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Posts posted by tempest21

  1. I read that night shift increases the risk of Cancer. Doesn't mean lahat ng night shift ay most likely will have cancer, it just increases the risk. Here's the article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22026660/wid/11915773?GT1=10613



    totoo kya to?..

    buti nlng im not scheduled on GY

    pwde ko to ipasa sa boss ko para mawala un shifts sa GY! hehe


    as for me..agree ako s mga pros and cons n nka post sa taas

    i usually go to bars/clubs to unwind myself..

    i study at the morning and work in the afternoon till 10pm.

    wala n kong tym para sa sarili ko..


    you get high salary but your not enjoying your life..

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