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Posts posted by tempest21

  1. spoiler for smackdown 3/18


    It was announced that Kane and Big Show will be challenging Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater for the WWE Tag Titles, so the advertised Edge and Christian tag title match is off.


    1. Edge defeated Brodus Clay (w/Albert Del Rio and Richardo Rodriguez). Good match with Edge hitting the spear after Christian came in to get rid of Del Rio. There was a brawl on the outside afterward.


    Teddy Long came out and set up Christian vs. Del Rio in a steel cage for the main event.


    2. Sheamus beat Kofi Kingston in a champion vs. champion match. "Great match, I enjoyed the heck out of it!" Paul wrote. Both guys got their offense in and there were some really nice spots. Sheamus won with the Brough kick.


    3. Cody Rhodes defeated Trent Baretta in under a minute. Cody came out in a suit and black hood with weird new theme music. This really is Kane 2.0. Rhodes headbutted Barreta with his mask on and picked up the three count.


    4. Layla defeated Kelly Kelly. Michelle McCool was on commentary for the match. It was a typical Divas match. Kelly controlled most of the match, but Layla knocked Kelly off the turnbuckle after a distraction from McCool and got the win.


    5. Kane and Big Show defeated The Corre via DQ. Gabriel pulled the referee out of the ring after Show chokeslammed Slater. Barrett and Jackson came in after. The Corre continued the attack.


    6. Jack Swagger defeated Chris Masters. Not enough time to make it good but served its purpose. Swagger won with the ankle lock, then Michael Cole came out of his Cole Mine and did the ankle lock on Masters as well.


    7. Rey Mysterio defeated Ted DiBiase (w/Maryse). A good showing from both guys with a few botched spots here and there. Ted continues to lose, but at least he made it to TV this week!


    8. Christian defeated Albert Del Rio in a steel cage match. Solid main event. Both guys worked really hard. There were some cool spots and some near falls that really had the crowd going. Christian won by escaping the cage when the two got tangled up. Before Del Rio could attack Christian, Edge appeared in Del Rio's car. He threatened to destroy it before Brodus Clay made the save and the two destroyed Edge with a con-chair-to on Edge's arm to close the show.




    Edge starts the show off and challenges Alberto Del Rio to a match. Del Rio and Brodus Clay come out. Edge attacks them but is taken out by Clay. Christian comes out to make the save but Del Rio and Clay wind up getting the upper hand. Teddy Long comes out and announces a tag team match between the four for tonight’s main event.


    1st Match


    Kane beat Wade Barrett by DQ after The Corre attacks Kane. Big Show comes out and makes the save for Kane. Teddy Long comes out and makes it a tag team match between Big Show and Kane vs. Barrett and Heath Slater, Corre is banned from ringside.


    2cnd Match


    Kane and Big Show beat Wade Barrett and Heath Slater by DQ.


    Rey Mysterio is shown backstage.


    3rd Match


    Cody Rhodes beat JTG.


    They show the Shawn Michaels video from Raw.


    Michael Cole is in the ring and introduces John Cena. They show The Miz attacking Cena from Raw. Cena says he will break Miz’s face. Cole started to talk up the Miz and Cena goes to attack cole. Cena started to attack Cole, but Swagger came out and attacks Cena. Cena gets the best of Swagger and goes after Cole again. Swagger comes back in and gets an attitude adjuster and Cole escapes.


    4th Match


    Layla (with Michelle McCool) beat Kaitlyn.


    5th Match


    Rey Mysterio beat Drew McIntyre


    Triple H shows a video of all the people he has beaten over the years. He talked about Shawn Michaels as the greatest. He states his emotions won’t get the best of him as it did with HBK. He thanks Undertaker for making it a no holds barred match. The Undertaker comes out and they stared each other down. Triple H did a suck it chop and Taker did his throat slash and left.


    6th match


    Edge and Christian beat Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay.




  3. a short yet memorable story


    took my date at greenbelt, funny thing is, we had our dinner at a coffee shop, after that straight na kame sa movie house, nakalimutan ko na anong movie yun but it was really a great movie since she enjoyed it, akala ko uuwi na kame after the movie but the night was still young and we opted to stroll around the newly built greenbelt 5, nothing unusual happened like chit chats and picture dito , picture doon, but for someone like me who made a big deal out of it, i totally enjoyed her companionship.


    bawas pogi points nga lang kasi natakot sya sa driving ko :lol:

  4. im sorry if i cannot provide the name of the restaurant, the characters were in korean, you can actually locate this place when you visit robinsons-ermita, exact address would be corner pedro gil, tapat ng entrance ng department store ng RP.




    PORK GALBI - dahil sa sobrang sarap, naka 3 order kame nito. bitin sa bitin but the taste was really mouth watering, basically the pork galbi is chopped into pieces then ilalagay mo sya sa gulay mixed with the side dish




    nakalimutan ko yun name nito but for sure pag umorder kayo, kasama to


    at first, i thought that this was just a complimentary side dish, but the server was kind enough to let me know that this was suppose to be put on the vegetable posted below together with the pork galbi. they actually gave us 2 side dishes, the other one was kimchi, nakalimutan kong kunan ng shot hehehe




    just a soup mixed with some mongo beans, naka 2 round nito, sarap eh , and besides free refill naman hehehe





    mixing the soju with calamansi made it hard for me to drink, parang lalo syang tumapang hahaha

  5. 3/4/2011 smackdown spoiler


    * Edge opens the show and talks about Alberto Del Rio but is interrupted by Drew McIntyre. Teddy Long comes out and announces Edge vs. Drew for later tonight.


