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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. Liking the Thermorexin Olympus here recommended. Not feeling jittery at all.


    I just got my Yohimburn ES and will be trying that tonight.


    anyone here tried YES yet?


    Liking the Thermorexin Olympus here recommended. Not feeling jittery at all.


    I just got my Yohimburn ES and will be trying that tonight.


    anyone here tried YES yet?

  2. well, a balanced meal is great. 5 small balanced meals. you dont need to entirely cut on fats. some are actually good for the body. likewise, spot reduction exercises like crunches, oblique crunches/side bends, leg raises wont really burn the fats surrounding your mid section. 100 reps in 1 set is also absurd. this type of training is so old fashioned and doesnt really work.


    a good training for cutting or reducing overall bodyfat, inlcuding those stubborn mid section lard, is an effective total body workout which trains all the major muscles. developing your muscles help you burn all those fats and help keep your metabolism rate up. of course, opt for compound exercises instead of isolation exercises. adding supersets and tri-sets also keep the intensity level up a notch to help you burn more calories and shock the body. personally, i dont like splits since they dont burn much calories. if you wanna lose weight, you should learn to love whole body/total body workouts.


    as for abs training, you dont need to perform a lot of reps. quality over quantity. our abs are muscles too, hence, they work the same way with other muscles. if you are performing a lot of reps, that means your ab muscles arent getting worked out since they can easily work the reps out. instead of doing a lof of reps, try decreasing the repititions you perform but make sure you work the abs intensely either by performing the reps slowly or by adding resistance from cables or plates. you also dont need to exercise the abs everyday since all muscle groups need a day or two to rest.


    as for cardio, HIIT is better than long but low intense cardio sessions. i know that some would disagree on this but i base this on what ive learned from my coaches when i was a track and field athlete during college. likewise, a good example would be sprinters and marathon runners. sprinters have lean muscles and are thicker compared to marathon runners who have smaller frames, looks thinner, and have smaller muscles. however, when you measure the bodyfat percentage of sprinters against marathon runners, you'll be surprised to know that sprinters have less bodyfat percentage compared to marathon runners. majority of the workout/cardio sessions done by sprinters can be classified as HIIT. long cardio sessions can only burn much when you're just a begginer but sooner or later, your body will adapt to the boring long cardio session... hence the need to apply HIIT, which i guarantee is more challenging and fun! :)



    Glad to see posts like this...


    wish it was that easy to not do as much reps when working out my abs. I don't know if I'm working myself out too much

    but I've been getting sick, throwing up while working out. I drink about 8 oz of water while doing cardio/sculpting workout.

    I thrive for that burn/tightness after my workout and if I don't feel the tightness the next day,

    I push myself even more. I work out 2 to 3 times a day....in the morning, 30 to 45 mins then mid afternoon about the same time, and

    before I go to bed about 1 hour. 7 days a week. YES, may be a little excessive ha! I look at my body and I feel the need to work out some more.

    I yearn for that definition and tone. And I want them NOW dammit! :lol:

    Maybe I'm just impatient and I want instant result. Maybe even possibly addicted.

    I do see results and that makes me work harder. I just don't know if it's worth the exhaustion I'm going through from all the other posts here.

    Ayaw ko lang paliitin ang tyan ko, I want those rock hard abs, the defition and tone....


    Like this....post-88345-1202185078.gif


    I'm currently taking Thermorexin and Glucophase XR from Olympus suggestion. No complains...seems to be pretty good so far.


    And I'm just super stoked because I just got my Yohimburn ES in the mail now. So I'm going to try that tonight.

  3. I own several pairs of Citizens for Humanity and Rock and Republic. But my fave are my 7s...

    these are the 7 for all Mankind jeans.

    (not the other brand na Sevens)

    Because they seems to fit me like second skin.


    I lost some weight and my Citizens just don't fit me as snug or as flattering.

    I also had them hemmed kasi they we're too long, now they're not

    as tapered sa bottom and they just look weird.

    The Sevens are still the best as far as fit and making my hiney look more bootylicious.


