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Posts posted by tempest21



    Teddy Long started the show in the ring, no pyro. He announced a series of matches to determine Team Smackdown for Bragging Rights.


    Undertaker was shown standing on the outside of the arena up on the edge of the Rose Garden. Paul Bearer will have a challenge for Taker tonight.


    1. Rey Mysterio defeated Cody Rhodes to earn a spot on Team Smackdown. Rey won with the 619 and springboard splash. Rey will join Big Show on Team Smackdown.


    Big Show, Hornswoggle, and Kaval were involved in a backstage segment. Kaval wants on Team Smackdown. Show says he can join if he defeats him tonight.


    Paul Bearer talked for a while, alluding to a buried alive match.


    2. Jack Swagger (w/Eagle) defeated MVP to earn a spot on Team Smackdown. Big Show sat in on commentary. Swagger won via tap out by ankle lock in a very short match. The Eagle was thrown into Michael Cole's lap.


    Undertaker was shown outside up on the roof of the arena again as we go to commercial. WWE China footage was shown while pyro mats were laid out on the stage.


    Big Show was still on commentary.


    3. Alberto Del Rio defeated Chris Masters to earn a spot on Team Smackdown.
Del Rio won via tap out after the armbar.


    4. Edge defeated Dolph Ziggler to earn a sot on Team Smackdown. Edge picks up the win after spearing Ziggler as he came off the top rope. Big Show remained on commentary.


    Undertaker was shown up on the roof again, overlooking the city of Portland.


    5. Kaval survived a five-minute challenge with Big Show to earn a spot on Team Smackdown. Kaval had to last five minutes to win the spot on Team Smackdown. Kaval survived the five minutes, but just barely, as he was up in chokeslam position as the timer ran out.


    Tyler Recks came out while Kaval was still in the ring, and challenged him to a match to take his spot on Team Smackdown. Teddy Long said no, but Kaval accepted, so Teddy made it official.


    6. Tyler Reks defeated Kaval to take his spot on Team Smackdown. Reks dominated and won with a modified torture rack/FU type move and takes Kaval's spot on Team Smackdown.


    Drew McIntyre comes to the ring. Dashing Cody teaches us how to maintain fingernails.


    7. Kofi Kingston defeated Drew McIntyre to win the final spot on Team Smackdown. Kingston won a short match after the Trouble in Paradise kick to become Team Smackdown as the final member.


    Taker finally was off the roof and was shown in the backstage hallway with eerie purple lighting.


    Kane and Paul Bearer came to the ring for a promo to talk about Undertaker's many failures.



    Kane mentioned the buried alive match. There was a BIG Undertaker chant. Taker's music hit. He came down for a face off with Kane. Paul freaked out and Taker went to town on Kane. Kane and Paul ran up the ramp, Taker got a surge of energy and columns of fire burst from the ring posts like Kane's pyro. Kane and Paul go up to the stage and Taker fired down lightning on them.


    I think the show ended here, but Kane came back down with the urn and fought Taker for a couple minutes until he ran off, leaving Taker in the ring alone with the urn. Taker eventually posed with the urn and left. No street fight (as advertised), but a fun show.

  2. You can officially pencil in the team captains for the Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown showdown at the upcoming WWE "Bragging Rights" pay-per view.


    Heading up Team Raw will be an "awesome" captain, as The Miz will lead the pack.


    Topping the ladder for the Smackdown side will be The Big Show.



  3. dude tignan mo naman ung muscle definition nya ang oa..kung natural un di un ganun kalaki


    dude, kung dedicated body builder ka, chances are ganun ang katawan mo. im sure you know the wellness policy of wwe, if he's really using steroid, how come he was not mentioned or suspended? we all know that wwe is very strict when it comes to drugs.

  4. Lashley, who just returned to pro wrestling over the weekend in Japan, was the victim of dehydration and lost in his recent Strikeforce outing, putting a huge dent in Strikeforce's plans to match Lashley against fellow former WWE headliner Dave "Batista" Bautista. Now Lashley finds himself without any leverage in Strikeforce, and as far away from a headline fight against either Fedor Emelianenko or Strikeforce Champion Alistair Overeem as he has ever been. Lashley, who many dubbed the next Brock Lesnar in MMA, has seen his mixed martial arts career fizzle out since his crushing defeat, and is said to be entertaining the idea of going back to WWE or TNA, with WWE being his first choice due to the higher profile and bigger money paid by the organization.

  5. Spoilers: WWE SmackDown Tapings - 9/24/2010


    - Thanks to reader Jason D. for text-messaging us live updates from tonight's WWE TV tapings in Bloomington, Illinois at the US Cellular Coliseum.


    Dark Match:


    * Tyler Reks defeated an unknown wrestler. This guy may have been from FCW or something.


    SmackDown, Airing This Friday:


    * Kane defeats Chris Masters in a non-title match for the opener. Kane wins the match after a Tombstone. Actually a good match. Kane cut a promo on Undertaker after the match and has a challenge for Taker tonight that he can't refuse.


    * Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre beat The Hart Dynasty in a non-title match. McIntyre gets the win with the Futureshock DDT on Tyson Kidd.


    * Backstage with CM Punk and Luke Gallows as Gallows takes out Punk. Punk vs. Gallows is announced for later tonight.


    * Alberto Del Rio attacks Christian backstage and injures his shoulder.


    * Chavo Guerrero beats Kaval with the Frogsplash. Very good match, not sure how it will play out on TV but it was the best of the night so far.


    * Alberto Del Rio comes out and replays his attack on Rey Mysterio. Mysterio will return to SmackDown next week for a match with Del Rio. Christian comes out but Del Rio ends up making him tap out. Del Rio further injures Christian's arm on the ring post.


    * Big Show beat Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer in a squash.


    * Backstage interview with Jack Swagger. Hornswoggle and Croft/Baretta put his jersey in a moving box for SyFy.


    * CM Punk defeats Luke Gallows with the GTS.


    * MVP defeats Dolph Ziggler by count out in a non-title match. Kaitlyn and Vickie came out with Ziggler and ended up fighting at ringside. Vickie and Kaitlyn leave and Dolph leaves the ring himself to be counted out.


    * Kane comes out to cut a promo on Undertaker. He says the fun has just started and he wants a match at Hell in a Cell. Druids bring a casket to ringside. Kane opens it up and Paul Bearer sits up. The lights go out and when they come on Taker is in the ring. They brawl and Taker gets the upperhand. Kane leaves and Taker kneels to Bearer to end the show.

  6. WWE Raw Results Set to air on 9/27/10:


    *Daniel Bryan and John Morrison lost to Alex Riley and The Miz in the opener. Daniel Bryan vs. Miz for the US Title in a Falls Count Anywhere Match is made for Hell in a Cell.


    * A Divas Battle Royal to determine a new #1 contender to Michelle McCool is up next.


    * Natalya defeated all the other Divas in a Battle Royal to become the new #1 contender to the Unified Divas Championship held by Michelle McCool.


    * Sheamus comes out for an open challenge that is answered by The Great Khali. Khali won via disqualification after Sheamus threw a chair.


    * The Cutting Edge with Edge is up next. His guest will be the anonymous RAW General Manager.


    * John Cena defeated Edge.


    * Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater beat Mark Henry and Evan Bourne.


    * Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre successfully defend the WWE Tag Team Titles against The Hart Dynasty.


    * Randy Orton defeated Chris Jericho. Orton punted Jericho in the head after the match. They took Jericho out on a stretcher in an injury angle.





  7. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b4/Hell_in_a_Cell_%282010%29.jpg/200px-Hell_in_a_Cell_%282010%29.jpg








    WWE's next ppv poster

  8. The way I read comments on this thread, Just one question........is this professional wrestling true? or scripted? Then why the excitement over the results of every match? Nagtatanong lang po.



    in my opinion

    the stories are scripted but some of the wrestling maneuvers are true, you can see it on tv

    the stories behind it gives the excitement to die hard wrestling fan like me.

  9. Taker and Punk both cut promos


    Jack Swagger vs. MVP – Winner via submission Jack Swagger with an ankle lock


    Laycool and Kaval segment in back


    Alberto del Rio vs. Matt Hardy – winner via submission with arm bar


    Drew McIntyre vs. Kaval winner Drew McIntyre via Future Shock DDT


    DASHING Cody Rhodes with grooming tips


    Vickie and Caitlyn segment in the ring


    Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero vs. Kofi Kingston and Chris Masters- winner Kingston and Masters via Trouble in Paradise


    CM Punk vs. Undertaker – winner Taker via the Hell’s Gate


    Show ends with Kanes pyro and laughter









    had a dinner last night with my 2 highschool classmates, i decided to try one of the most talked about restaurant in chinatown, upon arriving already saw 2-3 tables of customers ordering their specialty, the SINCERITY FRIED CHICKEN.


    we ordered for a SWEET AND SOUR PORK ,1 WHOLE SINCERITY FRIED CHICKEN ,OYSTER CAKE AND 3 SHANGHAI FRIED RICE with 1 Pepsi Light and 1 Black Gulaman. im not good in giving descriptions but the chicken here is one of the best, juicy na yummy pa,hindi pa nga namin naubus un chicken, well, may naiwan na dalawang pakpak hehehe,


    I didn't like the taste of their sweet and sour pork, kulang sa tamis at konti ang laman as you can see in the picture, the oyster cake is not bad , pero hindi na ko masyado naka kain since matakaw un kaibigan ko jan at siya umubus ng kalahati hehehe. wala masyadong lasa un shanghai fried rice niya but we had no choice but to eat it coz we were all hungry na haha




    3 ulam + 3 kanin + 2 beverages = P870


    overall rating is 9/10

  11. WWE Smackdown Result For This Week





    Rey Mysterio started off the show by telling us that he was happy his name was cleared in the situation with Kane and he also said he was glad he didn't end up in a casket. As he was talking Alberto Del Rio, (who from what I understand was making his smackdown debut) came out and started talking trash to Rey Mysterio saying things along the lines like he was from a royal family and that he was better then Rey. Rey said if he felt he was better than him maybe they should have a match later on in the night. Alberto accepted and said that Rey was a peasant. Rey then slapped him in the face and hit him with the 619 to end the segment.

