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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. my temper had just been put to test...by a man who claims to be a gentleman when all the while...his actions give him away.. a total assh*le!... :grr: ...like i said ...my temper had just been put to a test...and i lost it...i'm kinda sad and upset at the same timepost-90475-1149516146.gif



    Oh, sis!


    I can somewhat relate to this ...


    Met someone for an EB ... have seen his pic already (it's included in his signature).  I say that I'm hungry.  I choose the resto ... we share a dish.  When the bill arrives, he doesnt even gesture to share pay for it!


    Good thing, I had emergency money on me.


    I took a leave from MTC for about a week and even had my room closed.  Also, requested to unregister my handle.  Good thing the moderator didnt.  ;-)


    There are A**holes here, definitely!


    Hope you're better now ...



    Definitely can relate to this ladies. I thought I was careful and selective in who I befriend with especially here in MTC. From the get go, I've always said I was never game for anything. Then

    I've met some guys na I thought were nice and gentleman enough...tapos at the end lumalabas din ang kamanyakan. Very disappointed that they were't the nice guys that I thought they were...iniba lang

    nila ang approach nila. So deleted them out from my ym and friendsters. I'm more guarded and selective now. Seriously, wala na bang totoo gentlemen out there na walang pakay kundi yung sex.


    Wish we women can compile a list of these a$$holes and publish their names so other women can stay away from them. I've had a few friends that told me of such bad experiences with them...mga bastos na manyak , mandurugas pa...tsk..tsk..tsk...so sad!


    To avoid being OT; Doing better now that I found out what kinda of person these guys are. Hope you ladies are doing much better too.



    questions that you should never ever ask women...not only makes us uncomfortable but down right would piss any woman off


    1. what's your weight? unless you're skinny as kate moss, most women find this question offensive


    2. how old are you?...ehhh kinda uncomfortable...unless you look really young for your age...better na lang not to guess tapos mali and you'll likely offend her na naman


    3. how big are your tits/boobs? are they real? can I touch them? or what's your vital statistic?


    Do we women go around asking your d!ck size? So come on now!



    since #2 Q was kinda if(fy), let me add a couple more of uncomfy Qs


    how many men have you slept with or been with?


    did you cum?..."No sh!t Sherlock Holmes! whatchathink?" "oo na para makatulog na ako!" This was with my ex-hubby.


    This question I get nervous when asked by my hubby, "Babe, what did you buy at Neiman's that cost so much $...?"


    Eto from the cops naman... "Do you know why I pulled you over?"




    Michael Michaels (sure he doesn't surf this site naman),


    I finally found someone that will love me unconditionally like the way you had hoped to love me

    and guess what? He's Filipino! Sure you're bummed out about that eh! And I'm not following up

    that work out and diet regimen you painstakingly brainwashed me with. I lead a lax life and eat

    what I want ( and that includes Filipino dishes....pork and all) and love freely. And hey, I'm getting

    good with my Tagalog too.


    Just wanted to let you know that you haven't ruined me for anyone else. And I've just begun living

    my life. No hard feelings anymore. No feelings at all. I'm seeing you now for what you are.

    Thanks for those loving memories...first of everything, trips and cruises, a condo, a car. With all those, I found out that all I really needed was someone to love me for me. I hope you have found that someone that you can mold into what you want.


    But you should see me now...how I turned out... no longer that girl that clung on to your every word.

    I turned out to be independent, confident, assertive, strong....All woman. Happily fulfilled and giving it up to a Filipino guy and doing ungodly things and I might add satisfying my every womanly desires...Ain't that the sh!t!


    avoid women that are too clingy....


    nakaka-suffocate eventually mawawala ang attraction kahit pa pinakamaganda at sexy


    My advice to women out there is for them to get your own interests, own friends, get a life...

    don't make your boyfriends your "life and happiness" and you won't be too clingy

    and the guys really find that sexy...leave a little mystery about yourself...don't always be

    too available for them...


    let me edit this and apologize to the thread starter...didn't read the 1st page kasi...hehehe...


    yes I would still love you, me 5% naman na you would agree with my parents.


    would you still love me kahit na ako'y tumaba?


    My hubby lets me handle it my way...he trusts me enough to know that I would never ever make

    patol and I don't encourage na ligawan ako....And just the same, I am very honest and open with him and give him respect by show him that I am discouraging those that are lurking around...


    When he gave me my second wedding ring set, he jokingly said that he got me a "big bling" so the guys can obviously see that I'm taken na.



    I can't bring myself to be intimate with someone I'm not in-love with

    and I find it very hard to fall in-love....I'm not a "serial dater" when

    I was single either...if there's sparks then I would consider dating and

    even with sparks and the whole nine yards, I still would not give in to sex

    until I know for sure what my feelings are...did not engage in premarital

    sex with my ex-hubby either....conservative side of me I guess...

