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Posts posted by tempest21



    Alberto Del Rio did a promo talking about how great it was Smackdown was in Mexico City. He said it wasn't enough for him to wrestle though. Teddy Long disagreed and said he would be taking on Big Show.


    Mark Henry beat John Morrison.


    Teddy Long said that Sheamus would take on Christian at Vengeance and that Zack Ryder would also get a US Title shot at Dolph Ziggler at the PPV.


    Wade Barrett beat Daniel Bryan.


    Cody Rhodes did a promo on Randy Orton. Orton came out and hit an RKO.


    Sin Cara Blue beat Sin Cara Black. It was mask vs. mask.


    Mil Mascaras came out with HHH and was announced as entering the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2012.


    They did a deal where Eve came after Beth Phoenix. They will wrestle at Vengeance.


    In the main event, Ricardo Rodriguez got Del Rio DQ'd. Mark Henry came out after the match and did a stare down with Big Show.



  2. Spoiler for 10/17 edition of Monday Night RAW


    Raw started with John Laurinaitis walking to the ring. He said that he's not happy being in Mexico and he doesn't feel comfortable. He talked about what happened last week with Triple H, C.M. Punk R-Truth, and The Miz. They played a video from last week showing Michael Cole laughing because Laurinaitis fired Jim Ross.


    Laurinaitis announced that the main event would be Alberto Del Rio and Michael Cole vs. John Cena and Jim Ross. The winner will decide the stipulation for Del Rio vs. Cena at Vengeance.


    1. Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, and Christian defeated Randy Orton, Sheamus, and John Morrison. After the heels won, they continued with the brawl outside. Cody Rhodes tried to escape backstage, but Orton followed him to the back. Christian went through the crowd but Sheamus followed him also.


    Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes was announced for the Vengeance pay-per-view.


    2. Eve (w/Kelly Kelly) defeated Natalya (w/Beth Phoenix).


    Beth Phoenix vs. Eve for the Divas Championship was announced for the pay-per-view.


    3. CM Punk (w/Triple H) beat The Miz (w/R-Truth). During the match, John Laurinaitis walked down and showed a document to Triple H. He told Triple H to leave the ringside area and he did. After the match, Miz and Truth attacked Punk.


    Vickie Guerrero walked to the ring with Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler. Vickie announced that Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger will face Air Boom for the Tag Titles at Vengeance.


    4. Zack Ryder beat Jack Swagger. After the match, Swagger and Ziggler attacked Ryder. Mason Ryan ran out to make the save and he said the he wanted to face Ziggler tonight.


    5. Dolph Ziggler beat Mason Ryan via DQ. Ryan attacked Ziggler on the ropes and the referee counted to five to disqualify Ryan.


    It was announced to the live crowd that Sin Cara will meet Sin Cara in a mask vs. mask match at the Smackdown taping.


    6. John Cena and Jim Ross defeated Alberto Del Rio and Michael Cole. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Cole. Ross applied a submission hold on Cole's ankle, and then Cole tapped out. Cena chose to make his title shot against Del Rio a Last Man Standing match at Vengeance.

  3. 10/14//2011 SmackDown Spoiler


    * Teddy Long opened this week’s show with John Laurinaitis and announced a 41-man battle royal for tonight’s show. The winner will get a title shot of any title they choose. They are celebrating SmackDown being the 2nd longest running episodic TV show ever.


    * The battle royal is up next and the ring fills with pretty much the entire roster.


    * The battle royal consisted of black Sin Cara, Derrick Bateman, Cody Rhodes, Matt Striker, William Regal, Michael McGillicutty, Ted DiBiase, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, Trent Baretta, Percy Watson, Dolph Ziggler, Justin Gabriel, Mason Ryan, Primo Colon, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, Sheamus, The Miz, R-Truth, Randy Orton, Santino Marella, Alex Riley, Kofi Kingston, David Otunga, Zack Ryder, Ezekiel Jackson, Christian, The Usos and a few others. The blue Sin Cara was not in the match for whatever reason.


    It comes down to The Miz and Randy Orton. They both tumbled through the ropes and landed on the floor but Miz hit first so Orton is the winner. Orton picks the World Heavyweight Title and will face Mark Henry tonight.


    * Teddy Long makes Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio for later tonight.


