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Linux Anybody?

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You can enable multiverse and other repositories from Synaptic to get more applications.

Then there's also Medibuntu, where you can get some non-free stuff like codecs and Skype (if you need it)-- I don't remember the address exactly but you can Google for "Medibuntu".


The problem with Ubuntu's native repository is that it isn't complete. The first thing I do after intalling Ubuntu is to turn on support for my NTFS drives by installing the "NTFS Config" tool. Everybody on the forum says its on the universe repository of Ubuntu, but Synaptic doesn't see it, nor does the Add/Remove Program module.


I haven't experienced that "things turning green" problem though.


It's the way the videos are handled, I think. It's actually an overlay on "top" or "bottom" of the desktop. So if I turn on Beryl and desktop effects, the video gets covered up with a mono colored block. But, when you pause the video or move the movie player, a "screenshot" of the currently playing video appears, until you un-pause it, that is.

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did you boot from the live cd and mount your partition and edit from there?

ganun kasi ginagawa ko pag meron ako nasira config and ayaw mag boot ng maayos ang ubuntu.


Yan ang hindi ko naisip!

Well, I guess that's what I get for panicking. :)


liquidtension: yeah, it's actually a good OS. It's not as "plug-and-play" as Windows is, at least not if you use your PC aside from the regular office work. Media is really difficult to configure at first. But when you get all your stuff together, it really does wonders.

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Yan ang hindi ko naisip!

Well, I guess that's what I get for panicking. :)


liquidtension: yeah, it's actually a good OS. It's not as "plug-and-play" as Windows is, at least not if you use your PC aside from the regular office work. Media is really difficult to configure at first. But when you get all your stuff together, it really does wonders.



It's got a better 'plug and play' than Windows... When installing windows, I always have to have the drivers for my video card, sound card and LAN ready along with the Windows XP installer. With Ubuntu, I just pop in the disc and tell it to install... and it also install while I'm surfing the web pa. The only problem I have with it is that most of the softwares that I need to install are in the internet pa.

Edited by artvader
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It's got a better 'plug and play' than Windows... When installing windows, I always have to have the drivers for my video card, sound card and LAN ready along with the Windows XP installer. With Ubuntu, I just pop in the disc and tell it to install... and it also install while I'm surfing the web pa. The only problem I have with it is that most of the softwares that I need to install are in the internet pa.

the repositories are online to allow faster updates and reconstructs, di ba ang update ng M$ is 2x a month ang linux mga 2-3 days lang.

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*Hello po, this is a re-post from another forum. I'm just putting it here since I think it's a related subject. I'm also the original author of this post...*


Hi! Sorry for double posting, I'm just excited about a thing I've learned today. Sorry kung medyo novice na novice ang dating at talagang naaliw lang ako.


I received a CD from a client for whom I am making an online store. The CD contained 169 images of products that I had to resize from 1000+ pixels in width to somewhere around 300px. Additionally, I had to make a thumbnail for each of them.


Of course, coming from a Photoshop background and remembering quite well my last post, the first thing that came to mind was "how do I make the GIMP do repetitive stuff like how Photoshop does it with its Actions utility?" After an hour of searching and attempting to learn Script-fu, I was led to the idea that perhaps The GIMP isn't what I needed to accomplish my present task.


Right, so what I really needed was "Mogrify", a command line tool that comes with ImageMagick. And here are the simple steps, which I hope will be useful for others, that allowed me to resize 169 images, do some basic brightness/contrast operations, and make thumbnails for each in less than 10 minutes:


(Again, install ImageMagick if you don't have it yet.)


1. Make a directory for image files that need conversion. Copy-paste the files to that directory.

2. Open a terminal and cd to that directory.

3. Run "mogrify -resample 72 -resize 300 -sigmoidal-contrast 5x50 *", this will take several minutes depending on the number and size of the files to be processed. It also begs to mention -resample is the DPI value and -resize is the width in PIXELS. The thing will preserve the original image's proportions.

4. Run "mkdir thumbnails" then "cp * thumbnails/".

5. cd to the thumbnails folder and run "mogrify -resize 100 *", which resizes the copied files to 100px wide.


*Added here, also by me:*

You can also use this script. Copy and paste to a text editor and save as mogrify-make-gallery.sh in your bin:


#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script is for resizing images found in a given directory

# Run the script in the directory of your target images: mogrify-make-gallery.sh


echo -----------------------------------------------------------

echo Image Gallery Modifier v 1.0 by Arielle B Cruz

echo Written for ZsaZsaZsu-Bijoux.com

echo This script relies on ImageMagick and Mogrify.

echo -----------------------------------------------------------

echo Resizing original images to 300px wide,

echo this may take some time. Please wait.

mogrify -resample 72 -resize 300 -sigmoidal-contrast 5x50 *

echo Applying noise-reducing enhancement.

mogrify -enhance *

echo Creating thumbnails sub-folder.

mkdir thumbnails

echo Creating thumbnails, 100px wide each.

cp * thumbnails/

cd thumbnails

mogrify -resize 100 *

echo Applying noise-reducing enhancement.

mogrify -enhance *

echo Done. Mabuhay\!


#end of mogrify-make-gallery.sh

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good afternoon,


me consensus ba kung ano distro gamit ng user dito?



LAMP = SuSE 10.0 OSS

Desktop = openSuSE 10.2


slackware user since '97 (on diskettes) here :)


using droplinegnome on top of slackware for the gui, samba for windows interop, iptables/netfilter for the firewall.

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The only problem I have with it is that most of the softwares that I need to install are in the internet pa.

once you get the hang of it, i'll bet you would prefer installing the programs you need from tarballs. binary packages on the internet are compiled with the options as needed by the people compiling them, may or may not include the options you need.


but then, take your time. you'll learn along the way ;)

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quick question lang po:


balak ko bumili ng bagong HDD, gagawin ko sanang dual-boot. Ano ang mas maganda/mas madaling unahin na i-install, Ubuntu (or kahit na anong Linux na rin) or Windows XP? Ano ang advantages/disadvantages ng uunahin mo ang Ubuntu over Windows (and v.v.)? Thanks :)

by experience mas madali unahin mo muna windows, then install linux. then use the boot loader, GRUB or Lilo (my preference), to boot your windows and linux OS. straight forward ang config.


advantage/disadvatage: windows setup will overwrite your boot sector no matter what, killing any non-ntldr boot loader in place, linux boot loader will prompt you, or allow you to modify config files, for partitions you wanted to boot plus a customised boot menu if you want to :)

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by experience mas madali unahin mo muna windows, then install linux. then use the boot loader, GRUB or Lilo (my preference), to boot your windows and linux OS. straight forward ang config.


advantage/disadvatage: windows setup will overwrite your boot sector no matter what, killing any non-ntldr boot loader in place, linux boot loader will prompt you, or allow you to modify config files, for partitions you wanted to boot plus a customised boot menu if you want to :)


Wow, that was fast! Pwede kang magtrabaho sa call center, ang bilis mo kasing mag-respond ;)


Thanks for the tip! Duly noted :D

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