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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. do you guys drink? i have 2 drinks a night, is that too much


    If you must drink stay away from beer, even light beer as it has too much carbs.


    The safest drink to drink for dieters would be a Bacardi and Diet Coke - LowCal (65 calories in a shot of Bacardi, 0 calories in Diet Coke), LowCarb (0 Carbs if the Bacardi ad is to be believed).

  2. There are alot of old wives tales about that certain thing. Like big feet, a big adam's apple, broad shoulders, etc. When it comes to height, I doubt it. Certainly african-american NBA players are some of the tallest people on eart, and we all know what people say about blacks... :rolleyes:


    Ummm please... its too freakin early in the morning to think about the black weiner. :D


    Seriously though ... I just asked that because ive always wondered if there was any scientific basis to that contentin.






    sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.


    don't be fooled by height, shoe size, arms, etc.


    That means... I have to see it to know, right? Right on! :P


  3. hi guys and girls,


    need ur opinion on this, mahirap ba talaga mag-abroad pag may tattoo ka?


    Merging your thread Tattoos Abroad with existing Tattoos thread.


    No need to open a new topic for it as existing topic covers ALL Tat related issues/queries.


  4. bakerite is more of a preferred taste. it has a more natural aroma compared to gardenia. besides, we dont pay any royalties to foreign companies like gardenia and breadtalk.



    I remember Bakerite. Its that Pan Americano with the Yellow/White/Red print on the plastic wrapper. My mom swore by that - that was her bread of choice.


    Yes it is pretty good - what I like about it is I dont get that slightly acidic aftertaste that I get when I eat other brands of white bread. Of course, I have not had white bread since 2004 since we dont have Bakerite here in Houston.


    Another good brand of white bread that we used to buy in Manila (during the rare times Bakerite would be out in the neighborhood store) was one baked by Marian Bakery - it had blue and white print on its plastic wrap and it was a bit airier and sweeter than Bakerite.


  5. for my gayboyposse - lord, don, jay and emman,


    guys i miss you so darned bad. i super missed you yesterday - i did the houston fitness fest - an all day les mills classes fiesta! ive been trying to find les mills here in hicksville forever and yes... theyre finally here! i hooked up with other les mills teachers yesterday and now i have a better idea where to find combat and pump... that should hold me for now.


    how i wish you guys were there .... being there brought me back to the days when we would just work out all day. body combat with mitch, body pump and body jam with paolo and body balance (yeah even if you guys hated balance you would still attend it with me) with winnie. then lunch at greenbelt 3 after. then shopping. then cbtl. then .... bed bar! lol.... i was a total fag hag then huh? but i loved you guys to pieces... love you to pieces still...


    doing those familiar classes, under the heat of the sun .... it just made me long for home a bit more than usual. doing those jumpkicks - sheer heaven! and remember the track echepelante (spelling?) that i abhorred during jam before? lol...how ironic that that was one of the featured tracks yesterday... but its always body pump that gets me going. the pushing to the limits, the doing those freaking bicep curls with the big donuts, the shaking muscles, the total exhaustion coupled with the highest of highs after class... god i felt good!


    im pretty sore right now. sunburnt too (which looks good, if i may say so myself) ... but im sore and sunburnt in a good way. im sore and sunburnt with a smile, no a grin on my face. i had a great day yesterday - 4 hours of working out (well 5 cause i did an extra class in the morning at the gym just for good measure) always does that ...


    i miss you guys... ill try to see you soon.


    your faghag - kikai.


  6. peter pan:


    in the same way that the rain just disappears onto the ground after pouring down from the heavens, in the same way that dust blows away in the wind, in the same way that scents fade after a while... everything you say or do has just ceased to have any effect on me. at all. i hope you are not dense enough to know what that means.


    see this is what happened - i realized just exactly what you were. just how totally childish you are. how totally without substance you are. how you start things and never follow through.... i could go on and on but this just about covers it. i had respect for you but your subsequent actions took that away. your lies took that away... and now ... theres just nothing there.


    so say what you want. throw all the stones that you want. hurl them even... its okay ... they wont hurt one bit because ... in the end... theyre not really there after all. youre not really there after all. i doubt if you even know who or what you are...and yeah, if it pleases you to paint the nastiest picture of me you can ever paint to other people, go right ahead... when have i ever cared what other people thought of me anyway?


    i hope in time you find out who you are, what you want and where youre headed to, because inspite of your grand pronouncements... you just dont know. and thats sad... because its all fancy wrappings and trappings where youre concerned. all the material possessions, all the success, all the quick lays, all the fun that you seem to have now - dont mean a thing when you dont know who you are and what you stand for.




    oh... one last thing. i now know and understand why what happened before happened.


  7. Finished - Death : The Time of Your Life and Sandman Book of Dreams; first one by Neil Gaiman, second one by various authors.


    Started: Death: The High Cost of Living (prequel to abovementioned graphic novel) ... im not really getting into this one... liked the other one better.

  8. I came out of watching Spiderman 3 with the distinct feeling of having been robbed of my eight dollars.


    It was a totally disappointing, soap opera-ish take on Spiderman. The storyline was weak, the dialogue was lame, the acting was blah (the only pleasant surprise was Topher Grace's Brock character). The special effects were almost a repeat of the last 2 movies....


    I cant really say much about a movie that left me bored, yawning and just plain cold.




  9. To make things simpler, 30 mins. to an hour before working out, you may want to have 2 slices of wheat bread with egg salad/cottage cheese/lean ham and etc. After working out, take a bottle of gatorade and maybe you might want to try whey protein drinks.



    That is what I do for pre work out...


    Post work out -- gatorade and dinner? How soon after workout should I eat dinner?


    Whats a good whey protein drink for a female?



  10. I eat a light protein-carb snack 1 hour before a workout, and nothing till I workout. Post-gym, protein snack after 1 hour, with or followed by a complex carb snack. Need to eat within two hours after or else you're starved.



    This is my dilemma ... I got the eating before the work out part down pat - a bout w/ hypoglycemia several times during the work out made me really conscious of eating before I go to the gym...


    Its the eating after that stumps me... whats a protein snack? Whats a complex carb snack? What are my portions?



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