. Almost as if im on a caffeine high (and no im not on `roids or supplements, just Vitamin C and Calcium) ... The only weird thing I noticed is my appetite has been off for a month or two now - as in I dont feel like eating but I make myself eat.


    As for difficulty of workout - I just shifted to a more difficult program and I can do it so I dont think thats an issue. Ive moved on from using 10lb dumbells for my free weight exercises to a 40 lb barbell.


    The programs I have did come from a trainer. The original plan was 3 days weight training (every otherday) with 20-30 minutes of cardio (75% to start off the session, 25% to finish off) ... the in between days was to be used to do what workouts that I wanted to do (eg cardio, weights or yoga/pilates) ... I was supposed to have 2 days off from working out - Friday and Sunday.


    I kinda added the spin class to the weights (in lieu of the cardio) mainly because I enjoy spin classes and I get really, really bored on the elliptical or treadmill. And then, I kinda added the Sunday weight training session after that.


    Right now ... I feel great (other than the knee bugging me but I think that was from all that stepping and kicking and all that)... but im thinking of dropping one day off my workout schedule, maybe Sundays...


    Is that a start?


    Dear Mailbox regulars,


    I would like to thank you for all your interesting, inspiring, thought provoking posts in this thread.


    Also, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that this thread is for letters that you (MTC member) have written yourselves, but have not sent (or will not ever send) to the intended recipient.


    If you want to post a letter that someone else wrote, then the appropriate thread for that would be the Writings of the Heart thread in the Matters of the Heart section ....


    Thank you once again.





  5. I have a concern. I dont know if overdoing it or not but this is my workout schedule; and ive listed it in the order that I do it in as well. Also, when I say weight training, needless to say, I alternate body parts so that I dont overwork my muscles.


    Monday - 1 hour spin and then weight training


    Tuesday - Cardio day: 45 minutes on elliptical and 1 hour of spin


    Wednesday - 1 hour spin in the AM and weights in the PM


    Thursday - Weight training and 1 hour spin


    Friday - off


    Saturday - 1 hour spin


    Sunday - Weight training


    Am I overdoing it or am I slacking? Should I cut back on my workout hours or should I add more?


    I feel okay ... other than the usual little aches and pains ... Im seeing the results actually as well but im not sure if im pushing it too much. (Or is there such a thing as pushing it too much?)


    Also, up to two weeks ago, some of my spin classes were actually kickboxing (not t**-bo but real kickboxing) classes but I noticed that my knees were hurting so I dropped the boxing for now and substituted it with spin.


  6. that slightly acidic taste you get is from the fermentation of yeast. probable causes of this acidic taste are overfermentation of sponge or dough, usage of fresh/compressed yeast and sourdoughs.


    there are many good white breads in houston. difference with manila white breads is the sugar and shortening content. asian taste dictates for 15-20% sugar w.o.f (in ratio to the weight of flour) while u.s. standards are around 2% wof. shortening is around 5% wof locally while it is approximately 2% wof in the states.


    regarding airier bread, it probably is made from less dough weight per unit volume giving it a less dense crumb structure.



    LOL actually I just gave up white bread and switched to wheat... We do have pretty good white bread here, most of them made by Vietnamese bakeries.


    If I were to eat bread, I prefer it to be airer rather than dense.

  7. hey you ...


    thanks for being a friend ...


    we just needed to find out we were friends after all.


    and im glad we did. after all this time.


    thanks for looking out for me.


    even when i didnt know you were looking out for me.



  8. It would probly be my shoes.


    I have a pair of dark red Coach loafers that I hardly wear...


    My sneakers and training shoes are my biggest vice and since I have a number of them ... they end up being expensive.


    Oh and my cycle shoes... funny thing is its not a fashion accessory or an article of clothing ... its sport / workout gear.

  9. I heard this on the radio on my way to work...


    We should liken ourselves to a water pump... it draws water from deep within the earth so that we may drink.

