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Posts posted by tempest21

  1. If you're in binondo and you're craving for some MAKI or FRESH LUMPIA, i recommend our favorite lunch place: NEW PO HENG LUMPIA HOUSE.


    it's relatively hard to find, since it's inside a narrow alley. you can just ask bystanders near binondo church. its across REDBOX, you'll have to enter a light blue gate as far as i can remember.. ill update you guys tomorrow.=)


    may 3 branch actually


    one is just beside MXT restaurant in ongpin, 2nd is sa beside ng LUCKY HOTEL sa binondo pero kelangan mo pumasok sa isang bldg to see the restaurant and the 3rd is sa masangkay which is just across St stephen high school and medyo katabe ng mcdonalds

  2. napaka unprofessional naman ni Gail Kim. She was paid to do a show, its her job. She just roll out of the ring even without getting hit in a battle royal. Kun may issue sya sa company, maquit sya ng maayos. I think di na sya makakabalik sa wwe.


    she's one talented diva,to be honest, probably one of the best diva in WWE, you cant blame her for her actions, i think she was tired on how the WWE was treating her, just imagine, 2x na syang bmalik sa WWE pero wala padin syang push na karapat dapat nyang makuha. iilan lang ba sa mga diva ang talagang marunong mag wrestling? beth phoenix, natalya or kharma, in my humble opinion, kelly kelly is one of the most overrated diva in their roster.

  3. the following superstars have been released from their WWE CONTRACT


    1.Chris Masters


    3.Vladimir Kozlov

    4.David Hart Smith


    5.Gail Kim was not released from her contract ,she quit the company this past Monday night, when she eliminated herself, quite controversially, from the Divas Battle Royal on Raw.


    on a side note, expect one or two of these superstars to be employed in TNA, because thats where TNA is good at :lol:


    WWE SmackDown Spoilers for August 5th, 2011

    Dark Match:

    * Wade Barrett beat Colt Cabana

    SmackDown, Airing Friday:

    * Sheamus vs. Mark Henry is announced for SummerSlam and Sheamus vs. The Great Khali is announced for tonight.

    * Sheamus beat The Great Khali.

    * Natalya beat AJ Lee and turned heel.

    * Daniel Bryan debuts a new theme song before facing Tyson Kidd.

    * Zack Ryder brings out WWE Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson but is interrupted by Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Teddy Long interrupts them and announces Ryder vs. Zeke.

    * Ezekiel Jackson beat Zack Ryder.

    * Triple H came out, had the cameras cut off and hit Ryder with a Pedigree.

    * Teddy Long had a new Diva assistant it looks like.

    * Mark Henry squashes Vladimir Kozlov and beats him up until Sheamus makes the save.

    * David Otunga, Michael McGillicutty and JTG beat The Usos and Trent Baretta.

    * Main event time with Randy Orton and John Morrison vs. Christian and R-Truth. Truth and Christian get the win after Christian pins Orton.

  5. before in ICON, it was the JAMIR BROTHERS, now it's the JAMIR SISTERS here every WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS i think.....will check this place out very soon....


    btw, saan pala ok na parking space if i intend to go here???




    greenbelt 3 bro, tapat lang ng palladium yun greenbelt, although medyo mahal nga lang sa parking

  6. there's a reason why sin cara was taken out early during the smackdown money in the bank


    from WWE.com


    Sin Cara (Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde) has been suspended for 30 days due to his first violation of the company's wellness policy.



    natawa ko sa post na to hahaha


    "@WWEUniverse: It's 12:00 a.m. ... Do you know where your WWEChampion is? #MITB @CMPunk" The champ is...here:





  7. wonder if this ties in with either some injury or a movie project...


    i bet its gonna be an angle wherein in the end of it, we will see cena get re-instated. feeling ko lang, punk already re-signed with WWE.














  9. 7/15/2011 wwe smackdown spoiler


    Josh Matthews interviewing Randy Orton opens the show, talking about the match against Christian at Money in the Bank. Christian appears on the big screen and insults Orton's father.


    * Ezekiel Jackson beat Ted DiBiase in an Intercontinental Title match.


    * Backstage segment with Ted DiBiase. Cody Rhodes comes in and hands him a brown paper bag. Cody will give Ted one more chance before he humiliates him in the ring.


    * Cody Rhodes beat Daniel Bryan


    * Teddy Long rules that if Big Show and Mark Henry touch each other tonight when they face off, their PPV match will be canceled.


    Teddy Long tells a referee to warn Mark Henry and Big Show that if there is any physicality between the two when they have a face to face later, their match at the PPV will be canceled.


