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Posts posted by tempest21

  1. Internet gossip website TMZ recently caught up with UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar and did their usual annoying-camera bit. Unless you count junk about Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan a score from Brock Lesnar, only one worthy note comes from this particular video.


    Lesnar was asked about fellow former WWE Superstar Dave Batista joining MMA as he has shown interest in doing recently. Lesnar responded, "Good for him, good luck!" TMZ asked Lesnar whether or not he'd be willing to fight Batista, to which Lesnar replied, "I would fight him, but I don't think he would want to fight me though."

  2. she's a bad influence on him... the undertaker got divorced from his wife sara because he was having an affair with michelle... also, michelle is using the undertaker's political influence backstage to get pushed & he obliges her...



    cant agree more

    there's a possibility why mccool is receiving this big push is because of the deadman.

    but hey, the diva can wrestle, so lets give her the benefit of the doubt

  3. wala pa ba? ang alam ko nagsimula ang PG ng WWE after ng attitude era. Yun yung times ng dominance ni Cena.


    nope, after the attitude era, we can still see some blood, violence in WWE/F, try mo lang mag search ng mga matches after the attitude era, now they are not allowed to strangle talents, hit chairs in the head any kind of violence that will break the RATED PG RULES. habol nila kasi ratings, they know that majority of the TV viewers are kids.

  4. During today's UFC 116 media conference calls, UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar was asked about Batista getting into the MMA business. Lesnar somewhat dodged the question, but did tell Batista to "get in line" as everyone wants to get into fighting these days. Lesnar then said that they were talking about a heavyweight championship match and not "some wannabe."

  5. Fatal 4 Way Results


    Sheamus won the WWE Championship Fatal 4-Way Match


    Rey Mysterio won the World Heavyweight Championship Fatal 4-Way Match


    Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston def. Drew McIntyre


    U.S. Champion The Miz def. R-Truth


    Alicia Fox won the Divas Championship Fatal 4-Way Match


    Evan Bourne def. Chris Jericho


    Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty & Natalya def. The Usos & Tamina

  6. It's being reported that Shawn Michaels apparently became furious when he heard the news that Bryan Danielson had been released from WWE. For those unaware, Michaels was Danielson's original trainer.


    It's also being reported that as of earlier this week, the plan for WWE's Fatal Four Way PPV is to have Jack Swagger drop the World Title to either Rey Mysterio or CM Punk, the latter being the more likely of the two. Of course as things always go in WWE, plans can be changed at any time.


    another rumor regarding kane/undertaker storyline is that kane will be revealed as the perpetrator as to what what happened to the phenom, the 2 will be possibly facing each other at summerslam in a casket match

  7. Hmm naman ang WWE dapat di nila ni-release si Daniel Bryan. Eh si Cena nga di ba chinoke nya din si Umaga ng ropes. Kasama sa storyline dapat yun nag nagwala ang NXT rookies. Ang babaw ng dahilan ng WWE. Malaking pagkakamali to. tsk tsk tsk. Sayang si Danielson (Daniel Bryan).


    wala pa kasing rated PG that time un WWE.

  8. WWE Smackdown Results, Airing on 6/18/10:


    Smackdown starts with CM Punk gloating about making Taker tap and his vegetative state. Suddenly the lights flicker and go dark and Undertaker appears in the ring! Punk cowers until he pokes Taker and reveals him as Luke Gallows. They laugh until Kane hits the scene, but Swagger blindsides him. Four-on-one as the masked SES member joins, until Mysterio and Big Show make the save. SES runs and they end up giving Kane a 619 and chokeslam respectively for last week.


    Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins def. MVP and Christian. Not much to note. Hawkins with an elbow drop on Christian to win after breaking up a Killswitch. Beatdown on MVP post-match.


    Rosa wants in Laycool and they mock her for only winning on Superstars and wearing Joker's makeup. Poor Kaval standing by.


    Vickie has Dolph Ziggler in jean shorts and a toolbelt to hang a picture for her. She checks out his rear and yells at Chavo. Masters walks in and walks right back out.


    JTG def. Chavo with his running neckbreaker. Post-match JTG hamms it up with the crowd and brings in three kids to dance with him. Crowd loves it.


    Kofi tells Josh Matthews he'll bring McIntyre a fight on Sunday. Drew vs. Kofi for the title Sunday.


    Drew McIntyre enters to face Teddy Long. Teddy's music hits but he doesn't show until Drew reminds him of the consequences. Drew brought a personal security force with him. This was really long and drawn out and had Drew's mic die on him, but it was effective. Basically Drew forced Teddy, in full suit, to get on his knees, call Drew the Chosen One, and lie down for the three count. After Drew won the match he stopped Teddy and was about to Scot Drop him until Kofi came out for the save. He got caught by security and Drew pounded him until Matt Hardy ran in from the crowd to attack him. Security got at Matt too and Drew ended up giving them both Scot Drops in the middle of the ring. Doesn't come off on TV well but Drew got a lot of heat.


    Kelly Kelly def. Layla with the K2. They actually showed some athleticism.


    Vickie came out to massive heat that only got worse. It really gets to a point where you can't hear her introduce Ziggler.


    Dolph Ziggler def. Chris Masters after the Zig Zag. Masters dominated until he went for a front slam and Dolph quickly locked the Sleeper. He later broke a Masterlock on the ropes and kicked Masters in the shin to set up the Zig Zag.


    Jack Swagger dedicates his win on Sunday, Father's day, to his dad.