    I'm working out like crazy...I mean to the point where I'm vomiting after my workouts just so I can look

    fierce into a pair of True Religion. Lovin' the rock and roll hip designs but I would love it more if I

    was a 2 to 4 sizes smaller.

    So I promised myself once I get down to my ideal "painted on" jeans size then I'm buying a pair as a reward. :thumbsupsmiley:

  4. Remembering my single days, I wasn't really a serial dater.

    I prefer group dates so I can get out of it when if I want to and my girls are there.

    I always felt awkward when it's that point in your date where you have to say goodnight and

    he's looking deeply into your eyes and he's about to go for the k*ll.

    Kaya I devise a plan by jumping out of their cars before they pull in to stop... :lol:

    yeah I'm weird like that :rolleyes:


    But nah, I don't kiss on the first date...or the second...or the third... :rolleyes:

  5. since december i've lost some 20 or so lbs. from 184lbs i am now down to 162-164 lbs.

    i didn't take any diet pills nor the like. like what every sane fella with a sane mind will

    tell you/us, its a change in lifestyle and eating habits. i've added more fruits, fruit juice,

    and vegetables to my diet. i've cut back on my rice consumption (there's always rice

    but not as a huge serving as before), no more third rounds. and lastly more consistent

    physical activity: basketball, biking, walking, jogging, swimming. and gumagamit ako

    nung nilalagay sa tiyan na may velcro na kulay blue at goma siya. whole day at everytime

    na may activity ko suot ito. suot ko din pagtulog ko. tuwing gigising ako, no more tummy bulge.

    yun nga lang siyempre kelangan pa gawin muslces. hehehe...


    but i'm proud of what i've achieved so far. target ko is down to 150lbs++, which is my ideal weight

    for my height. i'm kinda excited na for the beach! yahooo!



    :thumbsupsmiley: way to go! (dude, i thought you were a female until i saw the gender sign...duh!)


    congratulations on taking this new lifestyle change.


    I made a change myself starting this year. No more excuses for me.

    And I feel so good about this lifestyle change...I'm embracing all the challenges and changes.


    I'm psyched about my workout and I'm smarter about what I put in my body.

    And if I slip occassionally, which is emotional eating for me, I don't crucify myself.

    I just become aware of what I'm doing and work out extra hard.

    I'm motivated more than ever and nothing will keep me from my goal.


    Best of luck to you. :thumbsupsmiley:


    on topic...I just received my thermorexin and glucophase xr...just took glucophase, it's too late na to take the thermorexin.

    thanks for your suggestion olympus! :thumbsupsmiley:

  6. Lord,


    Help me absorb all that I need to learn.

    Let me see the light B) :lol: or should I ask, "light up that light bulb pleaseeeee!"

    Give me the strength equal to the determination you've given me.

    Lord, I hope I'm not asking for a miracle...or has it been that long???? HELLLLLPPPPPPPPP! :cry:


    Thank you Lord!

  7. here are some things you might wanna consider








    Thermorexin reduces cravings and the yohimbine component prevents your A2 receptors in your stubborn fat or problem areas (belly button or hips/thighs) from become desensitive to stimulants.






    In short, Glucorell will allow you to eat carbs in every meal and still easily lose weight. The Glucorell shuttles the blood sugar produced by carbs into muscles and your liver like your body did when you were a kid. Glucorell (R-alpha lipoic acid) is a powerful substance that can help the liver regenerate and repair itself. Therefore if you drink, your liver can recover much quicker and maintain good health.


    thanks for your tip again olympus. Glucorell is out of stock and the worldnutrion will be sending me Glucophase XR instead wih myThermarexin.


    I've been researching Gluphase XR and it seems to do the same thing as Glucorell. I hope it's as good as Glucophase.

