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Dear S,

You suck! you filthy dickwad! you were nice to me when you were making your advances...and after you saw how you got no chance....you changed into a heartless" Duffus"". Now that i'm being nicer to you ( cuz i know that's your f#&king weakness)...you start pretending to be a considerate "Duffus" again! Sick Bastard! PERVEEEERT!!!! :angry: http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/celebrities/celebrities_192.gif



Dear YOU,

Please don't make me forget about you...you know that i have "memory gap"...you are so special to me....and i just wanna make this feeling linger forever.http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/love/love_121.gif

Edited by iwalkalone
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A tribute to sex after a long period of pretentious denial of f#&king sexuality


You're not a boyfriend nor a lover. You're just one man out of the random list i dared blindly choose out of cold guts.


For the first time, I had sex without commitment. I swallowed the word that said I wouldn't - ever. But being consumed by you was better, I found out.


That happened five days ago. Yesterday, you confessed that you don't tire running the events of Friday night over your head. Must every girl die a little over this revelation? You are afraid I may not see you again because of your confession of this madness. But of course, I will see you again. Sex with you has been better than most of the best ones I had in the past. You are worth every good man I let pass and every minute I had to wait for the desire to subside. I can't wait to see you again to give you more things to recall and replay to crowd your thoughts even when you lie awake beside your sleeping wife.

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i'm sorry it turned out this way. there are just too many things and too many people going against us. i'm sorry if i was weak for letting them get in the way.


i need to get my act together. i hope they didn't leave you too shattered to pull yourself together as well. i said whatever i need to say to you. it's up to you whether they make sense or not.


i'll be around.


take care.

Edited by chipmaker
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a person can really become an assh*le if he chooses to become one. dont ever blame your parents for that.


I know the game you are playing because i've already been there for so many times and you are just starting to read the instructions so dont bullshit me with those guilty like hell eklat because people like your kind existed since jurassic times and there has never been any difference.


If you wanted your freedom so badly i'm more than willing to give every inch of it to you just tell it to me straight as i have implied to you for so many times but you are too coward to face yourself. just don't fight it if you're not apt to it. Because in every relationship, a battle is always expected and you are supposed to be at it. If not, then please dont pretend.


One thing more....


don't go into a relationship unless you are really ready to be in a relationship that's just it.

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Dear _,

This is so typical of you...forgetting who you really are and what you are. A little sushine blinds you so instantly ...you simply forget reality. Please wake up...please gather your senses...you'll only hurt yourself eventually. Doesn't it hurt a little more each time? Don't you ever give up? Oh, please...you're at a losing end here... stop putting your heart on the line...you're so badly torn already.

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Thank you, thank you, my Colonel,

Out of such granite as yours, are hewn the Generals.


Boys and girls,

The battle was joined 14 hours ago. We are the very last division to enter the fray, sent to the weakest portion of the line - here the design and execution is especially weak, the assault faltering, and GHQ itself looking with worried eyes. Already, whilst still advancing to the front, we were greeted with opening salvoes that nearly removed hundreds millions of smakeroos from our already limited warchests.


We are weeks late, dollars short, with mostly inexperienced unblooded engineers making up our ranks, and miles of hostile territory to penetrate and secure. And then we have you, boys and girls, - the officers who never give up, who never surrender; the old guard.


You are here to tip the balance.


The next few months will be the most intense fighting most of you have ever seen. You will likely never again see such heartstopping action for the next one or even two decades of your career, a gamble that would make the most hardened bookies pale. If we succeed - a possible promotion and a couple months bonus perhaps.


If we fail, we fail our country, every last pinoy.


It is too late now to give you anything but general instructions and a review of my overall strategy. As always, lead by example, inspire by truth, and fear no-one. If we keep this in mind, we cannot go wrong. Our troops - they are not asking for money, they are not wanting for guts, and they do not expect a quick victory and a rapid escape out of the mess we are in.