    * Edge defeated Drew McIntyre with the Sharpshooter.


    * Cody Rhodes attacks Rey Mysterio and challenges him for WrestleMania 27. Cody says he will expose Rey's face at Mania.


    * Backstage segment with Kane and The Corre


    * Backstage, The Corre offer help to Kane in his match later tonight against Big Show.


    * Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel in a non-title match.


    * Christian's return for next week was announced


    * The Undertaker comes out and talks about the streak, WrestleMania and Triple H.


    * Michelle McCool and Layla beat Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes


    * Big Show beat Kane. The Corre came down, gave Kane a chair and he used it on Show. Show pushes one of them into Kane and Kane chases The Corre off.


    * Jack Swagger and Michael Cole hype up Cole's match with Jerry Lawler at WrestleMania.


    * Jack Swagger beat JTG in a squash.


    * Edge and Alberto Del Rio's contract signing is up next with Teddy Long overseeing. Del Rio and Edge ended up going at it. Edge busts his nose. Christian runs down to make the save to end the show.

  6. just read from a forum, daming naasar sa promotion ng tna sa pagbalik ni sting, 3/3/11 lol


    here's a preview


    cherberrie: @tnadixie I caught the last five minute of your programming and it blows.. It is terrible... You will never be WWE. stop trying to be!


    canadianbulldog: Dear @TNADixie - Nice "Surprise". Maybe next time you can surprise us with a wrestling promotion that doesn't absolutely f***ing suck.


    JAVincen: @TNAwrestling @TNADixie Wow...The big surprise ending is a rip off of WWE's Undertaker promo for Sting.... Disappointing......



  7. yep, it's a false alarm... may sarili rin silang version ng 2/21/11... sa TNA 3/3/11


    sting will come out and win the tna world champ belt from jeff hardy...


    kahit kailan talaga walang originality ang TNA, i still remember when chris jericho made his 2nd coming, wwe prepared a cryptic video, then TNA did the same thing before booker t made his debut.


    thats why PWI has ranked that promotion the worst show for 5 year.

  8. smackdown spoiler for feb 25


    Rey Mysterio defeated Kane. * Dusty Rhodes came out and called out Cody Rhodes. Dusty talked Cody into apologizing to Rey Mysterio. Dusty and Rey shook hands until Dusty turned on Rey. Cody beat Rey down and took his mask, smashing Rey into the mirror for his entrance.


    * Dusty and Code are backstage. Dusty said he would do anything for Cody.


    * Rosa Mendes beat Layla by DQ when Michelle McCool, who was on commentary, attacked Rosa. More tension between LayCool.


    * Jack Swagger beat Kofi Kingston with the ankle lock.


    * Vickie Guerrero is trying to recruit Chavo Guerrero for some help backstage but he’s not having any of it.


    * Big Show beat Wade Barrett by countout. The Corre was banned from ringside. After the match, Show hit Wade and went for a chokeslam but Corre came out for the save. Show chased them off with a steel chair.


    * Edge and Kelly Kelly beat Vickie Guerrero and Drew McIntyre when Kelly speared Vickie and Edge speared Drew. Teddy Long came down to celebrate with Edge and Kelly while Vickie throws a fit.



  9. WWE is under the impression that when Rey Mysterio's contract expires with the company in a little less than a year, the popular luchador will not be renewing. "Rey feels his time in WWE is up," a key WWE insider told us this evening,"his performance in the Elimination Chamber is a perfect example of Rey being used in the right fashion by WWE management. He really worked hard to get Edge over the right way, even though it's obvious there are no big plans for Rey at Wrestlemania."


    WrestleZone was also told about a creative meeting in which a suggestion was made that since Alberto Del Rio is the #1 contender to the World's Heavyweight Championship, consideration should be given to Rey Mysterio winning the title, and making the championship match at Wrestlemania a match between two Mexican nationals.


    "The thought was to appeal to the large Latino community in Atlanta," we were told, "and to attempt to promote the match the same way UFC promoted Cain Velasquez's fight against Brock Lesnar."


    WrestleZone was told the pitch was never even made to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, because both Raw lead writer Brian Gewirtz and Smackdown lead writer Michael Hayes have been told Mysterio "will most likely not be re-signing after his current deal is up."


    We have been told WWE would like to do some sort of merchandise agreement with Mysterio, but the negotiations haven't gotten to that stage yet.



  10. You look like a drunk hobbit! bwahahahahahaha!


    Pati kay Cena, panalo. A big bowl of fruity pebbles :lol:


    The following is a new tweet from the official Twitter page of WWE Superstar John Cena:


    "CeNation. Just finishing morning bowl of fruity pebbles. Holy hotspurs?! Did spurs beat milan?!"


    im expecting an angle between the 2 at mania..go rocky! haha

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