  8. basic squat exercises and overhead lifting of objects... these exercises targets your abs din




    Yup lifting weights and doing the basic exercises like squats, military presses deadlifts and pullups. Those will shape your body ang give you that tone you want. Doing diet and crunches would not be enoughl. I actually have several members in the gym i work at who have developed a leaner figure and firmer stomach even without doing crunches



    really ha!? this is the first time I've heard of this...I didn't think they would target my abs...I learned something new today :thumbsupsmiley:

    working out from home with my cardio/strength videos doesn't really allow me to do military presses deadlifts and pull ups.

    But my plan is to get to that stage just not with heavy weights. I just have this on my head that I will bulk up doing deadlifts and

    other exercises I used to do before. I don't want to bulk up guys.


    thanks for all your tips... :thumbsupsmiley:

  9. GlucorellR is basically alapha lipolic acid.. what it does is it shoves carbs into the muscle cells instead of the fat cells.


    if you are looking for an energy booster, you can try checking out thermorexin. its a way better and cheaper product as compared to hydroxycut


    thanks Olympus! I just ordered Thermorexin and Glucorell R from worldclassnutrion.com. Can't wait to get them. I'll tell you how they work out.

    I hope I don't bulk up though like I did when I was training 15 years ago. I want that long muscle tone and definition and not so much the bulkyness like

    what I achieved before. I try to fit in a 30 min stretchingto be long and limber once a week into my 3 to 4 days of cardio/strenth training.

    Unlike before, I'm not focus on the weights...I stay with my 1,3,5, and 10 lbs dumbbells and not rigorous weight lifting/body building like before.

  10. The abs are the one of the (if not) most stubborn parts of the body in response to fatloss. Doing those dance exercise classes may help, but you still need to do strength training so you can build more muscle, which will help in the long run in helping you lean out



    what do you mean strength training? I associate strength training with lifting weights which would target my arms, legs, back, buttocks..

    but what strength training can i do to my abs besides the machines targeted for my abs?


    will proper diet and crunches be enough? I just terminated my gym membership and I don't have any machines at home.


    thanks :)

  11. Question...I have the HipHop Abs and Turbo Jam as a different way of working out my abs without doing

    crunches on the floor. How effective are these? I'm loving the Slim in 6 which has the crunches on the floor for abs routine.

    I love the tightness and the burn I feel when I do the crunches in this video. I wonder if I will be wasting my efforts

    to do these stand up abs routines from the Hip Hop Abs and Turbo Jam in place of crunches on the floor?

    My abs have that burn already from my abs floor crunches when I do my hiphop abs so I don't know if its actually this video is working my abs or not.


    I also notice that as my waist gets smaller, my upper abs (the area just below my breast where my upper ribs are) seems to be protruding more?

    I'm doing crazy crunches and hip hop abs but I can't seem to target that stubborn area. I'm contemplating lipo (again) on that area but

    I would like to get rid of it through work out.


    Any tips on how to target that area?

  12. did you follow the dosage as followed or did you take in a lot more tablets?


    Glucorell is a good choice since it was also originally used as a medication for diabetics in Germany.



    I took Hydrocut as indicated but as I said that was years ago when it was made with Ephedra and that's probably what

    gave me the jitters.


    Thanks for telling me about Glucorell...I'm going to research it and hopefully I can find it here in Vegas. Will Glucorell give

    me energy and stamina like what I'm looking for? Or is it mainly for weightloss?

  13. I think I need to take supplements to give me energy and stamina kasi after my workouts I feel so light headed, shaky, and I feel like vomiting.

    I drink water during my workouts and I don't know if that is contributing to me feeling sick(vomiting). I don't drink naman too much...just to

    get rid of that dryness in my mouth and throat.


    The problem is I'm diabetic and I'm on Metformin (I've got my diabetes under control).

    I don't know what supplements to take and if I should even be taking any.


    Has anyone here heard of energy supplements that is good for diabetics? And something that will not give me the gitters and shakes.

    I was taking Hydrocut before and it made me have palpitations but that was the old formula where they had ephedra.


    thanks for your input :)

  14. we just grew apart...he's at one stage of his life and i'm at a different stage...one day we just found ourselves working so hard

    to stay together...love shouldn't be "pilit" so we decided to end it and move on with our lives...separately

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