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Falling For A Therapist - Merged Thread

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for the record I didnt merge it.





dude sa presinto ka na magpaliwanag



i never was a fan of the fine print, but really the rush to merge threads are sometimes very stupid .. we have a good thread with a good stand alone discussion like W said she wouldve merged it once the discussion have stopped ... but noooooooooooooooooooo somebody had to be all rambo and be gungho about it.




as for larry .. im sure after this crisis hes going to be laid low and be a drama free hubby .. but what when the next crisis/ swagger loss comes around? way i see it we all have our failsafe/insurance proceedures .. and whenever things start going wrong we tend to go back to it ...


no this isnt an educated guess just a theory

Edited by denimhead
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see a man cut from the same cloth...


nyahahahhaa! i even had a "to do list"...but never got to da part wer i had to deal with "multiples"...


anyway, merged??? anyway uso yan ngayon...look what happened to WaMu...


anyway yeah drama free and i think this one will fade into da background na...sayang, i loved how we all had our own opinions and side plots...

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actually the threadstarter's issue is why he keeps on letting the same thing happen to him over and over again.



no offense, saer.


i don't see much difference in your story with the rest here @topic21662.

if you really feel that strongly about it, i suggest you make a room in the

Males section and talk about it there. you're virtually untouchable in your

own room. that's what i did.


peace... B)



the thread was allowed to stay up FOR A WHILE because it sparked an interesting discussion.


it was going to be merged eventually but got merged prematurely.


no offense but for a while, THIS thread was just a mournful soliloquy of loves lost and hearts broken.


larry wasnt mournful, in love or brokenhearted. he just needed a kick in the ass to wisen up.


Edited by Wyld
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the merger just made larrys thread feel cheap..


f*ck yeah


this thread is a boring one trick pony


i never was a fan of the fine print, but really the rush to merge threads are sometimes very stupid .. we have a good thread with a good stand alone discussion like W said she wouldve merged it once the discussion have stopped ... but noooooooooooooooooooo somebody had to be all rambo and be gungho about it.


I could never quite get the point of merging threads, one it totally f*cks up both threads since it's auto arranged by date and not by conversation, YOU SIMPLY CAN'T FOLLOW A CONVERSATION ONCE IT'S MERGED...AND IF YOU CAN'T DO THAT WHY THE F*CK DO YOU CALL THIS A DISCUSSION BOARD THEN?


two, it's just f*cking rude to just f*ck things up that way, it's like having a decent convo with your friends in a coffeeshop and suddenly coming in without warning and taking the goddamn table away. you just don't pull sh1t like that.


for the record I didnt merge it.


yeah I know, the mod who did PMd me, I just said whatever...you're firm but fair W, I know you won't pull that kind of sh1t.


i don't see much difference in your story with the rest here @topic21662.


and now I see you that you failed in reading comprehension while in school


if you really feel that strongly about it, i suggest you make a room in the

Males section and talk about it there.


and totally defeat the purpose of having instant multiple opinions? seriously F that sh1t. I don't even stay in this forum for too long to maintain a room and that would be a true waste of bandwidth.


anyway yeah drama free and i think this one will fade into da background na...sayang, i loved how we all had our own opinions and side plots...






Final update:


just received a disturbing SMS that said "I want you to be the person that I'll be with as long as I'm still alive"


seeing as she's in perfect health, I'd say that I'm right f*cked right now.

Edited by Larry
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yes, run, larry...


on the other hand.. feels good to be 'loved', right?

wouldnt it be great if she gives you the royal treatment without the emotional baggage...a horny, taken man's wet dream


truth, I don't need to feel loved, I just need to wet my wicker in some strange puss every once in a while, or else I'll go crazy with blue balls.


and yes it would be great without the emotional baggage, horny or not, what man wouldn't want that?


One thing I can't get over is how this chick's so naive. I mean we've seen each other for like 5 times, add it all up that's not even a whole day. And now she's telling me she wants to stay with me forever!? Jesus effin' Christ, that's like saying I'm gonna be an elite member of SEAL Team 6 after playing 4 hours worth of COD Modern Warfare (which kicks major ass by the way). She might be lying to get me to be with her, but dooooooood......




As I see it now, collateral damage is inescapable


*puts on running shoes


Adios girlie

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Hmm.. I didn't know that.. But i guess not looking in the eyes would make you feel a bit detached.. (for me its a bit inhuman, like a butcher to a pig)


I'm with Larry on this.. I always look in the eyes. (I look at the nips too but that's beside the point..) Did it get me into trouble like Larry did? Naah.. Maybe I was just lucky until now, that I didn't get myself into a big dilemma.. Maybe Larry's just a little younger and needs to learn more.. Perhaps.. No offense meant and I'm not judging anybody here..


Falling in love is falling in love, it wouldn't matter who, what, when, where and how.. It just is..

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I poured my guts out last night over 2 buckets of SMB lite and told a long time PSPfriend that what I feel for her now is more than friendship!!!

She was caught by surprise...

I must have misinterpreted bits and pieces of what I thought were signs that she feels the same way...

It turned out it was'nt really for me but its for another guy she always talks about!!!

Damn for being a fool...

But true to her friendship, she did'nt castigate nor ignored my pleas...

In the end there were only two (2) options. Either I devolve my feeling to another or cut short our friendship. I chose the latter.

I lost a very dear friend and she lost a confidant that night.

We were both crying and hugging in a public place (bar in T. Morato), indifferent of the other people around us.

I'm still at a loss and barely hanging on...

Should I take it back???


Only time will tell...

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I poured my guts out last night over 2 buckets of SMB lite and told a long time PSPfriend that what I feel for her now is more than friendship!!!

She was caught by surprise...

I must have misinterpreted bits and pieces of what I thought were signs that she feels the same way...

It turned out it was'nt really for me but its for another guy she always talks about!!!

Damn for being a fool...

But true to her friendship, she did'nt castigate nor ignored my pleas...

In the end there were only two (2) options. Either I devolve my feeling to another or cut short our friendship. I chose the latter.

I lost a very dear friend and she lost a confidant that night.

We were both crying and hugging in a public place (bar in T. Morato), indifferent of the other people around us.

I'm still at a loss and barely hanging on...

Should I take it back???


Only time will tell...


well bro, IMHO...


if you can live without her, i do suggest you pick up the pieces and move on with your life...it's useless naman kung tutuloy mo yung feelings mo sa kanya knowing na di magiging kayo NGAYON, but fif you want to gamble with the future and just be there for her, pero that is a BIG IF...kasi di mo naman malalaman kung kayo talaga sa huli...


just be strong bro and think hard about your decisions...



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I know I said that there would be no more updates...


but I just have to tell someone this...


in a wicked twist of fate, my gf, THE gf, suddenly said that she wants to take a break from us


now I don't believe in coincidences, and this is the biggest mind f#&k ever.


talk about getting more than you bargained for

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I know I said that there would be no more updates...


but I just have to tell someone this...


in a wicked twist of fate, my gf, THE gf, suddenly said that she wants to take a break from us


now I don't believe in coincidences, and this is the biggest mind f#&k ever.


talk about getting more than you bargained for


maybe this is your answer - and no i dont mean that you should get together with the other girl.


use this time to take stock of things and come up w/ a decision as to what you wanna do w/ the rest of your life.


then go do it.


youre not one to wallow, right?

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