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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. Sara ko na tong thread na to! :grr:


    LOL joke lang. But im really, really disappointed.


    This always happens - they always fold during crunchtime.


    I swear di ako kakain sa resto ni Yao for a year. :cry:

  2. Signals that will make me say "See Ya!" in a heartbeat:


    1. She doesn't offer to pay for the bill after the 2nd or 3rd date. Naturally, I would insist in paying, but a woman who expects everything to be shouldered by the boyfriend/hubby... That's not your reflection in her eyes, those are $ signs.


    2. She's an ex-gf of someone I know, or she has a reputation for being easy. These kinds of girls are good for ONS, SEBS, and FUBUs. Trying to turn this into a serious relationship is like buying a 767 for the peanuts.


    3. Parents are divorced / seperated. Not to generalize, but based on experience, all the girls I've met who's got this kind of family situation always has some personality issues or stigmas. It's like hitting myself in the head with a hammer.



    I agree on points 1 and 2... on point 3 however... it can also happen that because the lady came from a broken family, she will try harder to make the relationship work... That can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on the extreme it is taken to.


    For me ... if I were a guy, I would avoid women who are dense and slow on the uptake... I doubt if I would have the patience to explain things over and over to a woman like this so ... for her sanity and mine (more mine than anything else), ill just stay away.



  3. Gatorade mixed with water 50/50 solution...good for outdoor and high altitude activities...field tested.



    Hey this is exactly what I do ... by itself I find Gatorade a bit too sweet/salty and makes me thirstier..


    So what I do is I fill my water bottle halfway with Gatorade, freeze it. Then right before I head out, I fill it with cold water. By the time I arrive to where im going to ride or work out, its chilled to a perfect temperature and the ice crystals have all but melted.


    Not only does it quench your thirst perfectly, it also effectively cuts the calories in Gatorade by half.






    Pero when I was younger, we had this retired US army trainer ... he gave us an ice cold homemade juice (ie. fruit juice with some salt and sugar) before and during a basketball game ... it tastes odd ... but it's really refreshing :)


    Essentially, thats what Gatorade is (less some of the food colorings and chemicals they add)... the salt acts to replace the salt your body loses thru sweat.


    The Song of Despair

    Pablo Neruda


    You swallowed everything, like distance.

    Like the sea, like time.

    In you everything sank!

    It was the happy hour of assault and the kiss.

    The hour of the spell that blazed like a lighthouse.

    Pilot's dread, fury of a blind diver,

    turbulent drunkenness of love,

    in you everything sank!



  5. Wahhh talooooo :cry:


    Kainis ha. Kainis talaga.


    Sa Sabado ulet. They better win ... kundi pag nakita ko si Yao around town, papatirin ko sya talaga.




    baka may magtaka na naman baket ako nanonood ng NBA ha... :rolleyes:

  6. lolololololol


    I guess it wasnt me who was dense and slow on the uptake huh? :rolleyes:


    Will you still love me if I'm a hunchback with beady eyes?


    Sure, as long as you :heart: me even if im pasan ko ang daigdig literally ... :P


    Will you still :heart: me even if im masungit at times? :grr:

  7. Quick Q... well 2 of them...


    Are leave conversions taxable? and...


    Whats the latest date that your Tax Refund could be released?



    In the Philippines income is Annualized - what that means is all your earnings are added up, then a standard exemption (deduction) is applied - this depends on whether you are Single, Head of the Family (number of dependents are also considered) or Married (whether you claim for your children as your dependents would matter too). The amount of tax already withheld from your monthly paycheck will also be deducted from said amount.


    The amount that remains after the deduction and the tax you have already paid is applied will be your Annual Taxable Income - this is the one that will be taxed based on a tax table provided by the BIR.


    Release of Tax Refunds will depend on the policy of the company you work for. Where I used to work, we made it a practice that all Tax Refunds be released before the last day for filing of Income Taxes - I suggest you ask HR about this one.

  8. A tad OT.


    I used to do yoga and power yoga in my old sosyalan gym. The problem with "regular" yoga is that it helps with relaxation and all but nothing much for developing the physique, especially in males. With "power" yoga, well I guess if you watch what you eat and do your resistance training, it would be a good adjunct as it really hits your core.


    Makes me wonder where you can do beginner classes for power yoga. Or how that Bikram Yoga thing goes... although it seems a bit faddish, the current t** Bo or Pilates. I think I'd rather start Capoeira... lots of core development there as well.



    I do Yoga regularly, both the Power and Regular kind, and what I noticed is that I developed my lower body strength after doing this.


    As in definition in the thighs and legs.


    It also gives you good core development. Bikram Yoga is just yoga done in 100F degree heat... Im not too excited bout that ...


    Pilates on the other hand - rocks! It develops muscles by lengthening and them... so you get definition and strength as well.


    I wouldnt just do yoga or pilates though, id still combine it with cardio and resistance training. This just rounds things up quite nicely ... and gives a good stretch after a hard workout.

  9. Unidimensionalerite:


    I am amazed at how unidimensional you are.


    I am even more amazed that you cannot understand the fact that not all people are as unidimensional as you.


    You find it so difficult to comprehend wide and varied interests because ... you dont have any wide and varied interests.


    But wait...that should not surprise me as you have this penchant for starting on things but not having enough character to see them through - look at all your "abandoned projects..."


    That is such a pity.




  10. skinny jeans doesn't look good on me. i'll still go for the straight cut or bootleg/flare type.



    Someone gave me my first pair of skinny jeans yesterday...


    I havent worn `em yet... she says they look good on me.


    Jury's still out on that one ... I find them too tight :lol: I guess they are supposed to be tight...

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