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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. ...as opposed to emotionally INsensitive? Heck ya! :upside:


    Would you still love me even if I can never say NO to a pretty girl?


    PEACE!!! :D


    Sure... for so long as you will have no issues when I say yes to a handsome hottie :lol:


    Would you still :heart: me even if I was stubborn and impatient? :lol:

  2. WOOTWOOO!!!!


    A thread for my boys, the Rockets!


    Im a trueblue Rockets fan ... I mean ... I live in Houston for chrissake...


    They have been doing pretty good in their past games and im really, really pleased.


    They play stupid sometimes but ... theyre my boys.


    And yes, this thread shall be pinned... I just didnt know there was a thread for them thats why its not pinned.


    Yay! :P

  3. @ Timon ... as long as you let me give you a bath to wash away some of that filthiness... id lurrvvveee yahhh! :P Such kind words... you have made my day sweetstuff :*


    @ Boysbe ... you can annoy me all you want and id still lurrvvvv yahh because id annoy you right back.


    Would you still love me even if I were severely obsessive compulsive? :lol:

  4. Hi Timon ... hahaha thank you for thinking im not ugly ... I was told I was ugly by someone kasi a few days ago lang ... :lol:


    Hmmm to answer your question - true love is unconditional and does not expect a return, so I will love you if you cant love me back ...


    Will you still love me even if I had no ears, no nose?


    Dear Tito WB,


    Thank you. Your thoughts are well appreciated. For a while there, I thought no one was on my side. Im glad to know you are. Gladder still to know that you picked up on it early on.


    I look forward to seeing you again ... it would have been sooner (like next month sooner) but you already know why I wont be heading East just yet. Within the year, for sure. Dinner, drinks and dessert again, okay? :)


    Thank you ... im glad youre on my side.


    -Tita K


    PS: You are officially MY idol! Ill be your wingperson anyday. ;)

  6. Worship is a personal thing.


    What matters to me is that he has his own faith and his actions and decisions are guided by what he believes in.


    What matters to me as well is that he respects the way I choose to worship and will not try to change or influence that (in the same way he will not try to change me to become something I am not).


    Its all about respect.

  7. Tito I just have to reply to this one...


    Some amount of possessiveness is good but when it borders on the obsession then that wont work.


    The man has to be secure in the woman's love for him ... but then agian it takes a MAN to be that in the first place. ;)


    Back to behave mode...

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