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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. OT: Pasenya na.


    What happened to the previous posts? I don't think a lot of them were THAT OT. Thanks mods. Keep up the good work.



    The thread had gotten past the requisite number of pages. When that happens we archive and make a new one...


    Rather than make a new one, I merged several medical queries threads in this section that were not being given attention and renamed it The Medical Thread.


    I hope there was no sarcasm on your part when you said Keep up the good work up there. :blink:

  2. The Simpson's movie is a must watch ... if only to see Marge in that sexy outfit of hers... :lol: Seriously though, whats not to like about this movie? It makes no pretensions about what it is and what it aims to do. Its a fun, funny movie that pokes fun in the most mundane of things.


    The humor is ascerbic and crude - whats not to like about that? It did not stray far from the tried and tested formula that made The Simpsons one of the longest running TV shows of all time.


    Plus... who can resist Spider Pig aka Harry Plopper? :D


    Watch it. Guffaw. Laugh out loud. Burp if you have to. Just watch it.

  3. Ako me tanong.


    1 - Pede makipagkilala?


    Ngayong magkakilala na tayo...


    2 - Ano opinyon mo tungkol sa paggamit ng Sprite at Gaas?


    3 - Nakagamit ka na ba ng Sprite at Gaas?


    4 - Saan at kanino mo ito ginamit?


    Yun lang po, salamat.

  4. Over the weekend


    1 pair of laceless slipons - Converse

    1 pair of black graphic slipons - Converse

    3 tank tops - Gap

    2 scoopneck shirts - BR

    1 blue and white striped miniskirt - Gap

    1 pair of weekend shorts - Gap

    2 workout tshirts - Target

    1 canvas hobo - Gap

  5. This particular piece of children's poetry was the first poem I ever liked... It still gives me comfort until now, especially during the rare times when sleep eludes me.


    Wynken, Blynken and Nod

    Eugene Field


    Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night

    Sailed off in a wooden shoe---

    Sailed on a river of crystal light,

    Into a sea of dew.

    "Where are you going, and what do you wish?"

    The old moon asked the three.

    "We have come to fish for the herring fish

    That live in this beautiful sea;

    Nets of silver and gold have we!"

    Said Wynken,


    And Nod.


    The old moon laughed and sang a song,

    As they rocked in the wooden shoe,

    And the wind that sped them all night long

    Ruffled the waves of dew.

    The little stars were the herring fish

    That lived in that beautiful sea---

    "Now cast your nets wherever you wish---

    Never afeard are we";

    So cried the stars to the fishermen three:



    And Nod.


    All night long their nets they threw

    To the stars in the twinkling foam---

    Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe,

    Bringing the fishermen home;

    'T was all so pretty a sail it seemed

    As if it could not be,

    And some folks thought 't was a dream they 'd dreamed

    Of sailing that beautiful sea---

    But I shall name you the fishermen three:



    And Nod.


    Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes,

    And Nod is a little head,

    And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies

    Is a wee one's trundle-bed.

    So shut your eyes while mother sings

    Of wonderful sights that be,

    And you shall see the beautiful things

    As you rock in the misty sea,

    Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three:



    And Nod.




  6. Last Friday we saw two movies - Transformers and Ratatouille.


    Suffice it to say I loved the Transformers: I have always loved the cartoon series, the movie was awe-f#&king-some! But no I wont rave about that anymore ... Too many raves given to an undeniably great movie already ...


    I will however, rave about Ratatouille. It was my unexpected treat that night and to my mind, the best movie I have seen in months. I have not been so enchanted, amused and drawn to a movie since I saw Pan's Labyrinth and Volver.


    Its a deceptively simple story really. A garbage boy who just wants to hold down a job but cant; a rat who wants to be a chef but cant. Thrown together, they made their dreams happen. The way that the story developed was very smooth. The transition from one subplot to another was handled with grace and finesse. Somehow, the guys over at Pixar managed to make the ickiest of creatures endearing -- Remy and his part snobbish part wistful air; his brother who is always hungry and who keeps bringing more and more people for Remy to feed and his dad who comes across as the typical dad: tough but with an unexpected sweet side that means he will never, ever turn his back on his son.


    Linguini as the garbage boy turned chef turned restaurateur was also a sympathetic character. One cannot help but feel sorry for him and his inability to hold down a job. We cant help but cheer when he and Remy finally get their act together; cant help but swoon when Remy and Colette finally kiss.


    Even the bad guys are amusing - Skinner with his avarice and Anton Ego, who in the end turns out to be quite human after all.


    Ratatoiulle is more than just a cartoon ... both Remy and Linguini have to make choices between what they want to be and what they think they can achieve. Remy in the end, comes to realize that one does not turn his back on family ... and Linquini comes to terms with his own heritage as well. It also puts forth the learning that we always have to be accountable for our actions and decisions; and that to attain what we truly want, we sometimes have to give up what we think we need.


    Technically - the film is flawless. It conjures up images of the classic Disney cartoons - think Snow White and Cinderella. The entire movie is able to evoke a lush feeling of Parisian grandeur in one scene and in another, totally gross us out with a platoon of rodents cooking away at a kitchen. One actually senses just how hot and hectic it can get in a 5star restaurant's kitchen; one can almost smell and taste the food that they have just made. Pixar's strength really lies in putting forth feelings through their animation and they have done a superb job of doing that in this movie. I love that they are able to combine simplicity and sophistication in this film and come up with something that is sublime.


