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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. That's really a long list Ms.Wyld.


    i wonder to understand why pinays have a requirement of so much Undies.my ex gf had " i dont know how much"



    Umm we Pinays have lots of undies probably because we like to change undies often... :lol:


    I dont have any idea how many undies I have ... suffice it to say I have a huge ziploc bag full of still unused undies.

  2. Over the weekend...


    A comic book - Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days


    Capn Crunch Peanut Butter and 2% Milk; other assorted grocery items and 2 bags of Dark Chocolate Nestle Crunch :P


    2 pairs of undies (like I need anymore...)


    A gray sleepshirt


    A generic black V neck dress (wearing it today)


    A new pillow - extra firm; 4 small towels for the gym


    6 tubes of Bath and Body Work's Cotton Blossom Creamy Body Wash - theyll discontinue this scent so im hoarding it


    2 bottles Bath and Body Work's Aromatherapy Body Wash - Bergamot and Coriander


    2 tubes Lip Balm, 2 huge bottles of Antibacterial Handwas and several bottles of Body Splash - all from Bath and Body Works; for my friend Lennywenny :P


    2 Graphic Tees for my cousin Em


    3 bottles of Aromatherapy Oil from Body Shop


  3. I watched the Serenity movie again yesterday and this is what I took away from it:


    Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Love. Can know all the math in the 'verse, you take a boat in the air and you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turn of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down. Tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her home.


  4. The feeling though of a person you know by heart gives you a bland taste ...


    IMHO thats not love.


    Love is a complex combination of friendship, lust, love, concern and all those warm and squishy feelings in between.


    Physical desire is part of love ... but as you mature and .... dare I say it ... age together ... the manifestation of that physical desire will take on other forms.


    They say that love is true and abiding when youre sixty and you can stand to wake up beside each other, sans make up, sans dentures, sans all the other artifices that we think make us desirable now... ;)

  5. I did it for the first time this morning...


    The squats, deadlifts and split jerk I think I got the form down pat.


    Im struggling w/ the dips and pull ups ... and the high pull ... di ko gets.


    Did 5 reps, 5 sets.



  6. the rest of my keds


    battered purple waffle trainers


    unused yellow trainers (twin of my orange ones)


    skechers w/ dragons on the top


    battered green plaid rocketdogs w/ elastic laces


    red puma


    black chucks












  7. Believe it or not, you can actually do a lot more than that yet manage to maintain a slim and sexy figure...


    for now, i need you to get your 5 rep maxes on the following exercises::






    split jerk

    high pulls


    if you don't knw the exercises, look them up in youtube...


    after this I'll guide you and set you o with EDT so that you know where to go from there




    Squats - 60 lb barbell on my shoulders

    Deadlifts - same as squats

    Dips - on that machine that holds you up, body weight

    Pullups - on that bar like thing that holds you up - body weight

    Split Jerk - havent done that one in ages - last time I did it I think it was a 40 lb barbell

    High Pulls - I dont think ive done this before ... so I dont have a 5 rep max

  8. Not really... and your reps are too high which means you are not using enough weight.... you definitely got to do EDT as it was made. high reps do not burn fat and do not increase your metabolic rate.



    I already am using a 40 lb barbell.


    How much higher do I have to go and not die?

  9. Those two or you do the same amount of work you previously did in a shorter amount of time.



    Got that ... in a way thats whats been happening to me.


    When I do my circuit -- I do three sets of 20 each exercise and it used to take me an hour to do that ... now I notice a decrease in time down to 45 minutes.


    Is that, in a manner of speaking, EDT?

  10. Houston has a lot of good gyms...


    Now, maybe you can do a research on Escalating Density Training and then ask questions after...


    this will surely kick your cardio habits



    Simply put EDT means doing more reps with a heavier weight given a certain amount of time each time you work out.


