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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. No, live-in lang kami for 2 years and 2 months na.



    If youve lived together that long, I will work on the assumption that you have been in a relationship with this guy a little bit longer than that.



    At that point, id think that sex is not all there is to your relationship.



    While I will acknowledge that they physical expression of ones love for the other person is very important in any relationship, I also believe that you need to be a bit more tolerant and understanding of his current situation. Starting a business (or even work for that matter) is not easy.



    Ask him whats wrong. Ask him about his business. Ask him what makes it difficult. Show an interest in what is going on in his life.



    At its best, he could just be totally engrossed in his business and preparing for your future life together.



    At its worst though, be prepared that there might be someone else and that your relationship is about to end and that is the reason why he wont have sex with you.



    But dont fret or get upset that you dont get sex - not without knowing why or understanding the circumstances surrounding the situation.



  2. Dear so-called IT dude:


    So there, I did your work for you already.


    Let me tell you, carting this goddarned heavy iMac from the parking lot into the Apple Store inside the freakin mall was no fun.


    Especially since my shoulder is still sore.


    So thanks. If you were smart enough to know that you needed to UNINSTALL before you can REINSTALL --- then I should have been spared from what I had to do today.


    Now im thinking, maybe I should be the IT Dude. :lol:


    Happy Thanksgiving!




    Logistics Girl aka Little Slave


    Disturb us, O Lord,

    when we are too well-pleased with ourselves when our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little, because we sailed too close to the shore.


    Disturb us, O Lord,

    when with the abundance of things we possess, we have lost our thirst for the water of life when, having fallen in love with time, we have ceased to dream of eternity and in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of Heaven to grow dim.


    Stir us, O Lord,

    to dare more boldly, to venture into wider seas where storms show Thy mastery, where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.

  4. Last night Artest was given a technical for doing NOTHING.



    In the instant replay, it was sooo clear that he was just leading Yao away from a pack of Dallas players.



    But he got the technical anyway. Tsk.

  5. Teka, may nakaisip na ba kung saang division mapupunta ang made-demote?

    Like, who goes to East and who goes to West.

    For example, worst record goes to West; second-worst to East.




    Should it make a difference?



    To say that worst record goes to West/second worst to East presupposes that the better fantasy players are in D League East and the bottom of the barrel players are in D League West.



    But then again, if that is the logic behind the East / West groupings, then perhaps your proposed assignment scheme will work.






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