    * Divas Champion Beth Phoenix defeated Kelly Kelly in a non-title match.


    * Backstage segment with Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger.


    * Blue Sin Cara vs. Justin Gabriel starts with the black Sin Cara attacking the original on the ramp. He takes the blue mask and puts it on, then defeats Gabriel.


    * Alberto Del Rio beats Sheamus with the help of Christian. After the match, Christian beats Sheamus down and hits him with a pair of spears.


    * Zack Ryder and Kofi Kingston beat Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger in a solid match.


    * Randy Orton defeats Mark Henry by DQ when Cody Rhodes interferes and hits Orton. Big Show runs out to make the save and chokeslams Henry. Orton gets pissed and RKO’s Cody to end the show.



  4. WWE Hell In A Cell 2011 PPV Result



    Dark Match : Daniel Bryan defeated JTG


    Sheamus defeated Christian


    Sin Cara (blue and gold mask) defeated Sin Cara (black and silver mask)


    Air Boom (Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston) © defeated Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler (with Vickie Guerrero) Tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship


    Mark Henry © defeated Randy Orton Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavyweight Championship


    Cody Rhodes © defeated John Morrison Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship


    Beth Phoenix (with Natalya) defeated Kelly Kelly (with Eve Torres) Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship


    Alberto Del Rio defeated CM Punk and John Cena Triple Threat Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship

  5. 9/30/2011 smackdown spoiler



    Booker T started off the show by interviewing Mark Henry, who said he was going to end Randy Orton's career. Henry said Orton isn't going to beat him just like Great Khali won't beat him tonight.


    1. Mark Henry beat The Great Khali. Henry won with the World's Strongest Slam. Henry attacked Khali after the match with a chair. He put Khali's foot inside the chair and smashed it like he did with Kane and Big Show.


    2. Jack Swagger (w/Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero) beat Evan Bourne (w/Kofi Kingston). Swagger won after Vickie pushed Bourne off the top rope. Swagger followed up with the ankle lock and got the win.


    3. Sin Cara beat Heath Slater. Sin Cara won with the Swanton Bomb. Post match, the other Sin Cara appeared on the Tron and cut a promo in Spanish. He took his mask off to reveal a new black mask and black outfit. He said this Sunday we will find out who is supposed to be Sin Cara.


    Backstage, John Laurinaitis talked with the group of wrestlers who plan on suing. They all agreed to take action against Triple H this Monday.


    4. Kelly Kelly beat Natalya (w/Beth Phoenix). Kelly Kelly won with a roll up. After the match, Beth hit the Glam Slam on Kelly Kelly. Natalya put her in a submission maneuver as Beth cut a promo.


    Cody Rhodes cut a promo about Randy Orton's actions from last week and how WWE took no action. He was not happy about defending his title against Sheamus tonight.


    5. Sheamus beat Cody Rhodes via disqualification. Christian came in and jumped Sheamus for the DQ. After the match, Christian hit the Killswitch on Sheamus.


    6. Zack Ryder beat JTG. Ryder won with the Rough Ryder.


    Backstage, Triple H confronted John Laurinaitis about the meeting he had with the disgruntled superstars. Laurinaitis said he was loyal to Triple H.


    Matt Striker interviewed Randy Orton backstage. Typical Orton promo.


    7. Randy Orton fought Christian to a double countout. After the match, Orton tried to beat up Christian. Cody came out and attacked Orton. Sheamus came and cleared the ring and chased Christian to the back. Henry then came out to attack Orton and hit the World's Strongest Slam. Henry went to get a chair, but when he got back in the ring Orton hit him with an RKO.


    Dark Match- Randy Orton beat Mark Henry via DQ. Christian and Dolph Ziggler came out to beat up Orton. Orton ended up disposing of both of them with RKO's as Henry headed to the back.



  6. thanks for the update sir tempest21. good thing u posts some results about these ppv events. helpful for forgotten fans like me who need to catch up :D



    Thanks for the update bro. tempest21



    thanks for the reply, sir...


    no problem :)


    *SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 9/23/11



    Dark Match:


    * Trent Baretta beat FCW Heavyweight Champion Leo Kruger.