They only for some constant light to navigate by, as the battle grows thicker. How can we refuse them?


I am coming home soon, very soon. Friends, lover, if you love me, forgive me. If you don't, stand aside. The charge begins!


"Cry 'Havoc!', and let loose the dogs of war!"




P.S - Oh Lord, I beg grant me sleep, tonight, and during the next few months. That will tip the balance, for me.

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after all is said and done, after all the tears have been cried...


we are left with this.


dont knock it. going back to the basics is always a good thing to do.


i told you this, and ill say it again. i will be okay. you will be okay.


in time.


what is important is through the maze of emotions and involvements, we found what we had started with, albeit at the last moment.


i stand firm by what i said that this is not the last we will see of each other. i know that in my heart, deep in my gut.


those last words we exchanged will sustain us through this.


ill talk to you soon. ;)


take care of you.




Edited by Wyld
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Finally, I got a chance to repay you for the times you SAVED me from my EBs. ;-P


T'was a GOOD thing you had some kinda sixth sense about NOT waiting for the guy.


Yet, remember ... karma. ;-)


Coz you know I've had my fair share of No-Shows.


Anyway, thanks for waiting for me still ... after my meeting. Was good to go home with you.



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Cheer up, dear friend. :) Soon enough, you'll find the one truly meant for you. Take care.



Smile A Little Smile For Me

By: The Flying Machine


You really should accept

This time he's gone for good

He'll never come back now

Even though he said he would

So, darling, dry your eyes

So many other guys

Would give the world I'm sure

To wear the shoes he wore


Oh, come on

Smile a little smile for me, Rosemarie

Where's the use in cryin' ?

In a little while you'll see, Rosemarie

You must keep on tryin'


I know that he hurt you bad

I know, darling, don't be sad and . . .

Smile a little smile for me, Rosemarie, Rosemarie


I guess you're lonely now

Love's comin' to an end

But, darling, only now

Are you free to start again

Lift up your pretty chin

Don't let those tears begin

You're a big girl now

And you'll pull through somehow


Oh, come on

Smile a little smile for me, Rosemarie

Where's the use in cryin'?

In a little while you'll see, Rosemarie

You must keep on tryin'


I know that he hurt you bad

I know, darling, don't be sad and . . .

Smile a little smile for me, Rosemarie, Rosemarie

Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba . . .

Smile a little smile for me, Rosemarie, Rosemarie

Edited by willow_boy
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its a bad day. it all started by a mixed up database, forgetful colleague, unreceived pm's.....

sorry if i wrote a senseless pm awhile ago.it may be the result of all those numbers, formulations and meetings circling in my head.

i really need a break. to relax. to be sane.

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hey you.


i cant sleep.

my minds a whirl.

thoughts of you.

keep the wheels of my mind

clicking. spinning.


im running on adrenaline...

and the pseudo high one gets from

the ever reliable red bull.

im close to empty.

i fear a shutdown.


til when i can go on this way...

i dont know.

til when i can go on bereft and adrift...

i dont know.

im trying to hold fast


the bumps along the way make it tough.

i wish you were here.

in any way, form or manner possible.

i wish.

someone, please grant my wish.




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Why I look at you when you drive


If you see me staring at you when you are behind the wheel, it is only because of the beauty you and your car paint together. The sinewy arms and legs that move in coordinates and the sculpted flesh that moves when you step on the clutch to shift the gear, when you step on the gas as you take me to heights and planes. Your eyes a whip on the rear-view mirror are as sexy as when they sweep on the horizon that is my body when I lie naked on the bed and you a shy away from nudity.


And you taking your eyes off the road to glance at me when I say a word or two is like you putting your life on the line just so you can give me a minute attention away from the universe that is your car and you. No, I am not jealous of your car. The car that represents the sex and you driving it the very act of copulation, not between a man and a machine, but you and the idea of perfection that perhaps very few women can achieve.


