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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. How is your progress as of late?



    Last year was a pretty good year for me -- lost some weight too but whats important is I gained muscle weight.


    Ive toned my legs and arms a lot. I can see some definition in my abs but its not a 6 or a 4 pack. Theyre still 2 little pandesals. LOL!


    I had to stop working out for 2 wks in January because I got sick ... decided to get back into working out slowly and am now back into the groove of things.


    Ill probably go back to the 5x5 by summertime... I just cannot force myself to do it during winter.


    And yes -- less cardio works.

  2. That's the thing. You are already overtraining yourself and your body is breaking down.


    As i have been telling you, you can't expect overnight changes. These things take time and only will you see results if you stay consistent.


    Learned that the hard way ... got consistently sick when I was working 2.5 hours a day.


    Because of that, I was eating a bit more in the hopes of keeping my strenght up.


    Scaled it back, felt healthier, started to eat better and lost weight.


    Now im working on toning and building more muscle.

  3. I thought of something, and I need your advice. What are the negative affects of eating nothing except oatmeal? To be more specific, Qaker Oats is the brand of oatmeal I plan to consume. Any thoughts?



    Think Balanced Diet.


    Your body will need not only fiber/carbs but protein and some amount of healthy fat as well.


    Eating nothing but oatmeal will not be healthy in the long run because your body will not get all the nutrients it needs.

  4. as for abs training, you dont need to perform a lot of reps. quality over quantity. our abs are muscles too, hence, they work the same way with other muscles. if you are performing a lot of reps, that means your ab muscles arent getting worked out since they can easily work the reps out. instead of doing a lof of reps, try decreasing the repititions you perform but make sure you work the abs intensely either by performing the reps slowly or by adding resistance from cables or plates. you also dont need to exercise the abs everyday since all muscle groups need a day or two to rest.



    I agree with this. While diet and exercise are key to keeping weight down and building muscle, it doesnt hurt to work out our abs thru abdominal exercises.


    The trainers at my gym say that you only need to work your Ab muscles out for 6.5 - 10 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week in order to shape/sculpt them. That means not as many reps but the reps have to be quality reps. By quality reps, that means you do the full range of motion -- from flexion to extension.


    You also should do not only regular crunches but oblique crunches as well. You also need to do leg lifts / leg extensions to target the tough to sculpt lower abs.


    I have begun using a small, rubber fitness ball. I just purchased a regular, rubber fitness ball thats around 9 inches wide and partially inflated it. I put this ball at my back or at my side while im doing my crunches/sit ups. I find that this helps me achieve the full range of motion as well as cushions my back so that it doesnt hurt.


    I got that idea from the Bender Ball infomercial. I just got a generic, rubber fitness ball instead of the Bender ball since there were so many bad reviews about the way that the Bender ball people cheat their customers by sending them multiple balls or enrolling them to receive regular DVD shipments.


    Check YouTube out for Abs Exercise videos - there are a ton of them out there. Try them out and choose the ones that you think will work best for you.

  5. Tips on getting the most out of filling up your gas tank:


    1. Fill up your car or truck in the morning when the temperature is still cool. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground; and the colder the ground, the denser the gasoline. When it gets warmer gasoline expands, so if you're filling up in the afternoon or in the evening, what should be a gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and temperature of the fuel (gasoline,diesel, jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products) are significant. Every truckload that we load is temperature-compensated so that the indicated gallon gage is actually the amount pumped. A one-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for businesses, but service stations don't have temperature compensation at their pumps.


    2. If a tanker truck is filling the station's tank at the time you want to buy gas, do not fill up; most likely dirt and sludge in the tank is being stirred up when gas is being delivered, and you might be transferring that dirt from the bottom of their tank into your car's tank.


    3. Fill up when your gas tank is half-full (or half-empty), because the more gas you have in your tank the less air there is and gasoline evaporates rapidly, especially when it's warm. (Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating 'roof'membrane to act as a barrier between the gas and the atmosphere, thereby minimizing evaporation.)


    4. If you look at the trigger you'll see that it has three delivery settings: slow, medium and high. When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to the high setting. You should be pumping at the slow setting,thereby minimizing vapors created while you are pumping. Hoses at the pump are corrugated; the corrugations act as a return path for vapor recovery from gas that already has been metered. If you are pumping at the high setting, the agitated gasoline contains more vapor, which is being sucked back into the underground tank, so you're getting less gas for your money. Hope this will help ease your 'pain at the pump

  6. oh those are actually great grabs! :thumbsupsmiley:

    at least they're all practical!


    i tend to buy a lot of crap that i dont really need. dang. :(



    Thanks ... I kinda felt good bout my buys too ... at least I can see something tangible .... and not just the usual clothes and stuff I get.


    But today is CyberMonday and I bought 5 cross stitch kits online ... free shipping, couldnt resist!




    I never thought id reach a point of such irritation with you that id actually write out how I saw you.


    I know you have angst and issues and I tried to be there for you .... but for what its worth, you started this seeming "distance" between us - you and your "intelligent chatmates".


    See there lies the difference. I may not be a genius compared to other people you chat with but ... I go beyond being a chatmate. Im a friend. Oh let me correct that I WAS a friend.


    But you got busy with the intelligent ones... and forgot that you had a friend in the sidelines... and when you remembered, you wanted a grand reception? You wanted the fun and fanfare?


    I may not be THAT intelligent but im also not a fake. The reaction you got is the reaction you deserved.


    So. Quit your snide remarks about respect. YOU have to learn the meaning of the word respect before you can even use it in a sentence, much less expect it from other people.


    The angst is getting old. Seriously.



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