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South China/West Philippine Sea

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If a country matures in the same fashion after 5,000 years of History and Culture, then i'm damn glad that The Philippines is only 115 years old...



I have thought of this innocently until I read the history of how China was COLONIZED by a smaller country - Manchuria. Basically the weakness of the mainlander was his culture. It easily succumbed to the superior ways of the Manchus who introduced fashion sense like pig tails. The normal Chinese just looked awful and the captivating looks of the Manchus made them admire and trust the foreigners. Yes, China was not overcome by weapons but by cultural admiration FOR its neighbor, Manchuria - a land where the population are more close resembling the Japanese than Chinese.


Thus repair of the damaged CULTURE of China was what the Cultural Revolution was about. Yet in the scheme of things, the outcome of this artificially crafted cultureby RE-EDUCATION was an out of touch people who cannot work without supervision and management, making the mainland the largest and cheapest labor force in the world.

Edited by hit05
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China can build all the new tech they want, but they still won't know how to use it.


That's the big tactical difference between the US and China.


China has 1 aircraft carrier, but don't have the necessary doctrine and protocols in place to successfully use it in blue water scenarios. I can't even say if they know how to use the carrier as a force projection element, in the same way that the US utilizes the various carrier groups as the ultimate force projection elements.




China, should they follow their policy of saving face until the end, will be pushed into a conflict they don't want because of this. Especially now that they're enforcing their policies selectively.

Edited by Larry
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What's a bit worrying is the fact that the Chinese find "saving face" an extremely important value. China definitely lost face in this incident and may resort to some crazy/irrational response to regain lost face.


The damage has been done and indeed the neighbors of China are now "face saving" and are doing crazy and irrational responses. There is news report that the Japanese and the South Koreans are spearheading an assault already to drive off China from International sea lanes.


After diplomacy FAILS, military warfare happens. In military conflicts, it is no longer about saving face anymore but rather about life saving activities, to each his own - or survival of the fittest.

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how are the neighbors of China "face saving?"


especially when they were the ones who were violated?


and we need a source for this


There is news report that the Japanese and the South Koreans are spearheading an assault already to drive off China from International sea lanes.


especially when all news reports indicate that Japan and Korea are trying to resolve this diplomatically.


By your words an assault is meant to imply direct military action, and again common sense tells me that this is something that both Japan and Korea are unwilling to commit to at this stage. (it also doesn't make sense, an assault on SEA lanes for the imposition of an AIR identification zone? so you're basically telling us that Japan and Korea are dispatching ships to defend air space?)


If it were true, we would need a verifiable source for your comment, since this would transform the current situation significantly via escalation by both Japan and Korea. It would probably be an act of war too.

Edited by Larry
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I believe that the USA may be the only one that is able to stop the aggression of China. USA+Japan+Taiwan+ASEAN allies may put into hold the aggressiveness of China. The US must be granted bases and access to the country. One of the reasons for their departure from PHL is the expiration of the agreement and that there exists a waaay lot of prostitution dens near the bases, but then, it is the prostitutes who wants money and they are the ones who are approaching the military personnels.


well prostitutes and women who gravitate toward military camps, is an ancient "tradition". It's been happening since Alexander the Great's time, and it's happening domestically too. You'll see more women near the forward military bases of the Philippine Army, so it's now new. Soldiers need loving, and women are somehow magnetically drawn towards men in uniform.



If any confrontation will arise due to China, we, the PHL people may bear the brunt force of the war. FYI, majority of the Chinese-Filipinos in PHL, me included, fought with China during the civil war. We lost, therefore fled China to Taiwan, PHL, USA, Vietnam, Singapura and other countries. When war will erupt, I will put in faith that the Filipinos and the Chinese in PHL will join in fighting china aggressor.


as someone from the mainland (which I suppose you are judging from your posts, if not then I apologize), can you give us your insight into all of this? Why do you think China is doing this? It would be great to see it from a different vantage point, especially from someone who's actually experienced the Chinese government and seen how they operate.

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What's your point? This post is convoluted and incoherent. wacko.gif

If you CANNOT understand then go by the facts.


Firstly, who are the Manchus? Wasn't that the last Dynasty to rule China? Where did the Manchus come from? It was not from mainland China at all. Tell us if communists or nationalists consider the Manchus as locals.