This is my answer to the question why I don't date men without cars. It is not the convenience or the style or the hip. It is the organized bliss of being with a man while he makes love with another beauty against whom I stand no chance overshadowing in all thinkable competitions.


But it is the idea that while you can drive her, she can't drive you. But I can, as you lie playing helpless on the road that leads nowhere...

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Please ... dont give out my number to anyone else.


I gave and trusted it to you in the STRICTest confidence.


Lately, I have been receiving SMS from unlisted numbers. Apparently, they say it was given to them by a friend.


Maybe, I'd be MORE accommodating SHOULD I be told from whom the number came from ... but no, you're TOO much of a coward to identify yourself or the culprit.




We are HUMAN BEINGs ... not a piece of commodity to be given away at your whim.


One's mobile number is private and sacred ... this is given with trust and respect to the recipient.


Not fair that I HAVE to change my number ... coz I wont.

Edited by barenaked
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I wanted to call you...minutes after we talked over the phone. I couldn't sleep....i thought...i'd be comforted if i talked to you again....too bad i lost your number....didn't mean to, it just disappeared from where i kept it. So many things running in circles around my head. I'm feeling lonely...not for myself...but for JD. I'm feeling sooo alone...yes, i have you and i'm thankful....but when i think about you ...how one day you'll find the right one for you...or maybe get on back w/ your ex....i wonder where that would leave me?...i'd be lost i guess....and sad...really,really sad...and alone....so very, very alone :cry:

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strange how our perceptions of people change as we get to know them better. i once thought you were pretty cool, for lack of a better term. i guess i thought wrong. well, such is life. we learn our lessons and move on. and i am moving on.


it's back to the drawing board for me. no hard feelings, it was interesting while it lasted.


cheers to you and your life. hope you find what you're looking for.

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dear friend,


isnt it ironic that we are going thru almost the same thing right now? after all that happened, i think its just a really strange twist of fate that we both are where we are now.


thank you for trusting me enough with the story ... and thank you for at least listening to what i had to say about it. i know that its not easy to follow advice... especially when your feelings are so involved at this time. i understand that. i respect that. suffice it to say that i will be here to listen... i know that more than anything thats what you need right now.


remember what we said bout your kids - just live your life for them for now. they really should be your focus. everything else will fall into place at the right time. when that time is, we both dont know. just hang in there. i know that it hurts but remember, hurting makes us stronger.


thank you for the gift of friendship you have given to me - we didnt have the best of beginnings but right now, i can truly say that i have made a friend in you.


hang in there. live life a day at a time. cry a little, laugh a little.


we will both be okay ... eventually.



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I hope something like a prayer is OK with this thread :) I have a love letter to GOD.


Dear GOD,


Thank you for your love and protection. You've always been there for me and my family whenever we needed you the most. Time is testing us again and we need your guidance and ever-shining light. Let it shine upon my family in order for us to get through whatever we are experiencing at this very moment. We need YOUR help. I need your HELP.



Edited by jmartinph
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General instruction number 7.


Gents, I do not want details. I want to see broad outlines, all the big major numbers balanced and rounded out. Decimal points do not matter to us today. It's the brutal billions, not the mere millions, that must guide our many decisions.


For today, we are at the frontiers, trying to orchestrate as much land grabbing as possible before all the available land is claimed and our time runs out; just like those filthy criminal half-breed bastard overeducated hacienderos of old. Today, we are slashing with swordstrokes, not fiddling with scalpels cuts. Today, we are claiming territory, not trying to govern such.


This is a huge change of mindsets; somewhat tough for those not used to the concept of aggression to comprehend.


Therefore do not let the future administrative details bother you. Who is best fit to run which parcels - let the haciendero decide that later, assuming we finish everything on time and pull this off. And don't ask who the haciendero will be.


I will give you one guess.


back to work!





PS - yes yes you heard me. No women until we are done. No sleep either. Yep yep,

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