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Falling For A Therapist - Merged Thread

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tell larry that!


kasi he had a feeling yesterday that the girl was doing all that she was doing so that he would become her regular.




ps dont call me madam. di bagay! :P



hold on I never look for regulars, I mean thats not the idea anyway, which is why I space my visits and mix it up. I've only done a repeat counting this one, around 3 times, and it's because of performance not infatuation.


getting a regular totally defeats the purpose of playing the MP game (at least to me). when you get a regular, you can't get anyone else, if the outside world's small, then their showroom is much much smaller, when word gets around that you're playing with other girls, blood will (and has been) be spilled. so other girls are out, twin service is out (this is troublesome when done with a regular), etc. etc. If I wanted a girlfriend, I'd get a real one, not through the MP.


you're doing it wrong buddy




anyway just an update, she added my fake fb profile (I have one with no friends, just a place where I can rant and vent and not get seen by the boss, my friends, anyone that matters IRL)...and lo and behold her just got recently changed to "its complicated" and her wall got filled with shoutouts to me, with very obvious references to me as the absentee boyfriend. And all her friends suddenly go "who's this guy?". Slow your roll girl...


I guess the "she's just playing me" angle is dead in the water.

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got a question regarding regular MPAs .. im in the states so MPAs tend to run difft the ones that have extra service are the chinese/asian ones .. and like every 3 mos the staff changes so no chance of getting a regular there ...


my question is why get a regular MPA? i mean isnt the point of going to an MP to "taste" difft women w/o the hassle of the wining and dining part? if every session is paid for wouldnt u want to "meet" as many women as you can?


I heard Philly's got the best selection of rub and tugs (and more) there, as in rows and rows of places with Chinese illegals...so a friend told me.


and your question is correct. and that may have been the first time a question is correct, outside of jeopardy

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hold on I never look for regulars, I mean thats not the idea anyway, which is why I space my visits and mix it up. I've only done a repeat counting this one, around 3 times, and it's because of performance not infatuation.


getting a regular totally defeats the purpose of playing the MP game (at least to me). when you get a regular, you can't get anyone else, if the outside world's small, then their showroom is much much smaller, when word gets around that you're playing with other girls, blood will (and has been) be spilled. so other girls are out, twin service is out (this is troublesome when done with a regular), etc. etc. If I wanted a girlfriend, I'd get a real one, not through the MP.


you're doing it wrong buddy




anyway just an update, she added my fake fb profile (I have one with no friends, just a place where I can rant and vent and not get seen by the boss, my friends, anyone that matters IRL)...and lo and behold her just got recently changed to "its complicated" and her wall got filled with shoutouts to me, with very obvious references to me as the absentee boyfriend. And all her friends suddenly go "who's this guy?". Slow your roll girl...


I guess the "she's just playing me" angle is dead in the water.


so are you in? or out? :P

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hold on I never look for regulars <snip>



anyway just an update, she added my fake fb profile (I have one with no friends, just a place where I can rant and vent and not get seen by the boss, my friends, anyone that matters IRL)...and lo and behold her just got recently changed to "its complicated" and her wall got filled with shoutouts to me, with very obvious references to me as the absentee boyfriend. And all her friends suddenly go "who's this guy?". Slow your roll girl...


I guess the "she's just playing me" angle is dead in the water.



not you. SHE was seeing you as her regular. or at least wanting you to be her regular.

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got a question regarding regular MPAs .. im in the states so MPAs tend to run difft the ones that have extra service are the chinese/asian ones .. and like every 3 mos the staff changes so no chance of getting a regular there ...


my question is why get a regular MPA? i mean isnt the point of going to an MP to "taste" difft women w/o the hassle of the wining and dining part? if every session is paid for wouldnt u want to "meet" as many women as you can?


yes bro, that is true but being in the mpa game for 7 years now ( i started MAY 2003) there have been ladies that i have gotten more than 3 times and it's usually just being friends with the lady (fb friend,. constant textmates) or the girl really is so good in her craft that you tend to repeat the experience again, that's why some ladies do the thing they do is because to let guests do repeat to her....


but if the girl is lousy or even average, chances are i won't be seeing you again...


i guess when you experience something worth repeating, you will know bro....ahehehehe




i call you madam so you would have to think twice before suspending me or something like that, wahahahahaha


joke lang!!



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Hey guys, you do realize that the world of MPs is built on lies, right? Let me count the ways:


1. The MPA lies to her family and friends as to what she does for a living

2. The MP is hidden away, no giveaway signs, definitely illegal. Bribes are paid to crooked politicos and cops to keep it open

3. At the MP, the girl goes under a "screen name"

4. The guys who visit MPs usually go solo and don't let anyone else know they're there

5. The guys also use "screen names"

6. Most guys who visit MPs are married or have girlfriends and tell the MPA he's single

7. The girls have standard sob stories to soften the gents' hearts - broken family, poor, lots of mouths to feed, relative who's sick. All the stories sound the same!

