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Posts posted by tempest21

  1. Oh yeah, I remember that too. He wants the same agreement as the one between Taker and the WWE where Taker have creative control over his appearances. But the thing is, DX's demand is really high. Oh well...


    taker's number in wresting or WWE are numbered, after wrestlemania 26, it was posted on a website that he will take time off from wrestling, and same goes to hbk.

    shawn has creative controls backstage, especially triple h, they are the reason why mcintyre and sheamus are being pushed heavily.

  2. I've been steadily following this thread for years now and the last issue that HBK was said to be reitiring was during the last WM. And if this was to happen, I'm sure the WWE would've hyped it up just like what they did to Ric Flair. I asked the question because we all know that Undertaker isn't supposed to lose on WM(although it's really getting kinda irritating coz we all know what the result would be. But the last HBK/Taker @ WM was really one for the books).



    Same sentiments bro. HBK has yet more to offer to us fans. I just wish he can have a title reign before retiring.


    from what i know, the creative team has been offering hbk a title reign in the past, but he refused all the offers because he wants to spend more time with his family.

  3. mania26 matches


    christian is now one of the raw superstars and is headed to mania to participate the money in the bank match


    its y2j vs edge for the title


    batista vs Cena OR sheamus (most probably si cena ang mananalo later)


    undertaker vs hbk II (if hbk loses, his career is over) parang mania 24 lang to a

  4. F4WOnline.com is reporting that since WWE has decided to run a Money In The Bank PPV of its own, the Money in the Bank Ladder Match appears to be scrapped from this year's WrestleMania card. Additionally, it's being said that a number of mid-card talents are upset that the match is being scrapped this year as the WrestleMania pay off is something that they don't want to miss out on, and with the Ladder Match not taking place this will leave several of those talents without a spot on the card.

  5. hmm..sa nakikita ko ngayon, may chance na manalo si jericho sa sunday, then he will go on to face edge at mania for the title.


    this has been the initial plan for the 2 when edge got injured.


    if this happened,who will the undertaker face at mania?

  6. i stand corrected, it's chuan kee. i also bought mamon from wan kee on my way back to qc so i got names mixed up


    a binondo food trip? not a bad idea, sir. Chuan Kee is in Ongpin, one of the corners near President. it's a chinese turo-turo

    i like it's 'ok lang' ambience


    i've eaten a few times at the estero but my favorite stalls are not there anymore


    despite of the distance, its nice to know that the master are having a get together here in binondo! ano to? 1 order per restaurant haha

  7. the food in estero would be a nice place to start ...... (im pretty sure potpot would enjoy that too if ever we get to invite her again) I suggest we skip the likes of UNO (which I have dined before and didn't like) and SKY DRAGON (actually may FR na ako dyan) and go for the smaller eateries like the noodle houses and turo turo.


    if pot pot woudnt mind eating at those kind of places, i recommend that we also try the foods in MANOSA, the oyster cake there is one of their specialty, we can also try SONG HAI, the kiampong there is also good!

  8. ok, so that scratches MEY LIN off my list for Noodle Shops to try .....


    so far, I've marked down Masuki in Benavidez, Ling Nam in Alonzo St. and this place suggested by sir RICHMOND located at the back of Barcelona...... I hope to, in the coming weeks do a Food Trip on the suggested eaterys. (any more noodle house suggestions within the area? wag na Lanzhou since may FR na ako)


    @ Paging Sir TEMPEST ..... perhaps you would like to join me on this Binondo Noodle Trip. hehehehehe (sama ko sana si potpot pero I heard she's not fond of mami)



    we should do an extensive food trip here in the binondo area. We can even ask sir TEMPEST to be our tour guide. hahahahaha (food trip guide ha at hindi karaoke guide :hypocritesmiley: )



    @sir asmodeus - you know me, im just a text away, we can try the foods in estero, i havent tried it but everytime i pass by, nakakagutom ang amoy! or we can eat at UNO, which is located at escolta or the newly opened one just besides UNO, pwede din sa greenland! wag lang sa sky dragon. and to comment your last post, sure! it'll be my pleasure to tour you around here in my territory hahahaha (peace). btw, dont forget the fried siopao's!! yummy!

  9. injured si morisson sa ankle niya, how will the management respond to this since morisson is one of the wrestlers who's goin to participate the elimination chamber





    The supposed ankle injury that John Morrison sustained at this week's Smackdown taping, which resulted in him claiming that he had broken the ankle in three places, was apparently a work. The Tweet that Morrison posted on his Twitter account was reportedly a joke, as Morrison recently competed at WWE's house show event in Quito, Ecuador in a tag team match along side Matt Hardy.

  10. GE MONEY BANK, i dont know why this kind of bank existed in the philippines.


    while i was on my way to work this early this afternoon, suddenly got thirsty, since i dont have any small bill in my pocket, had no choice but to look for a bank and ask for a change for my 1000 bill, as i entered the bank, the f#&kin security guard asked me if i had an existing account with them, i said no since i dont really have one, he told me that they will only entertain clients that has an account with them. anong klaseng bangko sila naknampota nila!