Next, ask why did Mao institute the CULTURAL Revolution? If indeed culture was so successful for 5000 long years, then why even try to tamper with it?


Finally, what made modern China is the supply of Cheap labor. No where in the world can claim to be cheaper. Isn't that a FACT, even today almost 30 years after China opened up?


Labor is only one of the many factors of PRODUCTION. Labor is needed in a production line for manufactured Goods. At first, China offered factories and invited management from other countries to set up production systems. Had China known ahead of time what to do, then foreign CAPITAL in the form of proprietary ideas, markets, and technological know how will never be needed for the ECONOMIC MIRACLE. Yet in the scheme of things, it was foreign capital that worked for the economic uplift of China.


If still you cannot swallow the TRUTH, then I am sorry but that is no longer my problem. Maybe you can ask a favor from the mods to teach you how to use search engines.

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Yes, I don't understand because your post is incoherent. The last time I checked, Manchuria is a part of China. Huh? Why would I tell you of the Nationalists or Communists consider Manchus as locals? I am not from there so I have no idea. Your posts are getting farther and farther from the topic at hand.



What's the connection of this question to the thread topic?



What does cheap labor have to do with the topic?



What does labor have to do with the topic at hand? Perhaps, you can start a new topic regarding Chinese labor because you are obviously way off topic.



Communism is all about labor and capital. Communists got an idea that they are exploited by Capitalists, reason for the EMPHASIS. But in the case of modern China, it was foreign CAPITAL that provided the opportunities to employ and make productive the majority of otherwise idle Chinese. Thus, the communist ideas were abandoned in pursuit of development and progress.


Manchuria is not Chinese but Japanese now. IT was given as payment for war reparations when China attempted to invade Japan unsuccessfully. Isn't that what the Chinese are asking Japan to return to them?


You see the ROOT of the problem is the RE-EDUCATION of mainland Chinese that programs them to make believe a lot, among which is the claim that the Philippines is a part of China.

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What's a bit worrying is the fact that the Chinese find "saving face" an extremely important value. China definitely lost face in this incident and may resort to some crazy/irrational response to regain lost face.




Ok so now it looks like China's going to up the ante and further destabilize the region with this latest development. All in the name of saving face. All it will take is the finger of one nervous Chinese pilot to launch a missile at a Japanese, Korean, or American plane which could potentially plunge the region into the brink of war.

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Say what? Since when did Manchuria become part of Japan? I would have liked to leave you be but you are distorting facts. Just to give this post of mine a semblance of being on topic, one of the Chinese provinces in Manchuria, Liaoning, is the name of the lone Chinese aircraft carrier which the Chinese are deploying, as we speak, in the East Philippine Sea.




You are making up a lot of things that do not hold true to the greater world - China's immediate neighborhood - that is now ready to match everything that you make believe you got.



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Ok so now it looks like China's going to up the ante and further destabilize the region with this latest development. All in the name of saving face. All it will take is the finger of one nervous Chinese pilot to launch a missile at a Japanese, Korean, or American plane which could potentially plunge the region into the brink of war.


It's a face saving measure alright, for the Chinese public. America punked them already and they need to show something to the Chinese people that they're not all bark


I don't think it will come to blows just yet. Biden is over there now (although he's an idiot) talking to the Chinese, so at least diplomacy comes first, and China doesn't want to pass America off

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Say what? Since when did Manchuria become part of Japan? I would have liked to leave you be but you are distorting facts. Just to give this post of mine a semblance of being on topic, one of the Chinese provinces in Manchuria, Liaoning, is the name of the lone Chinese aircraft carrier which the Chinese are deploying, as we speak, in the East Philippine Sea.


Does Manchuria (as a name) even exist now? From what I recall, it's a non-existent region in China. They're calling it something else (although, I can't remember right now). The people from that region won't even mention the name 'Manchuria'... at least not out loud. :)


China is very much acting like a spoiled brat in a toy store.

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Does Manchuria (as a name) even exist now? From what I recall, it's a non-existent region in China. They're calling it something else (although, I can't remember right now). The people from that region won't even mention the name 'Manchuria'... at least not out loud. :)


China is very much acting like a spoiled brat in a toy store.


Nah china's more like the tough guy you meet in a club "touch me and I'll k*ll you", so you touch him... "touch me again..."

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