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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. Not all MTC members are as open minded and liberated. Some are judgemental and think that

    just because a woman posts pics on dare to bare thread that they cannot claim to be happily married.

    They should just take it for what it is...just a damn picture! :)

  2. i think you can use one of those needles that you can install in some pen like device then you fire with a spring while against the tip of your finger... that's what they used on me when i was admitted for pigsa that didn't want to ripen or mature... turns out diabetes had something to do with it...



    that's what I'm using with my lancets...masakit pa rin noh :sick:

  3. Wooow!!! quite expensive pala.. :D


    thanks again! :)



    remember those prices are U.S. based...I just don't want you to get discouraged and not take care

    of that tooth...I'm sure mas mura diyan so pagawa mo na okay! :cool:

  4. Hotllipss,


    most diabetics after years of taking care of themselves tend to learn a great deal about this condition. I am sure that you are already well versed with all the technical terms but if there is more that you would like to know, I suggest you join a DM Camp. If you feel that you have enough knowledge about this, then I suggest you join a camp as well to pass on your knowledge to other people with the same condition.


    I attended a camp once years ago and I was surprised at how many people are affected by this condition


    Thanks for the advice Green... DM...diabetes management camp? right? I have websites for references and info.

    I'm also being seen at the diabetes clinic in our hospital where they've educated us on how to manage our diabetes, foot care, diet and exercise.

    They're really helpful and they've been my support system since my diagnosis. You are right, there is so much more I have to learn. This thing

    caught me off guard since I've always been so healthy but I have no choice but to handle it the best I can since it is hereditary. :angry:


    It's not really the diet and portion sized meals and the regular exercise that I have a hard time with...it's pricking myself to measure blood sugar level that I have a hard time with. I have to do it once when I wake up, after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner, and more if my blood sugar is high or low at one test, I have to keep pricking myself to test until it gets at the norm again. :grr: Then sometimes my glaucometer would not read because I didn't get enough blood so I have to prick myself again. :grr: Butas butas na ang mga daliri ko. :grr:

  5. Thanks hotlips for enlightenment !


    How much would it cost to crown a tooth? any idea? masakit ba sya? :)




    I'm sorry I can't help you with the cost kasi sa states ako base at iba ang presyo dito compare diyan.


    To make you feel good, dito a crown would range from $800 to $1000 depending on the type of crown you

    want...porcelain or gold....yan I'm sure you'll appreciate the prices there in PI. :thumbsupsmiley:


    It shouldn't hurt unless you have a low pain tolerance.

  6. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes type II after a scary incident with me passing out. Di ko alam I've been suffering from diabetes for several years na. My sugar will shoot up and then go dangerously low. I'm glad I've finally found out what was wrong with me kasi for years, I would feel so fatigue.


    I'm being treated by a doctor who deals solely on diabetics and a dietician...they work closely together. They worked up a meal plan/goal for me. I was surprised to see that I can still eat my rice, pasta, and bread but the key is moderation, portion, and exercise.

    If you've had "too" much carb then they say work it out with exercise. They don't impose strict diet with no carbs at all kasi they said our body needs carbs to function.


    So far since I've been diagnosed, my blood sugar has been on the norm range...I do have occasional slip up and it spikes up but that's because I had a can of Pepsi....my weakness and addiction!

    And ginagawa ko, I would work out vigourously until my blood sugar is at the norm level again.

  7. Docs,


    question ko lang po, i have this molar tooth(Right side) with pasta na nasira/nabiyak ang inner side ng tooth,nakakagat kasi ng matigas(stone ata yun humalo sa rice)medyo manipis na rin kasi cya sa kapapasta,kaya pa kaya ma remedy ulit ng pasta 'to? can you reccommend kung what's best na gawin? I noticed also na parang gumagalaw na sya..pede kaya ipa bunot?





    It sounds like you've had a sizeable filling on that tooth and the tooth structure has been compromised. In most cases, you have 3 treatment options. IF there's still tooth structure to hold the filling then you can do the filling pero baka temporary lang yun and you'll have the same problem again. The second option and the ideal way to go is to crown the tooth...which sounds like your case. Or you also have the option of extracting the tooth...but I wouldn't recommend it. Although pulling teeth may seem like an easy and least expensive solution, dental health wise hindi recommended dahil you would still have to replace those teeth you extract- which is more costly in the long run. One more thing, take care of that molar as soon as you can while you can still save it.


    Hope this helps... :)

  8. Are you satisfied with your life as it is now? Or is there something missing that would complete your life?


    Wealth, knowledge, love for yourself, beauty, peace of mind, that special someone?


    I also considered myself as an under-achiever. I didn't put much effort in school but I still excelled much to my


    surprise. Yet, I have this gnawing feeling that I've squandered all my chances to achieve success in my life.


    I get excited over a new project or new interest then as quickly as I get interested, I lose interest just


    as fast. I achieved quite a bit in my career but found myself tiring of the rat race and finding that life nearly unfulfilling.


    So at I get near my 2nd debut, I'm scrabbling to find what it is that makes me happy besides being a mom and a wife.


    Finding a sense of accomplishment in my professional life... a job or careeer that I would really enjoy, something that's worth my time being spent away from my kids and


    husband, and being able to balance that with a fulfilling personal life....Once I find or achieve these, only then can I truly say I'm complete.

  9. my teeth looks awful. everything is messed up. im missing 5 and 1 is decaying. im planning to have it remove but it is my wisdom tooth. im afraid that if i had it removed i wont be able to get braces. have any suggestions! tnx!


    which 5 teeth are you missing? the best thing is to go to your general dentist and find out what treatment plan would benefit you more.

    Are you trying to replace those 5 missing teeth by getting braces in hopes that the braces will fill in the gaps?

    I highly suggest going to a dentist so he can evaluate your case and tell you what treatment plan would be best for what you are trying to accomplish and what he thinks is necessary to restore your dental health. It will be hard to give any suggestions without having examined you...it's one of those things na kailangang i-evaluate nang dentist with xrays and complete exam. The dentist will evaluate if you are a candidate for braces to replace those missing teeth or maybe replacing them with prosthetics.

  10. hello there,


    just wondering what you meant when you posted "floss only the teeth you want to keep",



    NYC Dentist


    meaning if you don't want to keep your teeth don't floss them...


    another way of telling you na if you don't floss your teeth you will lose them

  11. kahit kagaano kaguapo ang lalaki kung masama at pangit ang ugali...judgemental, pa-social na ewan- hindi naman kaya, matapobre, mayabang, mapang lait...sa kanya na ang kaguapuhan niya...makita ko lang ang mukha niya nakakasuka.

    Beauty doesn't last kahit ilang beses kang magparetoke.


    Yang kagandahan nang loob kahit gaano ka kapangit nakakaguapo yan. People gravitate to you.


    Men, learn something here, not all of us women are gold diggers. We go for these less hunky guy because they are wonderful to be around with and not because of their money.

  12. 1. toyo calamansi plus siling labuyo - for inihaw na isda

    2. toyo suka paminta bawang sibuyas plus siling labuyo - for inihaw na liempo

    3. pinagkuluan ng sampaloc plus bagoong - for pritong hito

    4. buro - for inihaw na dalaga

    5. mang tomas - lechong kawali

    6. tomato ketchup - century tuna - hot n spicy :boo:



    tina...nagutom ako ha!


    ano yung #3 di ko ata alam yun ha...

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