  11. WWE Smackdown taping


    There was a botch on the Titantron during the SD! intro sequence. Guess even the Tron team has an off moment.


    1. Rey Mysterio beat CM Punk (w/ Luke Gallows and Serena) via pinfall. Huge pop for Rey. I couldn't tell if Punk got initial heat, but damn Serena is hot. A lot of fun, continuous action throughout the match. Watch for referee Mike Chioda's reaction Punk whiffing a slide on Rey in the Tree of Woe. Funny stuff. The crowd erupted when Rey reversed the GTS into a huracanrana. Pretty good post-match beatdown by the Straight Edge Society, and they got massive heat as they walked back up the ramp.


    Batista's explanation was advertised as "Next" but wasn't until much later in the show. So we got Drew McIntyre instead. Pretty cool entrance music, as I thought it was just a hype vid. He drew plenty of heat in the ring, and cut a promo saying he was "Undefeated....unstoppable" and that he didn't care who his opponent was. Enter Kane to a good pop.


    2. Drew McIntyre fought Kane to a double countout. Drew tried to back out as the referee was insisting the match was on. The match eventually spilled to the outside for a double countout. They took it back to the ring, where Kane got in a chokeslam and did his pyro routine (which, surprisingly, much of the crowd mimicked).


    During the Mickie James and LayCool segment, huge LOLs for the cottage cheese on Vickie Guerrero. Even Tony Chimel got a good laugh out of it. The crowd didn't give a damn about Layla when she came out, but popped hard for James. Vickie came out still covered with cottage cheese (and dripping onto the stage) and announced the Handicap match.


    3. Michelle McCool and Layla defeated Mickie James in a handicap match. Decent reaction when McRibs hit the Styles Clash.


    One guy got busted for recording the match, but was let off on a warning. Big pop for Batista still walking backstage. I don't know how that's gonna play on TV.


    After a recap video of what happened post-Raw with Cena last week, Batista came out to a more mixed reaction which turned into boos as he took the ring. Matthews asked him what provoked him to attack John Cena last week, and why he walked out on his Chamber qualifying match last week. Batista stared him out of the ring, walked around the ring for a bit, sat on the turnbuckle, left the ring, got into it with a fan wearing a Cena shirt (which the crowd marked hard for). He got back into the ring, dropped the mic, walked back up the ramp, back to the ring, dropped the mic again, then walked to the back. That was badass live but probably will seem like a waste of time on TV.


    Teddy Long came out and announced that Batista would face Edge to a chorus of cheers. Next week...which drew plenty of boos.


    4. Matt Hardy and The Great Khali defeated the Hart Dynasty.Hardy and Khali came out. Hardy introduced his valentine, Maria. Hart dynasty came out. Hardy rolled up Kidd and won on what looked like a two count, after a fun Natalia/Maria scrum that set up some interference. Short match.


    5. R-Truth beat John Morrison via ref stoppage due to an injury to Morrison's ankle in :57 seconds. A good show of sportsmanship by Truth helping Morrison up and out of the ring.


    The backstage crew put out carpet on top of the stage and down the ramp. I didn't understand why until I realized later that Undertaker's smoke might cause condensation on the floor, which may cause people running in to interfere to slip and get hurt. I think that's why, at least.


    Edge came out to a good face pop, and cut an Elimination Chamber promo about who he could face. He ran down a list of names and reasons, when Jericho came down. His music hit, and I turned around just in time to catch pyro in the eye. Fun being blinded for the next minute. Jericho said that Edge better not face him at 'Mania, because bad luck happens to Edge around him. Taker came out, and Edge sat at commentary.


    6. Chris Jericho pinned The Undertaker in 9:00 in a No DQ, non-title match. The crowd popped for the (don't shoot me) "Vintage Undertaker" moves in the legdrop on the apron, and a near Old School attempt. The crowd gasped and cheered when Taker clocked Edge with the big boot, and a huge pop for the Last Ride on Jericho, only for Taker to turn around into a spear by Edge. The ref sent Edge to the back, Taker got up and Jericho hit the Codebreaker for the pin. The air was sucked right out of the crowd.


    Dark Match


    1. Undertaker beat Batista to retain the WHC in 4:15. Batista did the staredown/do nothing routine for a minute or two until Taker took the offensive. Jericho came out and hit the Codebreaker. Hardy came down and hit the Twist of Fate on Jericho. The S.E.S. came out and Punk hit the GTS on Hardy. Kane came out and cleaned house and chokeslammed Punk, only to be speared by Batista. Taker hit a chokeslam on Batista for the pin. That's how you send me home happy. The Brothers of Destruction celebrate in the ring and up the ramp to close the show.

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