    Main event saw Big Show and Rey Mysterio beat CM Punk and Jack Swagger. Mysterio got double-teamed until he made the hot tag to Show. Chokeslam reversed into a DDT and Show tagged back out. Mysterio reversed a Pump-Handle Slam attempt by Swagger into a sort of Backstabber for the win.


    Post-match Kane chokeslammed everyone but gave a Tombstone Piledriver to Rey. He got on the mic and promised Sunday would be "fatal." Then he did Undertaker's kneel and an open casket on the stage was surrounded by plumes of fire. Kane left the open casket and walked out to end the show.

  9. ^


    thats one reason why they implented the PG RATING.

    they find it harsh and violent especially to the kids who are watching it live on TV.


    viewers may find it amusing and entertaining but its the talents who receives the blow/damage.


    The following is from WWE.com:


    Daniel Bryan released


    WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.



    According to various reports from multiple sources, the reason Daniel Bryan (aka Bryan Danielson) was given his WWE release yesterday is related to the NXT angle on Raw this past Monday night.


    Apparently Daniel Bryan choking out the ring announcer with his tie, after ripping his shirt off, was considered a big no-no under the current WWE PG format. The feeling was the spot was too violent and WWE management was said to be less than pleased.


    According to a source, one WWE official in particular requested that Bryan be released due to the incident.

  11. It's being reported that WWE Smackdown star Kane is expected to receive a huge push in the coming weeks. One source within WWE says Vince McMahon was extremely pleased with his promo on Smackdown and the reaction he received. Although there were rumors regarding Kane’s disinterest in winning the world title, apparently those rumors were false and Kane himself denied the claims.

  12. truth is, TNA has great talents,but lame storylines. if they want to compete with WWE. they have to fire RUSSO. hahaha


    i really dont know what's the role of HOGAN.i mean the guy has been in the industry for almost 6months and he hasnt done anything interesting unlike ric flair.


    its time to retire HOGAN.

  13. Tapos isama na rin si Gangrel hehehe...



    bat ba nila inaapi si Christian? Naging part pa naman siya ng entourage ni PacMan dati...



    tapos na yung Guest Host gimmick sa RAW di ba?


    hindi pa tapos. wala na silang power to make decisions and impose matches like before, talagang bisita na lang sila, for next week's guest host, si ashton kutcher! hehehe


    like i said in my post above, vince hates christian.

  14. main eventer si christian sa tna, sa wwe wasted talent lang.... sayang din to, malakas pa naman ang following ni christian... sana buhayin na lang ulit yang partnership nila ni edge at gawin silang heel... baka mas umayos pa career nya sa wwe.....


    money was the reason why christian decided to go back, VKM is not a fan of captain charisma but what they are doing to christian is not something everyone would want to see.



  15. Smackdown TV taping for Friday 5/28


    Teddy Long opened the show by announcing Smackdown's qualifying matches for the Fatal Four-Way PPV. Big Show qualifies automatically due to his DQ win at the Over the Limit PPV on Sunday. C.M. Punk faces Kane and Rey Mysterio faces Undertaker in qualifying matches.


    Long was interrupted by Drew McIntyre, who presented him with another letter from Mr. McMahon informing him that Matt Hardy had been suspended without pay due to his "reckless actions" on Sunday. Pretty good heat for Mac in this segment.


    World Hvt. champion Jack Swagger then came out as Mac's partner for a tag team match. On the way, Swagger repeated a few times what Chimel said: "And still World Heavyweight Champion...Jack Swagger." It was a good heat line, as the crowd was hating him. Kofi Kingston and Big Show came out as their opponents.


    (1) Big Show & Intercontinental champion Kofi Kingston beat World Hvt. champion Jack Swagger & Drew McIntyre. It was a pretty formula match; nothing outstanding. Kofi and Show won via Show's KO punch on Drew. Show was very over and the crowd was eating up his antics.


    C.M. Punk was shown backstage with the SES and he had had a towel over his head. He said he was going to throw off the towel and show everyone that he was still better than them. Punk and the SES came out, but his head was still covered. He took it off to reveal a Mysterio-style mask with a star on each side and "SES" spelled down the front. He taunted the crowd, at one point yelling "See? I'm not bald, stupid!" So great.


    (2) C.M. Punk beat Kane in a Fatal Four-Way PPV qualifying match. Punk got in a lot of offense on Kane before beating him with a (badly botched) GTS. I'm not sure who screwed up there, but it looked bad. Kane tried to pull the mask off a few times but it didn't work. During the match, a chant of "take it off" laughably broke out.



    (3) Christian & Hornswoggle beat Dolph Ziggler & Chavo Guerrero. There was a slight beat down by the heels on 'Swoggle before he was able to hot tag Christian, who cleaned house and got the victory. Afterwards, Ziggler took him out with his sleeper hold.


    (4) Luke Gallows beat MVP in a pretty weak match. WWE hasn't done much to get Gallows over, and the crowd basically didn't care. They popped for some of MVP's offense, but they mostly sat on their hands.


    (5) The Undertaker beat Rey Mysterio in a Fatal Four-Way PPV qualifying match. Decent match, which Taker won with via Tombstone. The crowd was happy.



    Swagger vs. Taker for the World Title was advertised as the post-show dark match. Swagger came out and kicked Rey Mysterio a few times, though. JTG then came out to beat Swagger up and hit his finisher. R-Truth followed, and hit some more offense on Swagger. Then came MVP, Christian, and Matt Hardy, each of whom got some moves in on Swagger. Swagger ate a finisher from each of them, and the faces played to the crowd by doing each other's signature poses and moves. Pretty funny. After they all left, Chimel announced, "And still World Heavyweight champion, Jack Swagger." Swagger then staggered out to his music while receiving really good heat.




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