    In the end, my biggest take away from this movie came from Anton Ego when he said: "Not everyone can be a great artist... but a great artist can come from anywhere".


    Being what we want to be is possible - it just takes hard work and faith in oneself.



  7. Every College graduate in the Philippines is advised to take masters. College graduates in the Philippines is only comparable to undergrad in India. Masters grad in the Philippines is only comparable to College grads in India.



    While that portion of your post may be relevant to you ... I dont think it should influence the decision of people to take masteral studies in any way. Im guessing India is a comparator country to you in terms of education because you are in the Engineering field... that might not be a good comparator country for someone who is in another field, say Management or Medicine and its allied professions.


    I live and work in the US. Here in the US, my undergraduate degree from the UP and my masters degree from DLSU were both given full credit and equivalence.


    The decision to take masteral studies should be made in terms of the person's career goals and the job market he or she competes in.



  8. Nothing expensive... Just some basics for the summer...


    2 Print Skirts - one w/ white/brown prints and the other w/ black/beige prints; from Ann Taylor Loft (on sale)


    2 Waffle Knit Tops - one in black and one in white; Ann Taylor Loft (on clearance)


    A pair of brown slides - got `em from Macy's but I forget the brand


    8 pieces of small Scharffen Berger Milk Chocolates


    Assorted toiletries (for friends not for me) from Bath and Body Works


    A pair of Nike sneakers - used a GC I got for my birthday


    A pair of flipflops


    2 pairs of undies (somehow when I shop I always end up getting some)


  9. I have been so good about not buying new shoes but ... I had a gift certificate that I had to use since it expires on 07/17.


    Here is my new pair ... picked em up yesterday.


    Not for serious training ... but for extreme kikayness... :D


  10. whats that/ have no idea..hehehe..



    Its an ingredient in asthma medicine. Its said to have slimming properties but its not proven.


    Neither is it FDA approved. In short - its an illegal substance when used to reduce weight.


    In animals its supposed to induce weight gain but its again, a banned substance.


    Google is a good friend; use it.


  11. ^ Recommended daily allowance for milk and milk products is 3 8 ounce servings in a day.


    According to medical studies, more than that and youre body will have a hard time metabolizing it.


    Too much milk will also give you constipation.


    If youre not drinking totally fat free milk then it will increase your intake of saturated fats that lead to heart disease.


    In men, certain studies show a relationship between excessive milk intake and prostate cancer.


    Actually, the sugar content of milk should be the least of your concerns.

  12. guys, any idea on the range of sugar in terms of grams we should consume in a day? kc malakas ako sa skim milk.. nakaka 1 liter ako per day...ang sugar content nun ay 10grams per serving..a liter of it is about 5 servings..ok lang kaya un na 50grams of sugar in a a day or too much? malaki ba ang magiging effect nun sa pag improve/succeed ng abs ko? gsto k kc lumabas ang abs ko..kaya strict diet ako sa ibang foods pero sa milk hnd..tnx



    Recommended daily allowance for milk and milk products is 3 8 ounce servings in a day.


    According to medical studies, more than that and youre body will have a hard time metabolizing it.


    Too much milk will also give you constipation.


    If youre not drinking totally fat free milk then it will increase your intake of saturated fats that lead to heart disease.


    In men, certain studies show a relationship between excessive milk intake and prostate cancer.


    Actually, the sugar content of milk should be the least of your concerns.

  13. thanks for the advice guys. tanong ko lang. is it worth it na bumili nung new york city pass? 65 dollars for 6 sights, including Empire State Building Observatory, MoMa, Met and Circle Line Cruise. Anyone who has tried getting this pass?


    If you really want to see those sights then the pass is a good deal... Entrance tickets to the Met and the MOMA alone are $20 for adults already ....


    But if you only want to see one of those six sights then just pay the single entrance and save the rest of your $65 for food... NYC is a foodie paradise after all.

  14. Did NY last year - lightning quick trip though.


    Catch a Broadway show. Fall in line early at the TKTS booth to get discounted tix. What you get to see, though, will depend on what tix are available.


    Walk. Thats the easiest way to see the sights -- just wander around. Ogle at the shops. Walk in the Parks. Take lotsa pics. Times Square at night for me was the ultimate tourist-y thing to do - be sure to take a pic of that famous fork in the road.


    Drink lots of water and make sure you wear comfy shoes.


    Oh .. and dont carry a heavy bag. That will wear you out.


  15. ...you have made me feel unsafe in your presence. that is why i have chosen to withdraw.


    dont pressure me to find any answers - that will make me less likely to find them.


    dont force me to be something im not - that will make me more likely to be something you wouldnt like.


    there. i have said it as simply and as plainly as possible.


    in the end, what was disappointing is ... these are things you should have known. should have known for a long time now.


    and you dont. maybe you never did.


  16. dear mr tobi...


    you didnt tell me that the kid escaped from the padded cell.

    if you need help reining the kid in please let us know immediately.

    the proliferation of nuts in the area has reached alarming proportions yet again.





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