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My comrade, my schoomate, my cousin,


The aristocratic dragons of old are melting into the mist. They have few heirs left to replace them, and they have no real reasons to stay. Long time ago, these dragons ruled over the country by sheer strength and iron grip, both the good dragons and the bad alike.


But the country has found out that their inconstant rule can not nowadays bring progress as consistently as a leadership caste composed of the freely elected choices of an educated multitude. There were of course those brilliant and unforgettable golden dragons of the past who had led the people forward in long graceful strides out of the jungle of our country's early years, but their sterling achievements were since seriously besmirched by the misdeeds and depravities of the unfit, unworthy, and the cowardly of their race, those dark dragons who had wielded scepters undeserved.


The dragon lords have served their purpose in the past, when what was critical for progress was to hold firm and ineluctable sway over the simple, rough, unlettered, and unwashed progenitors of our country. But nowadays, more consistent, more organised, more flexible, and more subtle means of leadership are needed to effect progress upon our country, given today's complicated times, and even more complicated men. It is now indeed high time for the dragon race to join those old myths and legends that roam the Ancient Shadows. In the battle for progress, the elected leadership caste must today step up and take over the reins, and lead our people.


Our era is over.


But perhaps, for those of us worthy and brave, untouched by the curse of darkness and the fear of a fate already sealed, one final assault remains to be made, one last charge against whatever Dark Armies would deter the forward march of our peoples.


One more throw of our naked swords, before we go! That, for one last time, we should indelibly mark with embossed banners and bright sharp steel and flaming arrows the best paths to continued national progress, for the new leaders-of-men to see, understand, and follow. Thus, in the next era to come, and even beyond, our gilded ghostly forms amongst the Ancient Shadows shall always evoke and inspire the eternal human virtues that alone ensure the human race's triumph from era to era, from age to age;







The new age dawns, the old rulers depart. Go away we shall, as has been long ordained, my comrade, yes, but in set armor, at full charge, and with swords ringing! That the very sight and sound of our final charge should set aflame the hearts of those next leaders-of-men, that they may awaken and realise who they are, and rise to the challenge of leadership. That in our last assault, we influence one last time the course of this country's history, and set such high standards for those who would lead after us.


"To those whom much was given, much is expected"


-Felix Villaflor IV


P.S. Happy Birthday, Don Sotero. I ordered candles lit for you. You taught us truly, and well. May your blood return again and again, and your line last for years yet uncounted.

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In a past life I was probably a painter, painting pictures to be worth a thousand words. But I probably didn't do so well... so in this life I am made to write all those thousand words instead? Still, nonetheless, I strive for clarity, for razor sharpness, and would gladly suffer much to be understood more perfectly; to obtain more light.


Light. Such a concept has always found its way into much of my writing. Perhaps, I merely echo another pattern, ancient even in the memory of angels; the desire of matter towards incandescence. Did not our physicists prove, after all, that light and matter are equivalent?


Therefore my life is enslaved to Destiny, and equally to Light, whatever source light may come from, from the white incandescence of the writers of the Holy Books, or from the crystal brilliance of Plato and the philosophers, or from the intense liquid blue flash of exploding aviation gas washing across the refinery, or from the piercing eyes of the lady looking back at me while I sweatily do her standing and doggy...


And what use is light, if there be not another one to see it?


We are children of light. We can not live on bread alone.



Edited by LostCommand
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Nudged away. Bit by bit. Thats how I feel.


I am trying not to try so hard.... but at times I feel like im grasping at straws. Too tight and they slip past my hands, too light and its as if theyre not there.


Please dont blame me for yearning for what was... The present is such a far cry from the past and ... I am saddened at how it has turned out to be.


Patience is a virtue ... thats what everyone says. I know that now. And because all this is important to me.... I try. And try a bit more. And I remember not to try too hard.



Edited by Wyld
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I dont know how you think!


It amazes me how you'd forego gunning for an award for your club AND area, of which you're Area Gov. to ... just coz you think the officers dont deserve it since they unfortunately werent able to finish their term due to personal and professional reasons?! What the f#&k?


Yes, you may have accomplished this on your own merits ... but think of the bigger picture. Shows you're not exactly a TEAM player.


I acknowledge your participation these past 3 years ... yet, there's something about you that needs a little tweaking.


You need to get your act together, J.


Think ... for the good of all ... for the good of all.


Shame ... you have potential ... but fall SHORT on something. Just cant put my finger on it.


Good luck to us all!



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He serves another, a jealous Mistress, he slakes her dirty thirst

Forgive him my friend, he had asked you naught but understanding

Beat him, burn him, bite him, bleed him, bake him, and take him,

and demote him, and trash him, and abuse him

but trust him, but grant him forgiveness, but grant him peace,

please, even if to some less worthy he may be,



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Am I making the right choice.

Am I settling for something convenient?

How will I know if I don't try.


Feeling helpless

Feeling alone

In a cage of glass

Uncertain if I should break free

All my fears dawning on me


Wishing for something I may never know

Caressing her cheeks

Kissing her soft lips

Touching her hair

Holding her close

Making love...


Angry at myself for

Being such a loser

Whatever I do I fail

Unable to sustain or

Achieve what I dream of


I am uncertain what she feels

Does she want me or not?

Lover or friend?

She shows no emotion


Feeling trapped, feeling free

What's the difference?


Losing my love

Just barely hanging on

Stay together or drift apart

Waiting for the decision

No clue on what to do


Everything eventually fades

Nothing is forever

But while the moment is here

Grab it with both hands

Keep it close

Try to hold on to it as long as you can

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The earth and heavens are blank

no signs this soldier sees,

brown eyes turned black


The vital percentum, missing,

and not twice ninety-nine



Fix, else finish badly wounded foes,

Quick, clean deaths; mercies

you too want?