    If so, would it work then if I took my current program and did increasing weights / increasing reps and dividing my work out into the time zones of 15 minutes each? Taking it forward it would mean that each time I work out, I do either more reps or use more weight in that 15 minute zone?


    Am I understanding all this and interpreting it correctly???


    Im confused.

  11. At 5'6, my 38C breasts may be considered proportional to my height. However, it's hard to be active with my boobs bouncin around.. In the gym... playing sports... etc. My mom's askin what I want for my 21 birthday which will be 2 months from now... I'm seriously thinking about getting a breast lift. I think they're too heavy thats why they are not as perky as the breasts of other girls my age. I want to change that.


    Any medical experts around who can enlighten me about the procedure? How do they actually do it? How long is the preparation/recovery time? How much would it cost?




    I think its breast reduction surgery you want not a lift... I could be wrong though but ...


    I have an aunt who had one because she had HUGE breasts and it was affecting her posture and giving her backpains.


    She had it done here in the US and she says it was literally, a load of her chest.

  12. another follow up question? why is it bad to drink COLD water? i thought ICE COLD WATER is better since it will require more energy/calories for the stomach to somehow process it. i apologize if i dont know the correct term. but all my life, I was thought that water is good for people on a diet. and cold water is better too according to some article i read at www.bodybuilding.com


    Di ako nakatiis, I asked my trainer this. He said cold water is better since you expend more calories processing it -- to get it to body temp and all that.



  13. not sure but personally, i think it's a myth.


    there are times (many times actually) that i lie in bed after eating... till i doze off. i know it's bad but doing so did not, in any way, made me fatter. i hope it did but sadly, it didn't.



    It's a myth. It all depends on one's rate of metabolism.



    I thought so too... I just wanted to be really, really sure before saying anything....


    Thanks wb and transcience. ;)

  14. Where are you exactly? Perhaps if you can find a decent gym we can help you out





    I do go to a gym. Had programs made up for me by a trainer.


    I have to get over my cardio addiction methinks.


    Id be very, very grateful for all the advice, help, suggestions you can give me. :)

  15. Pirates of the Carribbean is Keira Knightley's film and theres no doubting it. She was hot in that movie.


    The movie had a rather slow start but it picked up pretty quick ... the action was good, the twists were surprising and quite excellent. Watching it didnt feel like a ripoff since it was packed to the seams with the stuff that all the Pirates movies were made off - sassy remarks, surprising cameos, swashbuckling action and all that.


    This movie aims to entertain - and it succeeded. In a grand, big way. It makes no pretensions of being an art film or wanting to change peoples lives or sending a strong message about something. It just wants to tell you a story (that has major holes in it, mind you), give the audience some laughs and just altogether, take everyone on a rollercoaster ride.


    The last touch of the "surprise ending" was pretty cute too. :wub:


    Methinks there will be a 4th movie .... The Fountain of Youth anyone? ;)

  16. Just seeing that made my eyes sore... Keep your cardio workouts to a minimum... if you are on a good strength training program, you'll lose fat without even having to do more cardio


    Women are suckers for cardio.


    My strength training program is pretty solid and I think its working but I guess I do all that cardio because I enjoy it :P


    Im trying to cut back. Promise. :)


    My comment on this from my own personal experience... I used to train 6 days a week but found out my body responded better with lesser work out days. Everybody should watch out for overtraining the body can only take so much and sometimes injuries will take its toll. Workout is just one of the pillars of good health, we tend to forget the other 2, Rest and Diet. Also try to get into a program/schedule that you can maintain for years and not only weeks or a few months. Unless you have really lots of time its hard to maintain a 6 day work out schedule consistently. I think a 3-4 day work out schedule is ideal for non-athletes. Mix up your training with cardio and weights, engage in an outdoor sport to add variations.



    Im cutting it down to 5 days ...gradual decrese parang addiction... and since its summertime already I can go back to riding the bike outdoors...


    My diet is pretty much okay ... I think im having a problem with the REST part. :D


    Thanks :)

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