    * Someone has spray painted Randy Orton's bus backstage in the parking lot. The graffiti insults Teddy Long and Orton. Christian walks up and acts like he's surprised.


    * Sin Cara defeated Sheamus. After the match, Wade Barrett came down and laid Sheamus out.


    * Christian was shown walking around the casino and said he found Orotn's wallet. Christian gambled with some of Orton's money and lost.


    * Teddy Long comes down for the Big Show and Mark Henry face off. Show comes to the ring but Henry stayed on the ramp. They went on the mic and eventually Henry tried to get int he ring but Teddy stopped him.


    * Kelly Kelly beat Rosa Mendes.


    * Backstage vignette with Johnny Curtis.


    * Justin Gabriel beat Heath Slater with the 450.


    * Kane beat Randy Orton in the main event via count out. Orton ended up getting knocked to the floor and Christian came to ringside. Orton chased Christian and was counted out. After the match, Orton hit the RKO on Kane but got speared by Christian. Christian grabbed a chair but Orton took it from him. Orton nailed Kane with the chair as Christian ran up the ramp.

  10. The following is a recent excerpt from an interview The Miami Herald did with Colt Cabana, who was mentioned in CM Punk's shoot promo last Monday on WWE:


    "From being laughed at by the trainers in Ohio Valley Wrestling to Paul [Heyman] finally bringing him up and everybody treating him like dirt, telling him he has an attitude problem and calling him the ‘King of the Indies,’. Just looking down on him, he just felt shunned his whole time there. It was a complete struggle."


    “The power of him not really caring because he was ready to leave — I always said the power of not giving a s--- is so important. He is really at the point where he just wants to get out of there. It’s too frustrating for him. If he said anything that made anybody mad, what are they going to do to him? Not re-sign him? He doesn’t want to be there.


    “So I think that idea is so powerful. He is so strong in his beliefs with the straight edge lifestyle. By being how strong headed that he is, he was able to have the power to go out on television and say what probably every other wrestler has wanted to say. He made unbelievable television. He made unbelievable history in wrestling.


    “He almost has the ability to change professional wrestling as we know it. It has been so stagnant and vanilla. It kind of shook up the wrestling world because of his real life frustrations.”



  11. WWE Smackdown for July 8:


    -The Smackdown Money in the Bank participants are in the ring, minus Sheamus, being interviewed about their chances of winning the match. Sheamus then comes to the ring with a chair and clears the ring. Sheamus wants to have a World Championship match because he got punted out of the Capitol Punishment main event. Christian comes out and says that the stipulations have changed for his match at Money in the Bank. If Orton gets disqualified or if the referee makes a bad call then Christian will be awarded the World Heavyweight Championship.


    -Teddy Long books Randy Orton vs. Sheamus for the main event.


    -Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase def. Ezekiel Jackson & Daniel Bryan


    -Jinder Mahal def. Trent Barreta with The Great Khali on commentary.


    -AJ def. Tamina


    -Mark Henry def. Kane


    -The Usos def. Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater


    -Sin Cara def. Tyson Kidd


    -Randy Orton vs. Sheamus ended in a Double Disqualification. Christian attacked both men but Orton eventually recovered and cleared the ring of both men.

  12. Smackdown Spoiler For this week




    * The show opens with the Money in the Bank briefcase hanging high. Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton is announced with Christian banned from ringside by Teddy Long. Christian wants a rematch against Orton at the pay-per-view.


    * Randy Orton beat Mark Henry by count out. Big Show's music hit, distracted Henry and allowed Orton to hit an RKO on the floor for the count out. Henry went nuts at the production area and tore the place up.


    * Daniel Bryan beat Ted DiBiase by submission.


    * Christian approaches Teddy Long in the back and wants a title shot. Teddy makes Christian vs. Sin Cara


    * Backstage segment - Cody Rhodes is upset with Ted DiBiase.


    * Christian defeated Sin Cara in a decent match. Christian won with the spear. A contract signing between Christian and Orton will take place later in the show.


    * Cody Rhodes beat Ezekiel Jackson in a non-title match with help from Ted DiBiase.


    * Backstage segment with Johnny Curtis


    * Kane beat Wade Barrett with a chokeslam.


    * Teddy Long calls out Randy Orton and Christian for their contract signing. Christian brings a lawyer with him. It's in the contract that if the referee makes a bad call, he gets another rematch. Orton is all business here on the mic. Orton signed the contract and before Christian does, Sheamus attacks Orton from behind. Sheamus also laid Christian out and destroyed the contract to end the show.

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