Edited by LostCommand
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I saw you this morning, heavy with child. Your face and posture reflected the burden. I don't know you and you don't know me and never will we meet.




I congratulate you and wish you well. I hope and pray that in a few months/weeks, that this would come to a joyous conclusion. You'll have him/her in your arms. Finally. The continuation of life.


Take care.

Edited by willow_boy
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I dont know what came over me ... (I guess the music playing on the radio as I was making my way home via BBL) ... tears came trickling down my cheeks. I didnt mind or care that someone was seated beside me.


I miss you ...


Your presence in my dreams are an indication of that ... or you're trying to tell me something?


I remembered you singing "My Way" when we were at Ate R's house in Cavite ...


I remember you doing odd things about the house ...


Lately, I've had to go thru some of your papers ... sorting them out ... I have still to locate the latest permit for the store. Is there any?


Speak to me ... even in my dreams ...



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I love you. I'm sorry I screwed it up. But you need only send me a note and I will come running to you. But I guess you wouldn't. You thought you've been fooled, but no. I didn't mean to fall for you the third time. But I did.


I miss you. The texts you sent. The calls we made. The minutes we stole from official working hours just so we can chat via YM. The hours we spent awake when should be asleep just so we can be together albeit through the wires and cables. But these are all over now. How sad are you? How badly broken do you feel? I'm sorry I betrayed your feelings for me.


I miss you. I'm sorry I love you. I love you.



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to you --


why??? all this time and i still don't understand any of it.


i'm so tired. tired of being strong, of being the one that people lean on all the time, tired of being the problem solver, just tired. so f#&king tired. tired like you wouldn't believe.


of course, in my foolishness, i thought that you would be my rock, my ballast, my help in times of weakness. stupid to think that you could possibly be up to that task, stupid to even begin to think that you would be my partner, my equal, my strength and my hope. stupid, stupid, stupid to the nth degree.


and now here i am, beginning the cycle yet again, the seemingly endless cycle of meeting and falling and dreaming and getting up bruised and beaten from yet another man, another affair of the heart that crashed and burned almost before it got off the ground. is there no end to this?


one day, when you least expect it, i will be here, waiting for you, and things will finally be settled between us. maybe then you and i will finally find the peace and love that i still believe we truly deserve.


good luck to the both of us.


- m.

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Over My Head



I never knew

I never knew that everything was falling through

That everyone I knew was waiting on a queue

To turn and run when all I needed was the truth

But that's how it's got to be

It's coming down to nothing more than apathy

I'd rather run the other way than stay and see

The smoke and who's still standing when it clears


Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head

Over my head

With eight seconds left in overtime

She's on your mind

She's on your mind


Let's rearrange

I wish you were a stranger I could disengage

Say that we agree and then never change

Soften a bit until we all just get along

But that's disregard

Find another friend and you discard

As you lose the argument in a cable car

Hanging above as the canyon comes between


Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head

Over my head

With eight seconds left in overtime

She's on your mind

She's on your mind


Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head

Over my head

With eight seconds left in overtime

She's on your mind

She's on your mind


And suddenly I become a part of your past

I'm becoming the part that don't last

I'm losing you and its effortless

Without a sound we lose sight of the ground

In the throw around

Never thought that you wanted to bring it down

I won't let it go down till we torch it ourselves


Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head

Over my head

With eight seconds left in overtime

She's on your mind

She's on your mind


Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head

Over my head

With eight seconds left in overtime

She's on your mind

She's on your mind



...this is the last song syndrome that just wont stop.



Edited by Wyld
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para kay ***:



You Who Never Arrived

Rainer Maria Rilke


You who never arrived

in my arms, Beloved, who were lost

from the start,

I don't even know what songs

would please you. I have given up trying

to recognize you in the surging wave of the next

moment. All the immense

images in me-- the far-off, deeply-felt landscape,

cities, towers, and bridges, and unsuspected

turns in the path,

and those powerful lands that were once

pulsing with the life of the gods-

all rise within me to mean

you, who forever elude me.


You, Beloved, who are all

the gardens I have ever gazed at,

longing. An open window

in a country house--, and you almost

stepped out, pensive, to meet me.

Streets that I chanced upon,--

you had just walked down them and vanished.

And sometimes, in a shop, the mirrors

were still dizzy with your presence and, startled,

gave back my too-sudden image. Who knows?

perhaps the same bird echoed through both of us

yesterday, seperate, in the evening...

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I'm this close to killing you. Seriously.


I cannot shake images of you on a dirt path, writhing in agony, blood seeping out of every orifice in your face, both your legs broken in several places, your ribs shattered.


I'll tape the key to your chest and bury you alive, and push that SUV right over your unmarked grave.

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dear mom,


i miss you. i hate sleeping in our room now because it feels like there's a rip in the space-time continuum whenever i look over at your bed. still, i know that you're happy now and you're in a place where there is no more sickness, no dialysis, no more medications and doctors forever piercing your skin with needles, needles, and more needles. it helps to remember these things whenever i get tired of pretending that i'm strong.


hey mom, don't forget what you promised me you would do for me, okay? i'm still waiting for that special person you said you would pick out for me. siguraduhin mong mabait, ha? ayaw ko ng laging may kaaway. :)


have the time of your life in heaven, mom, and say hi to lolo, lola, and the kiddies for me. save me a space at the table for when we meet again. :)


love you.


-- m.

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