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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. one of the most endearing qualities about my hubby is that he helps me out around the house

    the fact that na kahit pagod siya from work, ako pa din ang iniisip niya and doesn't devalue my role

    as a stay-at-home mom...akala kasi nang mga ibang asawa, we just sit around the house

    my hubby never makes me feel that way. i don't have to tell him how bad my day was...

    as soon as he gets home, he gives me a break from our kids by taking them off my hands.


    he does the dishes after our dinner kasi pagod na daw akong magluto

    he does chores that he thinks "mabibigat" for me...like mopping the floor, cleaning the bathrooms

    on saturday mornings he serves me and the kids breakfast in bed and lets me sleeps in while

    he watches saturday morning cartoons with our kids


    the mere fact na ayaw niyang nakikitang nahihirapan o naii-stress ako makes me love him even more

    and want to serve ...in and out of bed

    kaya naman kahit he's always deployed yung loyalty at commitment ko sa kanya hindi nagwi-waiver

    alam ko na walang hihigit sa pagmamahal niya

  2. Men doing chores sexy, poll finds

    Misty Harris, Canwest News Service

    Published: Saturday, February 16, 2008

    Watching a man perform housework can be as potent an aphrodisiac as oysters and George Clooney movies.


    In a poll of 1,300 moms, Parenting Magazine found fully 15 per cent were wooed into the mood by "choreplay" -- that is, seeing their partner pitch in around the house. In simplest terms, women give kisses to men who do dishes.


    "I think most men aren't aware of how powerful these efforts can be," says Joy Davidson, a New York-based sex therapist.



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    Font:****"If you said, 'By increasing your help with daily chores by 30 per cent, you'll increase your sex frequency by 50 per cent,' how many men would dismiss that? Probably not too many."


    The results of the online survey are lent scientific support by a recently published study in the American Journal of Public Health that showed a "significant association" between a husband's contributions to domestic chores and his wife's emotional health. Similarly, a 2006 study by a pair of U.S. sociologists found husbands who help around the house are more attractive to their wives.


    Jasmin Sykes, who has been married two years, says when her husband helps out with the chores -- which she notes is often -- the "significant boost" it gives to their sex life is far greater than when he buys her flowers or makes other material gestures.


    "Just the fact that he would do something to ease the load is a huge turn-on," says Sykes, who lives in Edmonton with her hubby and toddler. "I don't think that physically seeing him do housework turns me on necessarily, but the feeling of love and relief I get afterwards definitely does it for me."


    Samantha Lavin, who has been married nearly 17 years, says that her spouse's contribution to household tasks has diminished such that when he does make a special effort, it's an "endearing" and highly noticeable event.


    "When my husband took down the Christmas decorations this year -- something he hadn't done since we moved to Canada (in 2003) -- it was very thrilling," says Lavin, laughing. The Sherwood Park, Alta., woman is teaching her two sons that helping out with domestic chores is one of the best ways to impress a girl.

  3. You still keep on relying on that cardio to lose that weight... focus more on strength training and you'll notice you'll get firmer and lose more inches that way... remember, the more muscle you have, the easier it is to keep the fat off....



    the burn or the pump is and never will be an indicator of progress.



    i'm listening to you olympus...i'm going to start this week...i won't do as much cardio and just focus on my weight training

    i'm sick again with some flu virus...i don't know if it's my body telling me that i'm overworking it too much but palagi akong me sakit

    lately...so don't worry i'm taking your advice...thanks, i just have to retrain my thinking too...i want instant result kasi and

    i'm realizing now that it's not possible :thumbsupsmiley:

  4. ^^ yeah, i'd like to know if hip hop abs works? i'm not completely sold on the idea that the workout alone (w/ diet of course) will

    sculpt my abs like theirs


    on that note, i'm not feeling as much burn on my abs when i'm working them out...

    does this mean, my abs are getting stronger or do i need a much more rigorous workout?

    i work my abs at least twice a day with crunches, stability ball, and all the exercises i read or see

    and do tons and tons of reps...sakit na nga ang likod ko

    i like to feel the burn and the tightness that tells me something is working

    but the last couple of days wala akong napi-feel

    i don't know if i'm felling it more on my shoulders and chest


    what's happening???? :cry: i'm so frustrated <_<

  5. as a joke i bought my hubby one at a novelty store


    with an elephant pa sa front and he puts his thingy inside the elephant's trunk

    tapos me pindot where it makes this elephant noise


    but i would find it too gay for my taste as an everyday wear...


    it would crack me up though but not turn me on :sick:

  6. there's not one "in" hairstyle right now...marami ang uso...


    go for what you think would look nice on you...ask your hairstylist...


    as long as it's neat looking at hindi mukhang maraming kuto :lol:

  7. Haynaku ate L indi magki-quit yan hanggang indi ready, same with everything else. Yes stress is a good excuse and that's what drove me to smoke in the first place. You have to understand his situation. Meron akong pinsan. He was an athlete in high school and college and never picked up a cigarette until he joined the Army. He says it helps him stay awake during his watch. I'm assuming your hubby wants to quit eventually. Believe in him and most of all don't nag him - gentle reminders will do. LET YOUR KIDS DO THE NAGGING! :lol:



    ngayon ko lang nakita to koya! :rolleyes:


    sige na nga, parang nagusap na kayong dalawa na tigilan ko na sa pagnanag...the kids made him a drawing after a DARE conference

    in their school...sabi ni bunso..."STOP CIGARETTING DADDY...CIGARETTES ARE DRUGS!" ewan ko lang ko me epekto yun sa kanya...


    thanks koya...tama ka nga :thumbsupsmiley:

  8. because of my back problems, i went out and bought a stability ball

    and how lucky can i get na naka-sale yung kay gunner stability ball with 3 dvd's


    i do cardio strength training everyday and a separate 10 abs exercise from the slim in 6 dvd

    and it leaves my abs sore around the side obliques and lower and upper abs...

    but with my first work out with the stability ball and gunner's dvd, my whole abs is so sore

    especially the middle part....i'm loving this :thumbsupsmiley:

  9. website design...i'm so impressed with my friend's work...nakaka-inspire


    make-up artistry...i've always done make-up and hair for friends on their weddings, debut, and photoshoot,

    but i don't have formal training

    and i would love to be a professional make-up artist someday soon and put out my own cosmetic line


    interior design...isa pang hilig ko that i don't have formal training for




    it's seems like i've got a theme going here :P... really want to tap in to my creative side

  10. Hmmm... nice to see a lady homie in the crib sometimes... and someone familiar @ that...whaddup Ms. Hottlipps :cool: glad to see ya herre ma'am... hope you'd be herre often... even if you're not much into the music...


    checked out the vid... nice beats... not that sensational though... not that extraordinary... but maybe it can pass in Mackee's Decades Metrowalk soon... :cool: ur girlfriend looks nice in the video, though, despite the lighting... any other pics she has on the Net? :boo:



    nweis... am ravin in another upbeat song... nice MTV as well... "Girlfriend" by Omarion and Bow Wow... timely for Valentines' perhaps :lol:


    "Yup, She's my Girlfriend, yup, she's my girlfriend..." hehehe...


    hey tim! how's it goin'?


    yeah, i've got some more pics of her modeling pics in bathing suits and lingerie and some where she's just hanging out with us...

    i don't know if she wants me to put them up here on mtc...but she's an up and coming model so look out

    for this girl...she oozing with sex appeal (and really smart and accomplished) :thumbsupsmiley:

  11. how can i get my husband to stop smoking?


    i've withheld sex, use sex as a reward, bribed, pleaded, cried, nagged, pinagrosario,

    used scare tactics, nicotine gums, patches, hypnosis, you name it, (kung me mahanap lang akong

    mangkukulam dito, ipapakulam ko siya to stop smoking) i've used all those to have him stop smoking.


    he stopped for a year then started again. he said it's due to his stressful job kaya mahirap sa kanyang

    mag quit. he's deployed in iraq now where everyone smokes and his job is quite stressful so he told me

    not to pressure him to quit right now.



    i'm really concern but i can't really push him to quit now esp the stress he's under.

  12. when i was in the philippines this summer, i passed by tres titas and the smell emanating from their place

    got me all hungry and decided to try the place. The service was lousy...it took them 10 mins to even offer

    us drinks and that was after I had to "grab" one of the wait staff.

    After 10 mins our drinks finally came. We were like 5 steps from the bar where the drinks were.

    The food was not any better...their caldereta was so sweet..parang dessert.

  13. hu hu hu...I went to my doctor's today and stepped into the scale...akala ko I've lost 10 lbs...


    the opposite! I've gained 8 lbs since my last doctor's visit in November...


    WTF! :grr: My doctor even commented on how good I look. He tried to reassure me that

    it's muscle that I've gained. Kahit na, I'm so friggin' upset. I work out every damn day.

    And I also cut down on rice and eat sensibly.


    my morale is down...I feel like crap. -_-


    here's a picture that i took yesterday before working out



  14. Ate L which one 3 yung sa black containers


    -CK man

    -CK be

    -and Calvin


    I still have ang walang kamatayang eternity and the later variant eternity summer. Been wearing it since 1st year HS hehehe


    uy Father V, buti natanong mo...he didn't specify buti na lang nasabi mo na me iba iba pala.


    ang sarap siguro mag-confess sayo dahil ang bango bango mo :D

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