8. The girl says "I do it live with only you"

9. The girl says "You're the only one who can make me come"

10. Other variants of "You're the only one who does this/that for me"

11. The girl says "So that's what cum tastes like"

12. The girl says "I miss/love you"

13. The guy usually reciprocates even if he doesn't mean it

14. The guy says he'll return to the girl. Most don't


Let's face it, these girls are working here for purely one reason alone - MONEY. And the good ones know what to say to manipulate their clients (yes, that's what we are, clients, no more) to extract the maximum payoff possible. It's all lies built upon lies and more lies. With all these lies built up around an MPA, do you really expect her to believe everything you tell her and to just trust you?



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that maybe true bro but i have met some mpa's and they are truly nice ladies, yes,they will extract money but once you get to know them on a personal level (not as lovers but as friends / regulars) they are not really as manipulators as some might think they are....


over the years, i have built friendships with certain mpa's and i know a lot about them more than their real friends, friends outside the establishment....hehehehehe



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Hey guys, you do realize that the world of MPs is built on lies, right? Let me count the ways:


1. The MPA lies to her family and friends as to what she does for a living

2. The MP is hidden away, no giveaway signs, definitely illegal. Bribes are paid to crooked politicos and cops to keep it open

3. At the MP, the girl goes under a "screen name"

4. The guys who visit MPs usually go solo and don't let anyone else know they're there

5. The guys also use "screen names"

6. Most guys who visit MPs are married or have girlfriends and tell the MPA he's single

7. The girls have standard sob stories to soften the gents' hearts - broken family, poor, lots of mouths to feed, relative who's sick. All the stories sound the same!

8. The girl says "I do it live with only you"

9. The girl says "You're the only one who can make me come"

10. Other variants of "You're the only one who does this/that for me"

11. The girl says "So that's what cum tastes like"

12. The girl says "I miss/love you"

13. The guy usually reciprocates even if he doesn't mean it

14. The guy says he'll return to the girl. Most don't


Let's face it, these girls are working here for purely one reason alone - MONEY. And the good ones know what to say to manipulate their clients (yes, that's what we are, clients, no more) to extract the maximum payoff possible. It's all lies built upon lies and more lies. With all these lies built up around an MPA, do you really expect her to believe everything you tell her and to just trust you?





well thank you for enlightening me captain obvious.







yeah walking away's no problem, even she knows that I'll be doing that anytime (she's constantly reminding me of this, as if pushing me into a giant guilt trip).


walking away with minimal damage is what I'm working on.

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well thank you for enlightening me captain obvious.







yeah walking away's no problem, even she knows that I'll be doing that anytime (she's constantly reminding me of this, as if pushing me into a giant guilt trip).


walking away with minimal damage is what I'm working on.


Sorry, no offense meant. I've been where you are right now (discussion went as far as marriage - she suggested it, not me), so I know how you feel.


Easiest way out so far was just to be straight with the MPA and tell her I already had a steady GF. My experience has told me that when my gut says it's time to walk away, just do it, don't hesitate. I was glad I did in the end.



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that maybe true bro but i have met some mpa's and they are truly nice ladies, yes,they will extract money but once you get to know them on a personal level (not as lovers but as friends / regulars) they are not really as manipulators as some might think they are....


over the years, i have built friendships with certain mpa's and i know a lot about them more than their real friends, friends outside the establishment....hehehehehe




Not debating whether the girls are nice or not. I have also met some nice ones who never asked for anything more. Quite honorable, actually. In my post, I said that some (the good ones) are manipulative.

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Not debating whether the girls are nice or not. I have also met some nice ones who never asked for anything more. Quite honorable, actually. In my post, I said that some (the good ones) are manipulative.


ok then, but there are some ladies who are not MPA's are way manipulative as well, coming from MIRIAM COLLEGE, i guess there are a lot, hahahahaha


cheers bro!!


wonder why this thread haven't been merged yet, hahaha



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thanks for the concern from all you guys


but I got this. srsly.


But you guys are crucial in this process because you pull me back to earth and remind me to keep it real, plus I have space to rant about all the crazy stuff this chick's been throwing at me, which is sort of documentation for me (or other guys) to come back to.


like I said, it's just stupendously annoying that I still have to deal with this type of sh1t, despite all my rules and protocol. Something like this just had to happen, and it yep it had to happen to me.






the "L" bombs still haven't stopped


the general feeling is that she's moved away from just being a passive participant and is now slowly trying to work into the "substition" process. she won't admit it though, but I keep reminding her that whatever this is, its temporary.

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wonder why this thread haven't been merged yet, hahaha




its because we're awesome.


think about it, this is the hottest new thread this forum has ever seen in a while, we're almost at 10 pages already. For a thread that has 0 pictures in it, that's pretty goddamn amazing.


and its because of you guys


*slow claps

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