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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. you....


    now iv realized... time is a tease. fate is a jester. life is strange.


    often we know that our chosen path is THE one. we know that the course we have charted for the ship called our lives is the right one... one that is guided by our true north... its such a wicked twist of fate when... after following that one guiding star we look at the opposite direction and we see yet another star waving at us and enticing us to go that way instead of this.


    thats when you give yourself a kingsized wop on the head for speaking too soon, deciding too hastily and running instead of walking...


    thats what im doing right now. i made a choice. one that i must stick to. and then when i had made that choice i found something pulling me in the opposite direction of that choice.


    irony of ironies. all is irony.


    you are my biggest irony.



  2. i use bath and body works in the ff variants -- tangerine spice, cucumber melon and cool citrus basil (whch they hav discontinued :()


    my scents include clinique happy, d&g lightblue, ralph, cool waters for women, armani white, elizabeth arden green tea...


    and good ole johnsons baby cologne :)

  3. in barely two weeks time i shall leave.


    i know i should not have started something knowing i would not be able to see it to its completion.


    darn silly stupid me.


    well....i can always cry it out :(

  4. first choice always -- pearl of the pacific. beautiful beach front rooms and very good buffet breakfast; service is also nice and friendly....


    if youre in the mood for something exotic, try a cabana at waling waling... again great service, kinda expensive and food is not that impressive but... the ambiance is perfect


    for family/barkada outings i like seawind and pink patio ... homey no nonsense atmosphere, conveniently located enough :)


    i wanna try le soleil next... :)

  5. hey J.


    dont give me that line that you hate unanswered questions. i am not an unanswered question and you are not one either.


    we answered all questions that last tym. we affirmed all our answers with that last email.


    its over and done with. let it be.


    besides... sometimes no answer is an answer too.



  6. Dear Mommy,


    I was always a Daddy's Girl. You were always the Mommy who punished me whenever I was a bad little girl -- and that was often.


    But when Daddy died, and I went into my rebel phase, you were there. When the dust settled, and I became a normal human being, you were still there....


    In time, as I grew older, I cherished the way our relationship changed. From being mom and daughter to ... housemates and friends. Yes we would have our rows... and our arguments but... you were one of the constants in my life.


    It was not easy for me when you passed away. It was hell coming home to an empty house... at times it still is. But I knew you would have wanted me to be strong and move on. I will never forget your last words to me -- asking me to get you out of ICU because you were worried about the cost... How typically Mommy. That last hug. That last touch.


    And now, im writing to tell you that.. im finally setting out to do what I have always wanted to do. What I know you always have wanted me to do... Im going to try and make a go of it outside the Philippines. I know it will not be easy. But I also know i owe it to me and the memory of you to try.


    Most of all, I know you will be guiding me and cheering me on... As you always have. As you always will.


    I love you Mommy -- those were words that were never really easy for us to say to each other -- we had always let our actions speak our feelings... But I do love you Mommy, always will.


    I know im not a Mommy's girl, but what I am now, what I will be tomorrow is partly because of you.


    Thank you Mommy.


    I will do you proud.



  7. J -


    you are probably the only one who can wound me this deeply and this quickly. its funny how you managed to unhinge me with just a simple phone call. i thought i was okay... i had deluded myself into thinking all was well.


    but a two minute call...not even fifty pesos on your next cellfone bill...and i am up til 2 in the morning, thoughts a churning in my head, heart beating so fast that i have to breathe into a bag just to stay sane.


    thanks. maybe i needed the reality check. maybe i needed to know that... im still in limbo. floating. unmoored.


    i need to get my life back from you.


    the question is when.


    - K

  8. i read a lot of varied stuff...


    however my all time faves remain to be the LOTR series -- from the hobbit, fellowship, two towers and rotk. am currently trying to read silmarillion... slowly :)


    i also like musashi's story of the rings :)


    i read grisham, crichton, and a lot of other stuff - at best my taste would be called eclectic... :)


    ryt now im reading artemis fowl and the arctic experiment (down to the last couple of chapters) - about a 13 yr old criminal mastermind...sorta a harry potter with syndicate undertones :) kewl ...


    reading is such fun!

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