    SmackDown, Airing Friday:


    * John Laurinaitis opens the show this week with the whole WWE roster. Laurinaitis talks about Triple H and introduces the new World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry. Triple H interrupts Henry's promo but Triple H is interrupted by Christian, who wants his World Title shot. Triple H announces Henry vs. Christian in a Lumberjack match for tonight. The winner will defend against Randy Orton at Hell in a Cell.


    * Sheamus beat Heath Slater.


    * Backstage segment with The Great Khali and Christian. Christian is looking for help from the Lumberjacks tonight.


    * Wade Barrett beat Justin Gabriel in a good match.


    * Randy Orton is interviewed by Matt Striker. Randy says he will go through hell to get his title back.


    * Christian is backstage looking for more help from the Lumberjacks. Ezekiel Jackson isn't trying to hear it.


    * Beth Phoenix and Natalya beat Kaitlyn and AJ Lee.


    * Cody Rhodes beats Randy Orton by DQ when Orton goes crazy and beats him bloody. Blood is pouring as Orton beats Cody with his mask, a chair and the ringside bell. Officials come down to clean Cody up before Orton puts him through the announcers table with an RKO. Orton comes back down and RKO's Cody again before ending the segment. I'm not sure how it will come off on TV but the crowd went from being shocked to loving it to back to shocked. Orton was great and Cody bled like crazy.


    * Backstage segment with Christian and Sheamus. Christian offers him a potato in return for helping him out in the Lumberjack match tonight. Sheamus says potatoes are from Idaho, not Ireland and spits it in Christian's face.


    * The Great Khali beat Jinder Mahal.


    * Sin Cara defeated Daniel Bryan. The second Sin Cara came down, took out the first Sin Cara and stole the win.


    * Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne beat The Usos in a solid tag team match.


    * Another backstage segment with Christian looking for help. Zack Ryder doesn't have time to listen to him as he gets a phone call from Hugh Jackman.


    * World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry beat Christian in a Lumberjack match with the roster as Lumberjacks and the title on the line. Henry will go on to defend against Randy Orton at Hell in a Cell.



    Dark Daniel Bryan defeated Heath Slater


    1 Air Boom (Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston) defeated The Miz & R-Truth by disqualification Tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

    2 Cody Rhodes defeated Ted DiBiase Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship


    3 Dolph Ziggler defeated Jack Swagger, Alex Riley and John Morrison Fatal 4-Way match for the WWE United States Championship

    4 Mark Henry defeated Randy Orton Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship


    5 Kelly Kelly © defeated Beth Phoenix Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship


    6 John Cena defeated Alberto Del Rio Singles match for the WWE Championship

    7 Triple H defeated CM Punk No Disqualification match; If CM Punk won, Triple H had to resign as COO of WWE

  8. 9/16/2011 Smackdown Spoiler


    Edge opens "Edge Appreciation tonight" and gets a loud response from the Toronto crowd. Edge says it feels good to be back home. Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes interrupts Edge and runs him down, then talking about his victory over Randy Orton on RAW. Cody gives Edge a brown paper bag but he gives it right back. Edge says Cody should put the bag over all of SmackDown and leaves.


    Cody Rhodes leaves the ring and goes to hand the bags out to the fans but gets decked by Ted DiBiase, who is planted in the crowd as a fan.


    Daniel Bryan beat Sin Cara by DQ after Cara wouldn't stop hitting him in the corner. After the match, the original Sin Cara came down and they stared each other down.


    Backstage Teddy Long is with Zack Ryder. Ryder has instituted a no contact order for Randy Orton and Mark Henry tonight. Aksana comes in and gets Teddy to give her a massage. This brings in Trish Stratus, who wants to talk with Teddy.


    Beth Phoenix defeated AJ Lee. She cuts a promo after the match and says she will save the Divas division after beating Kelly Kelly at Night of Champions.


    Trish Stratus and Edge are backstage when Christian walks in. He apologizes to Edge for SummerSlam and they hug. Edge says what he said before about Christian needs to stop whining. Zack Ryder comes in and tells Edge that his guests tonight have a no contact order.


    Sheamus and Justin Gabriel beat Wade Barrett and Christian.


    The Great Khali beat Heath Slater by DQ after Jinder Mahal came out and attacked Khali. Khali gets the upper hands and choke slams both Mahal and Slater.


    R-Truth beat Evan Bourne while The Miz and Kofi Kingston were on commentary.