    Sometimes, we need to prime the pump by pouring some water down through it so that fresh water may come up.

    Our talents and skills and strenghts are all within us... and were like a big pump.

    We just need to prime ourselves so that our natural talents, skills and strengths will shine through.

    How do we prime ourselves? Good books, meditation and time spent alone ... and generally just liking and loving ourselves a little more.



  10. Two branches of Swiss Inn. One, in the original place in Paco. The other, in Olympia on Makati Ave. Both have the same management and ownership. Now called "Old Swiss Inn." But don't get carried away.....different owner from the one that I used to know. The menu is likewise slightly different, and the presentation of the food is very different, though they still have Baked Pigs' Knuckles, Hungarian Sausage, Schublig, Krakowa. They also have retained the Tobler chocolate fondue and cheese fondue. Their German Potato Salad is to die for.



    Been to both. The one in Paco is better, I think...


    They have the best Black Forest Cake ive ever tasted...



    Also the La Cibeles Spanish pastry shop which was found in the A. Mabini, Ermita with a branch in the old Manila Bank arcade in Greenhills. Dulcinea


    was just a second-rate copy cat of this pastry shop. I can still taste their chocolate con churros unrivaled to this day. Their argellana melted in your


    mouth unlike the Dulcinea version.



    I grew up in this part of town...and my mom swore by La Cibeles.


    I loved their yema in the little paper cup ... and their Tocino del Cielo ... which is like a rich, thick, dense Leche Flan, but its really really small... bite size small.


  11. diet coke has sugar more than your reccomended sugar allowance. So if kaya, stay with bottled water nalang, ask a slice of lime or better kung lemon and squeeze for a good twist. :thumbsupsmiley:



    If you read that post ... it was a suggested alcoholic drink combination -- Bacardi (rum) and Diet Coke) ... so I dont think suggesting that they drink bottled water will work... :rolleyes:


    And, if youre gonna be drinking... might as well have some fun while youre at it right?


    There are some people who cant take their rum with just water. That option was for them actually.


    And if you look at the nutritional information of Diet Coke below (or any diet soda for that matter) it has really 0 sugar content... what it has though is artificial sweetener which is probably as bad for you; it also has really high Sodium content and that might not be good for you too ... :lol:



  12. Just finished Neil Gaiman - The Last Temptation; a comic book where one of the main characters was based loosely on Alice Cooper


    Also finished Neil Gaiman 1602 - A comic book featuring some famous Marvel superheroes but thrown back into time...


    Currently reading (rereading actually) Neil Gaiman - Preludes and Nocturnes aka Sandman No. 1.

  13. been working out for almost 2 weeks now and i only lost 3lbs. that's also with reduced rice and no sweets already. when i go hungry, i eat a piece of banana. that's it. and i only lost 3lbs. i need help. my target is to lose 40lbs.



    At this stage, your weight loss is probably water weight loss.


    Dont starve yourself - the more you starve yourself the more chances there are that you would backslide and binge.


    Learn to eat 4-6 small meals a day - that means you should be eating every 4 - 6 hours ... but the portions should be small. Rice is still okay as long as you dont eat kilos and kilos of it. Fruits are good but beware of its sugar content.


    High protein, low carb diet with lots of vegetables (at least 6 kinds of colored veggies) would be ideal; have at least 3 servings of low fat milk / milk products a day - that includes low fat milk, low fat yogurt, low fat cheese etc. Drink LOTS and LOTS of water - as in lots. It not only fills you up it also cleans you out and clears your skin.


    40 lbs is a huge target - set realistic chunks of weight loss as your subtargets. And remember, Rome was not built in a day ... you wont lose 40 lbs in a month ... not if you intend to keep the weight you have lost off.


    PS - Check your workout routine - make sure youre doing enough cardio; but make sure you balance it off w/ resistance (weight training) - you need to lose fat and build muscle.

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