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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. someone that will treat me like a princess and in return I will make him my king!



    I guess I should elaborate so as not sound like a diva-wanna be. :lol:


    Looking at the past unforgettable relationships of my life,

    I see that there is a commonality about how the guys treated me.

    I loved like there's no tomorrow and gave myself wholly and fully.

    Because they showered me with love and pampered me.

    It's not the lavish gifts but the little things they do that showed me how much they loved me.

    Yung gagawin lahat para lang makitang masaya ako.

    My ex-fiancee was like that and ruined me for everybody else.

    But then I met my hubby now where I found yung genuine love and

    sincere caring that I thought I would only find in my ex-fiancee.

    Sasabihin na "upo ka and relax...let me make you dinner"...

    gagawin nilang lahat para lang makitang masaya ka...yung ganoon.

    It makes me want to become a better person, better wife, better lover.



    Salamat at hindi mo siya pinapabayaan

    Salamat at nailigtas mo uli ang mahal ko

    Sana tibayan mo ang aking paniwala para mabigayan ko

    siya nang taos pusong suporta at lakas nang loob.



    One last thing, thank you for that good cry...

    I needed that to feel human again

    and to stop denying my fears and emotions


    Now, back to regular programming :D



  3. taken from Grey's Anatomy...for Michael J. Michaels


    "You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you I thought I had found the person

    that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done. So all the boys, and

    all the bars, and all the obvious daddy issues...who cared? Because I was done.

    You left me. You chose Addison. I'm all glued back together now. I make no apologies

    for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don't get to call me a whore."


  4. If there was a fashion police kanina, this receptionist at my dr's office would have been arrested on the spot for wearing this big bold black and yellow strip sweater with matching bright yellow shirt underneath. Parang Halloween bee costume. I wanted so badly to tell her, "aga nang halloween manang ha!" I normally wouldn't make fun of anyone but this lady is so suplada at antipatika...Pinay pa naman.


    But back on topic. I don't like to pile on accessories. If you have a chandelier earrings skip the bangled bracelets and the bold necklace. Remember although it's almost Christmas time, it doesn't mean na pati sarili natin gawin nating Christmas tree.


    As for the color coordinated outfit, I prefer the "not so planned" or "too coordinated" look.

  5. Baby,


    You seem to know just when to call...

    As if you can read my mind and my heart...

    I miss you so bad and hearing your voice brings you

    closer. You never fail to bring a smile and squeeky

    giggle out of me. I hope you know how much I love you.

    I'm still recalling all those funny things we were laughing about.

    You are so loko-loko talaga! We can laugh at anything and everything.

    Can't wait to have you back home again so we share more of that laughter together.

  6. Me mga tao na sobrang yabang or either that they are ilusyunada claiming to have bought $10,000 (or something close to that amount...hindi po Pesos ha!) for a pair of shoes and throwing money around like it was candy...

    on their pics, you don't see one bit of that designer look that they claim to have and mind you they don't look like they can afford naman.

    Kung magyabang ka...please try to look the part naman!

  7. Others have a tendency to under estimate the MTCers intelligence by posting a picture "nakaw" from the net and post it as their wife and pose with Pinoy celebrities and claim and brag that they are best pals. Helloooooooooow! No one here believes you! And here's the best part, take somebody else's body and photoshop it and put your head in there...As we say here, "Are you with STUPID?" :lol:

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