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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. i find it annoying when someone uses "po" to me on texts and emails...prang condescending ang dating


    but i teach my kids to say po, opo, kuya and ate, manang, manong (wali or ading) and of course mag mano as a sign of respect...

    and of course any filipino they encounter with are all "titas" and "titos"

    kahit man lang yung kultura nating yun gusto kong maibahagi sa kanila.

  2. Somebody told me once before my first trip back to the Phils. to remeber this: "Pag di kita pinautang, sasama loob mo sa akin; pag di ka nagbayad ng utang, sasama loob ko sa yo. Buti nang sumama ang loob mo sa akin kay sa sumama ang loob ko sa yo". That was good advice. :thumbsupsmiley:


    I also notice na lumalapit ang umuutang pero nakakapagod maningil, parang ikaw pa ang perhuwisyo.



    good advice :thumbsupsmiley:


    I don't make pautang... Pag nilapitan ako, I don't consider it pautang kasi when I give them the

    money, I don't expect to be paid back para wala na lang samaan nang loob.

  3. my cousin and i were making beso beso and he had on this amazing smelling cologne

    sabi niya CK daw in a black bottle...I have to go get that for hubby.


    I've always liked Obsession for men and sometimes even wear it but hubby doesn't like

    it kasi it's the same cologne my ex-fiance wears...baka daw maalala ko pa yun :rolleyes:

  4. nissan titan



    yeah, the other day, i had no choice but to drive my brother's truck since he took my ride.

    I was intimidated kasi ang laki...his has a king cab too. But after driving up a block,

    nagustuhan ko...smooth as hell and I almost forgot what a big giant truck it was

    until I had to park it. thank god for my granny's handicap pass, I found a big enough parking space

    for the big lug. :thumbsupsmiley:


    Then I had to "jump" out...kailangan mo talaga nang hagdanan to get out kasi ang taas...pang 6 footer talaga :thumbsupsmiley:

  5. Lord,


    it's been 3 days since i last heard from him. I hope nothing bad has happened...


    not another lock down for that would mean more bad news for some family.


    Keep me strong and positive.


    Keep my honey safe. Pakaingatan mo siya at sana hindi siya masyadong napapagod.


    Thank you Lord!

  6. i'm not familiar with jim brickman ibang genre kasi ang hilig ko


    and today i'm in one of those senti moods


    i heard this song from my gf's myspace profile and i'm loving it...destiny...i'm sure it's probably old

    but makes me want to have a wedding...

  7. Kaya naman pala ... :evil: :lol: :evil:


    A lot of people think there's a magic pill or a magic formula for weight loss. Dalawa lang naman yan eh. Either you work out or go under the knife and get it sucked out. Either way, no pain no gain. :lol:


    For me the lifestyle change was easy because I only had to make a choice; either live or die. I'm type-II diabetic. But the same goes for everyone albeit not that extreme, although the end result can be just as devastating. You might not develop diabetes but there are other diseases that are far more worst. Either way the choice is yours. :)



    koyaaaaa! we have so many things in common. I too work out like my life depended on it because it does.

    I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes too about 2 years ago. Passed out in the living room flooor with only

    my little ones to calll 911. Scary way to find out that I'm diabetic. My dieting, not eating at all for a whole day

    then eating one big meal, sent my sugar all over the place.


    I committed myself to changing my lifestyle by eating healthy and being more active. I did that for about one year

    and a half. And as reward, got my plastic surgery done. Medically, I needed to have the surgery to relieve my back of all the

    weight I was carrying. I was walking around with a cane and under a physical therapy's care before my surgery for my bad back.

    Yeah, I justify it like that :rolleyes: But after having 3 kids and due to my old age :rolleyes: (I have a body of an 80 year old),

    I just wasn't progressing healthwise like I should be. So I got all the fat sucked out and got the tummy tuck and breast reduction...

    Yes reduction! :thumbsupsmiley: Did it yield the chiseled look I was dreaming of? FAT chance! They can only suck so much

    of bodyfat, I guess :rolleyes: So plastic surgery is not the answer and I didn't seek it to be an easy answer to get healthy.