    Intercontinental Title Match: Kofi Kingston d Dolph Ziggler by DQ

    This was a very back and forth math which ended when Vickie Guerrero push Kingston off the top rope, which prompted the ref to call for the bell. After the match Vickie Gurrero distracted Kingston as Ziggler attacked him from behind and then brought him back into the ring and applied his famous sleeper hold.

    The camera cuts to the back where we see Luke Gallows, Serena and a guy whose name escapes me right now arguing about CM Punk abandoning them in their 3 on 1 match with Big Show at Summerslam but Serena said that Punk was just testing them. Punk then walks in and said he saw what the Nexus did on Monday night and he is going to do the same. Luke Gallows and Serena had a mixed tag match with The Big Show and Kelly Kelly and Punk said if they lose they are out of the Straight Edge Society.

    Luke Gallows and Serena d Kelly Kelly and Big Show via pinfall

    This match was by far the most boring match of the night and the live crowd wasn't really into it that much, although the Big Show tried to get us into it but stomping his feet in anger on the ring apron. It ended when Serena performed a back breaker on Kelly Kelly and pinned her for the win. CM Punk was at the top of the ramp to greet Gallows and Serena as the Straight Edge Society celebrated a victory.


    Laycool were then shown in the back talking about how Teddy Long is going to punish them for what they did to Melina at SummerSlam and they said they are sick of Melina crying all the time. They said that instead of Teddy punishing them they have another idea because "They are Fabulous, at first they scream Fabulous but they didn't want Long to hear it so they said it softer, then walked away. The camera panned to the left and we see Hornswoggle hiding in a pot of flowers, he runs away laughing.

    Next up Kane came out to explain why he attacked the Undertaker and left him in a vegetative state. Kane started off by doing his signature evil laugh and then went on to explain that for 15 years he spent time in the Undertaker's shadows, I could barely hear him because the crowd was chanting for the Undertaker so that is all I caught.

    Christian d Drew Mcintyre via pinfall

    This was a pretty entertaining match in which Mcintyre went after the injured shoulder of Christian several times. Christian went for the Killswitch but Mcintyre countered it. The match ended when Christian rolled up Mcintyre for the 1,2,3 and the win. After the match, Cody Rhodes who joined the announcers at the announce table, attacked Christian and left him laying motionless in the ring with the CrossRhodes. Also, during the attack on Christian, MVP and Matt Hardy came down to the ring to try and save Christian but it didn't work as they too were knocked out.

    Another backstage segment occurred when Jack Swagger was yelling about how he begun the summer with the World Heavyweight Title but now he ended the summer by not being involved in Summerslam. He goes on to say that no one respects him and how he was screwed by MVP and he says "are you listening to me" and suddenly we see a girl listening to music and not paying attention to what Swagger was saying. Suddenly MVP appeared and said that Swagger is probably better than him at some things but all he has been doing for the last few weeks in whining and crying. MVP pops off a few jokes and Swagger isn't impressed. Swagger challenges MVP to what he calls a Jack Swagger Invitational and says if he wins he gets to host the VIP lounge but MVP said if he wins Swagger has to pick up the tab on his end of the summer blockbuster party.

    Alberto Del Rio d Rey Mysterio via submission

    Del Rio brought in his own personal ring announcer who introduced Del Rio in Spanish. This match was entertaining and very fun to watch. A lot of 619 chants and a bunch of heat for Del Rio. The match ended when Mysterio jumped from the top rope and Del Rio caught him in an arm bar looking submission to get the win.


    Dark match:

    Triple Threat steel cage match for the World Heavyweight title

    Kane d Jack Swagger and Rey Mysterio via pinfall

    Rey went after both Swagger and Kane and then immediately went to climb the cage but was quickly pulled down by Kane. Kane ended things quickly by hitting a chokeslam on Mysterio and getting the 1, 2, 3 for the win. After the match, as Kane is celebrating his victory the lights go out and we hear a gong and out comes the Undertaker who rushes to the ring and goes immediately after Kane. Swagger attempts to stop him but to no avail as Taker hits the Tombstone pile driver on Kane. The Undertaker celebrates as the ring annoucer thanks us for coming.

    All in all it was a great show and I would definitely recommend for those of you out there who haven't seen a live WWE show they are exciting and you should see one.

    Biggest pops: Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Christian

    Biggest Heat: Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Drew Mcintyre

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