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It’s taking me too damn long… I know… I know… I never imagined I would ever write on this part of the board – EVER.



It’s been a month since we decided to take our friendship to the next level and since then I’ve been trying to contemplate on what to write… should I use colorful words to stimulate a very creative mind? Or should I make it simple, so I could send the message to you clearly (?) I chose the latter.


I came up with just two words: THANK YOU – simple, yet meaningful.


Thank you for bringing back light into my pathetic life, for making me realize that there’s so much more to live for.


Thank you for waking up the humorous side of me… for showing me how wonderful it feels to make people laugh… to see them smile though they are wallowing, how it is to share my blessing and ease them of their pain in my own little way.


Thank you for bringing back the boy in me… the trips to the toy stores may mean nothing to you, but they did a lot for me. :) You gave me an idea how it is to be carefree – even for a moment.


Thank you for cheering me up and staying beside me whenever I feel like I’m being treated like a sucker at home.


Thank you for the love… for the priceless smiles… for the time… for the hugs… the kisses… for the kind words… I appreciate every single thing you have done for me, and I feel blessed that you did.


And lastly, thank you for inspiring me to write…. I haven’t written anything for anyone in years… so please excuse my “French” :P


I love you.



Edited by wildnutzz
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My dear Angel, (July 1999)


You've been in God's care for seven years now. I guess Mom's Papa wanted a grandchild to keep him company in heaven. Well, your dear Ate is approaching her teens now and I guess, from where you are, you've observed your playful little brother come to his own.


Though words are rarely spoken, Mommy and Daddy miss you a lot. We never got the chance to play with you, have you stay in our home and feel our love. Instead, it has become a part of our lives that we pay regular visits to your grave. Though it's quite difficult for your younger brother to understand, someday he will. The years may pass and our family may grow. However, the memory of you will always remain with us until Mom and I pass on.


Someday, I just don't know when and where, I'm hoping that God will let us meet and spend some time together.




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Ate R,


Thanks for handing me some funds to tide me over ... until I dunno when. Will try to STRETCH as LONG as I can.


Really sorry I had to come to you and ask.


I wouldnt if I had other alternatives.


Sometimes ... CRAZY things come to my head about HOW to make/earn/get money. But, I am not SUCH a person.


So, I know ... I will get by, somehow.


Thank you for being there when I need to run to you.


I love you, Ate!



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I admire you for being very open about the going-ons in your life. I've already read quite a number of your posts here and even checked out your room. I wonder if I could be as candid to toss to the cyber wind my worries and fears. There is one post that mocks you for being so, but I guess she is just as envious as I am awed by your remarkable openness and honesty. For what is cyberspace but a place to be yourself, unmindful of the norms that the real life punishes humans for being alive?


I believe there are men who don't show up when they see that you are below their expectations, when they find out you're a big coke litro and not that sexy coke sakto. :evil: But men are foolish. I'm sure all women our age know that already. You meet those just a little foolish and those most foolish of all. The little foolish are those married men bored with their matrimonial life. The most foolish are those men in their 30s, unmarried and still think like a child, no, a kid rather. They are those 30ish men who think they own the world with successes their counterparts can only dream of. Yes, men are really foolish. And my God! What we have to do to put up with them?!


I have met a little foolish married guy but he is nice and sweet and shy, yet tall and successful. And on our third date this Friday, I am going to live his fantasies. He is not from MTC. I notice, MTC men are the most foolish of the little foolish, and the worst of the most foolish.

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courage, will, volition, silence...


the other pillars i could keep,


but in silence i weep



behind a meaningless name i hide,


my oath i try to abide...


my faith i lift high


but in silence i sigh



in this new realm i strike


the fruits of my labor you decide


am i worthy to you, oh Thoth


in broken silencei cry...

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dear boss,


i'm working on it. i know i've been putting it off for the longest time, but to be honest with you, i have a lot on my plate right now and that report you want me to submit is the least of my worries.


By the way, i'm taking the day off on friday and monday. you didn't tell me how much time this job is going to take away from my life. So there, I'm going to take it back.




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Dear you-know-who-you-are,

How could you let me f#&k myself up so badly? I could've been a better person....i could've been good. You gave me these gifts and let me waste them...why did you not just lead me where you really wanted me to go? I thought you loved me...oh, yes i still can feel that...but why do you let me suffer?

You let all these gloom cover me...would you be happier if it swallowed me whole? If it did...where will you be...will i still be seeing you?....