    I still have to work out and maintain and improve my body. Lalo na ngayon wala nang excuses like before I couldn't do certain

    excercises because of my back problem. The tummy tuck and lipo will not give you a tone and chiseled look. You've gotta

    work for that and that's what I'm doing.


    On my last A1C test, I was a 5. Prior to my surgeries, it was 8 and I had HBP and borderline cholesterol. Now, I don't have to

    take my HBP and cholesterol meds anymore.


    I don't feel comfortable with the advice that you don't need to do ab exercise to make your tummy smaller. I think those people that

    can achieve that are fit to begin with not for a Pillsbury dough model like me. :P

    I still do those cardio and strength training and separate abs exercises (crunches etc). I just don't see my tummy shrinking and achieving that

    tone muscle look I"m aiming for just by dieting and circuit training. I'm beginning to see that definition. And that's not from

    my lipo and tummy tuck ha. Pag na-achieve ko na yun post ako nang pics. I took some pics as a diary of sort of my progress.

    Pag maganda na talaga, ipost ko dito :thumbsupsmiley:

  8. I don't know much about hiphop or rap but my girlfriend Maylene is on this Tef video TILT...


    she's much prettier in person...the lightning didn't do her justice...check this out



    here's her pic...she's the last one on the left post-88345-1202321088.jpg

  9. You can do a thousand sit-ups a day but if you don't control your caloric and fat intake you won't see the results that you truly want.


    Key to losing the flab around the midsection is to do cardio. Nothing too complex. Start with brisk walking for three weeks 30-45 minutes per day 3-4 times a week. If you want to speed up the burn, start jogging. Also, limit your carb intake during meals, 1 1/2 cups of rice if you must. Complex carbs are best (whole wheat, brown rice). Avoid anything made with white flour if possible. Beer and carbonated softdrinks are ab killers. Switch to iced tea if you can't stand drinking non-flavored drinks but water is still the best. Avoid energy drinks such as Gatorade, etc. unless you're performing truly strenuous exercise such as long distance running, etc. These drinks are designed to replenish lost electrolytes during strenuous activity and give you an energy boost by providing simple sugars that your body can digest fairly quickly. If these sugars are not used up they turn into fat.


    I went from a size 36-38 to a size 33-34 in less than 4 months. :thumbsupsmiley:



    WOWWW! I didn't know that about Gatorade/Powerade. Congrats koya! :thumbsupsmiley:


    I do a combined cardio/strength workouts at home, 7 days a week. Cut down on my rice intake and eliminated sodas from my diet.

    I'm seeing favorable results...slowly but surely. It's really a lifestyle change and know that what you take in, you have to work out.

    So kung naparami ang kain ko, I work out extra hard that night. Find a workout that you enjoy; be it walking, biking, hiking, lifting weights.

    I wasted money on gym membership that I never used. I just don't feel comfortable and I find excuses not to go. But now that I work out

    at the comforts of my home, I've eliminated those excuses not to work out. And constantly challenging yourself to a longer or more advance, rigourous,

    workout gives you that self confidence that you've achieved something and you just keep moving forward towards your goal.

  10. got my hubby an acer extensa laptop at bestbuy as a valentine's day gift...

    Got it just in time before the sale was over.

    the reviews were good enough and you get a lot for your money

    so I figured it's worth taking a chance on a brand that I'm not familiar with.


    The only negative thing I read was the screen going blank and the cheap speakers.

    But I bought it mainly so hubby and I can chat and we need something affordable

    that won't put a dent on my pocket book if he breaks this one again.


    for the price point, around $750 (with my 2 yr warranty) you get so many features.

    Can't wait to try that built-in webcam I heard so many good things about.

  11. I've changed my mind about the tramp stamp and I've got my mind set on getting my belly button pierce.

    My besties is coming to town and she wants to do this thing with me. I'm planning on surprising my hubby when

    he gets home. Hope I don't chicken out. :rolleyes:

  12. Mam Hotlips kanino nyo nakuha Yohimburn?


    I ordered it online from Proflex sports...pinakamura dun when I was looking around.


    I just applied it on my stomach and my arms (my trouble areas) like 20 mins ago and I'm about to do my workout.

    I don't know if I put too much or what but I've got a mean headache now. Let me try and see if my headache goes away

    by working it out.

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