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Who Is Into Scale Modelling?


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Btw, here are photos of the camo F-5B I made years ago:




Heres the same plane wearing an earlier scheme:









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That Gripen really looks fantastic! I really wish our air force could buy some modern jets. I thought the candidates were the Gripen, the Flanker and F-16. The camo on the Gripen is a refreshing break from the grays that the modern jets usually carry. Are all those 1/48? They're really nice and I don't think I can build them as cleanly as those. I guess that's why I stick to armor. It's more forgiving of mistakes. While the gray F-5B looks rather nice, I only have decals for the three (four) camo scheme. Forgive me, I don't count the underside paint as part of the camo, unless it's a wrap-around scheme like the Viggen. Great models you have there Sir Boelcke!

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Thanks Doc! Actually, the planes are 1/72. I started building planes in that scale way back in the 80s and never changed scale since.


Seriously, I doubt we'd see any new jetfighters for the PAF. Sigh.




Oh s@%t! I could have sworn those models were 1/48th scale. You're now my idol next to Super Mario!

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Great models, Herr Boelcke! I, too, thought it was 1/48! Galing nung panel details! Where did you get the decals?


I've also been planning to make the PAF set - P51, F-86, F-5, OV-10. So far, I have the F-86 and OV-10 - in boxes. :thumbsdownsmiley:


The PAF museum used to have an open area in Villamor with a PBY or a Catalina, but not exactly. Anyone know what specific plane it is?

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Thanks sir Floppy!


Hope to see your F-86 and OV-10 someday.


You might be referring to the HU-16 Albatross. The PAF had them in the 60s or 70s.

Thank you Sir! So THAT's what it's called!


I, too, hope to see them built - someday! hehehe There's just too much work these days. No more time to build. The last model I made was a 1/24 mini cooper, which I gave as a gift to an enthusiast. That was 3 years ago, I think. (para bang alcoholics anonymous spiel?)

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Great models, Herr Boelcke! I, too, thought it was 1/48! Galing nung panel details! Where did you get the decals?


I've also been planning to make the PAF set - P51, F-86, F-5, OV-10. So far, I have the F-86 and OV-10 - in boxes. :thumbsdownsmiley:


The PAF museum used to have an open area in Villamor with a PBY or a Catalina, but not exactly. Anyone know what specific plane it is?


How about doing a PAF C-130? Or has Herr Boelcke done it already?

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  • 2 weeks later...

good day to scale modellers!


i had built 3 models way back in the 90's and i would like to rekindle my passion for this hobby.


i'm looking at starting again to a basic 1/72 scale (or if my budget permits- a 1/48 scale), uh-1h (huey) helicopter as my comeback project.


any leads where I could get this? makati or alabang areas sana.


thanks in advance.

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Btw, here are photos of the camo F-5B I made years ago:




Heres the same plane wearing an earlier scheme:











That Silver grey F5 looks fantastic sir!

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good day to scale modellers!


i had built 3 models way back in the 90's and i would like to rekindle my passion for this hobby.


i'm looking at starting again to a basic 1/72 scale (or if my budget permits- a 1/48 scale), uh-1h (huey) helicopter as my comeback project.


any leads where I could get this? makati or alabang areas sana.


thanks in advance.



I saw a couple of Huey Kits in Tomas Mapua Branch of Special Toys Center last Sunday. Maybe you can try contacting Festival Mall Branch if they have stocks there?

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good day to scale modellers!


i had built 3 models way back in the 90's and i would like to rekindle my passion for this hobby.


i'm looking at starting again to a basic 1/72 scale (or if my budget permits- a 1/48 scale), uh-1h (huey) helicopter as my comeback project.


any leads where I could get this? makati or alabang areas sana.


thanks in advance.


Park Square 1 - Lil's

Makati Cinema Square - Hobbies & Comics



Market Market - RNC Hobbies & Collictibles (?) (sister store of Hobbies & Comics but limited selection)



Festival Mall - Special Toy Store

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Thank you sir, for the compliments!





One of my dream projects is a 1/72 PAF C-130. The C-130 is just a beautiful bird, and seeing it in PAF livery makes it even prettier. My problem right now is that even as we had moved to a bigger house, my display space in fact got smaller. Until such time that I could convince the wife to let me put a glass cabinet in the family hall I wouldnt have parking space in my small hobby room for a 1/72 C-130. My space is already filled up with existing kits and of course my stash.






Btw, Italeri released a 1/48 kit of the UH-1D (which is almost identical to the UH-1H. ESCI came out with an even better 1/48 kit years ago but this one's out of production. The kits were labeled as UH-1D or UH-1H. The only problem is the sliding door windows; one was longer than the other. Standard Ds and Hs had the same size sliding door windows.






Theres also a Lils store at the basement of SM Mega. And there's another at the Trinoma mall.

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