    Edge comes out for The Cutting Edge and introduces Mark Henry and Randy Orton to the show. They talk about Night of Champions and Edge thinks Henry has had a disappointing WWE career. This doesn't sit well with Henry but he agrees. Edge also wonders if Orton can beat Henry but Orton is sure of it. Henry says it's his time to get the World Title and that ends The Cutting Edge. The no contact order is now over so they start to brawl. Henry lays Orton out with a pair of World's Strongest Slams and poses with the World Title to end the show.

  9. kevin nash is STILL under contract with WWE.


    The announcement that WWE has released Kevin Nash has been confirmed as part of the storylines. Nash was signed to a Legends deal after the Royal Rumble earlier this year and has not been signed to a new performer's contract since returning to TV.

  10. Spoiler for this week's SMACKDOWN


    * Bret Hart opens the show and will be tonight's guest General Manager. Bret said he made the decision to take SmackDown live next Tuesday night and announces Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton for the World Title. Christian comes out and blames Edge for his loss at SummerSlam. Christian wants a rematch against Orton next Tuesday. Bret called Christian an embarrassment to Canada. Christian had a court order that says he gets his title shot before anyone else. Bret makes Christian vs. Orton in a Steel Cage for Tuesday. Mark Henry comes out and he's upset. Henry wants the winner of Orton vs. Christian and wants his title shot. Sheamus appears and says he's going to do something his uncle did once - castrate a black bull. Sheamus cleared Henry from the ring and then they re-filmed the whole Sheamus/Henry deal.


    * Christian defeated Daniel Bryan with the Killswitch.


    * Wade Barrett came out to face a local wrestler. Barrett talks about what he's done in WWE and says he won't face a local wrestler like this guy. Barrett said this is an embarrassment and left.


    * Sin Cara defeated Heath Slater after a bad match. They had to re-film the ending because it was botched too bad.


    * Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase came out. Cody talked about how he is going to resurrect the Intercontinental Title.


    * Randy Orton beat Ted DiBiase with the RKO in a good match. After the match Cody hit DiBiase with CrossRhodes and put a brown paper bag over his head.


    * Kelly Kelly defeated Tamina.


    * Segment with Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali.


    * Ezekiel Jackson defeated The Great Khali with the torture rack.


    * Randy Orton appeared on the big screen and wondered how many times he has to face Christian after the cage match was advertised for Tuesday night.


    * Sin Cara beat Heath Slater again. They re-did the whole match and it was significantly better than the first.


    * Sheamus beat Mark Henry by count out after putting Henry into the announcer's table. After the match, Henry hit a World's Strongest Slam on Sheamus and the steel steps.


    Wrestlers say Pacquiao tough enough for WWE



    MANILA, Philippines – Stars of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) expressed their admiration for Filipino boxing icon Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao during the recent Summer Slam pay-per-view in Los Angeles.


    “I think Manny is one of the toughest men in the planet. Pound-for-pound, maybe the toughest,” said Randy Orton, who won the World Heavyweight Championship in Summer Slam.


    Wade Barrett, meanwhile, said that he knew Pacquiao from the Filipino’s bout against Ricky Hatton.


    “Manny Pacquiao, I’m a big fan of his. He fought Ricky Hatton and he destroyed him,” Barrett said.


    “Ricky Hatton is from Manchester, where I’m from, so I was disappointed,” he added.


    But Barrett acknowledges that Pacquiao is “pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world.”


    Former world heavyweight champion Christian, meanwhile, is proud to say that Pacquiao is one of his friends.


    “I am friends with the most famous Filipino ever,” said the Canadian superstar.


    Another superstar, R-Truth, said that he was a huge fan of Pacquiao, but has never met him.


    “I would love to meet him. I’ve seen him knock a couple of people out,” R-Truth said. “Pacquiao’s really good.”


    Tough enough for the WWE


    Most of the WWE superstars agree that Pacquiao is tough enough to make the jump from the boxing ring and into the wrestling ring.


    “I’m sure Vince (McMahon) would love to sign him,” Orton said.


    “If Manny Pacquiao thinks he’s tough enough to step in the ring with Wade Barrett, make the challenge,” Barrett said, adding that he will "destroy" the Filipino boxer.


    will we see the p4p champ at WWE? hope so.. haha

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