Your long lost child,


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stop it already! damn... i don't want to be disrespectful to you but i just can't help it. hey, everyone in this world who knows you thinks highly of you: respectable, gracious, kind, charming...sheeeeeeshhhh!!! if only they knew the real you, how you treat us like s@%t. how you always berated us for every single minute mistake that we make when a simple reminder will suffice. how you always accused us of anything that you can think of when we are not. whats with you anyway? and now, only now that you are weak and getting older that you wanted us to pamper you like a baby... thats just fine with us, no problem, forget everything... hoping that everything will work out fine this time, for the better or so we thought. but hell no....you are back with your old despicable ways again. all the insults and the hurts that we are trying to forget are all coming back... damn!!! :grr:


well, i guess its in your system already and can't seem to flush it out. so what can we do? accept it as a reality? not that simple... just last week you feigned sickness when you are not.... what are you trying to prove? why the f#&k do you have to bother us all the time? stop f#&king with us, we are all tired and our patience is running thin....


its just me...

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So...is this it?...maybe you found me too complicated. I knew i'd scare you away...like all the others before you. I understand and i can't blame you. I haven't told you everything...good thing i didn't. What you learned was just a teaser...I wonder how fast you would've sneaked out if you knew the whole story. I can't stop from grinning as i imagine how your face would've looked like if i told you the rest of ME. I'm grinning right now you know....grinning and weeping at the same time...i look so silly...you should see my face right now....and you'll understand...that i fell for you, though i knew from the start that this was going to be hopeless.

By the way...thoughts of you...makes me smoke alot more than i already do...i really, honestly feel like hell today.

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ey! whats up? its been a while since we last talked. hope you are doing ok! i also hope that we could meet again one of these days. take care coz i really like you a lot.










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hate your job? then quit! start something new that interest you.... how about starting a business... start small, a carinderia maybe? you know how to cook don't you? or maybe hire someone who knows how to. who knows, it might be a start of something big to come. you are smart and intelligent, why waste it? its not the end of the world... you still have a full life ahead of you. i can help you start one if you want me to. well, its just a thought....


DELETE DELETE DELETE http://www.smileypad.com/v224/Funny/Deliberate.gif

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Dear Cupid,

Sana ako na lang yung kasama mo ...nakakainggit...ang ganda-ganda nyong tingnan. Para akong maiiyak everytime na tititigan ko kayo...ewan ko ba. Sana talaga ako na lang sya :wub:




= = = = = = = =


Dear friend,

Have you turned your back from me now?...coz if you turn away from me right now...right after all the things i confessed ..i 'll never be able to forgive myself for driving you away like that ...so please not now...not yet.http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/mini_icons/mini_icon_294.gif

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Dear Maya,

You're so pathetic.You really think anybody cares? hah! you gotta be kidding yourself. Look around you...no one gives a s@%t....everyone here has a life...except you ofcourse. All these rantings and "express yourself" stuff they're all pointless...why are you doing all these?! you're making a fool of your sorry ass. Who do you think you are...what makes you think there's still hope for you?...whoever gave you that silly idea?! You're going down and you know it. SISSY!!!! http://www.gifszone.com/content/icon/animal/animal_121.gif

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Ms. K, keep it, just keep it please. I could still use it but giving it back to me little by little forces us to meet. In person. We sit too close, your scent just wafts to my nose and I lose it. I'm just fine as long as I don't smell you so please, keep it and I will charge it to experience.


Ms. J, I will not make the same mistake with you. Thanks for letting me live an illusion for an hour and half.


Ms. M, I don't know how, its such an awkward situation. I know you're letting me know but I can't figure how to do it. You want it subtle or upfront?

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I like this time of the year. The time when the entire metro is wallowing in it's own filth and the rain washes everything away. All the chaos, all the madness, all the dust left in the trail of our lives. It all goes away. Everything comes to a grinding halt, everyone stops to listen to the pitter-patter of the rain on our roofs. Everyone stops worrying, sits silently by the window with a warm cup of java and enjoys the soothing satisfaction of a cool and cozy day. Some people, for the life of me, would never understand how this feels. How in one instant, a flood of memories would come pouring in along with each and every drop of water from the skies. A myriad of emotions, a mosaic of dreams, passions, convictions, loves long gone, lost, found and kept. It is in this state that I get the most out of my being. Beneath the dark clouds that bring fear and death to others, I bask in utmost bliss and contentment, away from the sun that dries the tears in my eyes. Every whisper, every touch, every name, every moment, every place, every sight and sound comes more vividly with every drop that embraces my skin.


I like this time of the year, and so do you.

Hope your day is as wet as mine and maybe we could share it sometime



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The three years I've spent here, covering for the chiefs, are coming down to a few figurative slaps on the face. The sting of humiliation is nothing compared to the misery I will have to endure when the last of my wards leaves for another pone position in an MNC.


You once told me that you know why I lose sleep. Now it's not just sleep I'm losing, and it's not just about my precious little one. Hardly did I shed tears for my failed marriage and our failed friendship. I find it strange, but hurtful, nonetheless, that my racking sobs every other morning and evening are for a failing career.


Everyday I wonder, what you must have to say about my troubles.

Edited by bluegreen717
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