    But once I fall in-love, I'm all over it, as in overly passionate....parang naiipon :boo:


    To that, I say that women have sex when they are in-love...

    and when they are not in-love while they are having sex, maybe they are looking to fall in-love.


    it must be hard since my hubby can't seem to shake the habit...

    the longest he's been nicotine free was 6 months at the most...

    I've beg, pleaded, cried, screamed, nagged, and even use sex

    an incentive and also withheld it...wala pa din...mas malakas

    pa din ang hatak nang addiction niya...

    but once he gets back from Iraq he made a promise that he would go

    to a cessation class and get on that nicotine patch-


    hey there debs...okay, I had to think long and hard about what to ask you....

    something thought provoking and will somehow let us into this mysterious persona

    you portray here at mtc....so here it is dude! hope your ready...


    1. do you pee in the shower? this will really tell me what kind of a person you are!

    And hell I've been wanting to know!


    2. you mentioned something about wearing socks at the daungan...

    if you did...would you wear them on your feet or on your private?

    kinda like the one on the Red Hot Chili Peppers's cd cover...

    You're crazy enough that I think you meant wearing socks on your private

    so here's the follow up question


    3. what kind of socks would you wear on your private? knee high, mid-crew, crew,

    ankle, or baby booties?


    4. have you started taking more fiber since coming back from Guam?


    5. what was your most embarrassing moment? details...opps! never mind...I've already seen

    you're most embarrassing moments...just kidding!....what was the most hilarious thing you've

    done lately?


    getting down to the nitty gritty....

    6. have you ever had any performance anxiety? how did you explain that out?


    7. you mentioned the French maid fantasy...would that be you dressing up as the

    french maid or your partner?...since you've already got the outfit and all...


    8. would you put on some thongs for your lady?


    9. would you trust your partner to shave you with a straight cut razor?


    10. will you be willing to be tied up and spanked..butt bongo style?


    11. how do you make your "exit" after a one night stand?


    12. If you were to receive like an an award of sort, like an Emmy-for MTC, who would

    you thank besides dobs and why?


    13. do you know all the words to the Filipino national anthem and can you pronounce all the

    words and know their meaning? if so, can you post them here...i need to learn them...hehehe...


    ...that's all the silly questions I can muster up...trying not to ask you that famous Boy Abunda

    question about having you look in the mirror and all that bs....Thanks for answering them....

    Your public wants to know! :P


    I think I am a shopping addict with a flair for expensive things especially if I insist on

    getting only the originals and no fakes...I figured it if you're going to spend some money

    dagdag ka na lang nang konti to have the original...at the end you're paying for the quality...


    I've been good and toned down my shopping to afford the big ticket items I want to buy.

    And I don't use credit cards to purchase my "splurges" ( we only use credit card for our trips & vac)...

    instead I save my pretty pennies and wait until an occasssion comes up

    (like Mother's Day, my B-day, etc...) and/or ask my hubby

    to just buy that item for me. My hubby is really good with our money and not bankrupting our

    household with my purchases since he's implented our rule na if

    "we can't afford it in cash, we can't afford it at all".


    I've realized na I'm a shopaholic when my parents warned my hubby before marrying me

    na sobrang magastos ako :boo: ....


    An Anniversary Gift from my hubby...I just bought this kanina


    Original Chanel Cambon Tote/Purse/bag and of course gotta have the Chanel matching wallet...


    won't say how much- nag-guilty ako for splurging so let me enjoy it na lang


    and let me forget how much it is...


    this isn't as much as the one I've been lusting for...



    a Hermes Birkin....ayyyy only in my dreams!


    I've always wanted a tat on a part of my body that is hidden...

    like on my hip area where the undies would cover it and also on my lower back...

    Something about the unexpected that I find very sexy....

    Unfortunately my exs and now my hubby , won't let me...sabi nila turn off...

    Lately, I've been pressuring my hun to let me get one and I want him to get one too...

    Something that we can do together and forever memorialize our love for each other...

    Since he turned down the idea of a 3some with another female, I just feel like he

    should at least give me this...don't you think?


    Life is good when my kids gives me endless hugs, kisses, and compliments...


    kahit anong ginagawa nila, they come back to find me and give me hugs and kisses...


    they say I'm the best cook kahit sunog pa ang luto ko,


    call me the "awesome & coolest hottie mom" kahit alam kong hindi naman...


    I gave up a rewarding career--lucrative income and the perks- but they make it all worth while...


    They appreciate every little thing I do for them and still love me and hold no grudge when I discipline them.



    ~making sure my kids turn out to be good contributing citizens


    and they grow up as wonderfully fulfilled and happy kids...


    ~And for my husband, to make him feel like the king of the world...


    ~For my family and friends-my purpose is to make them feel like they are


    the most important and loved...


    ~And for me...my purpose for myself----to always be true and love myself first...


    ~and to make a difference in someone else's life...I can't change the world but

    if I can help one, kahit isa lang, that would fulfill my purpose.





    my ex-fiancee who was a body builder and a personal trainer

    was forcing me to squat this weight that it was impossible for

    me to carry (about 300 lbs yata yun)...I hurt my back coming

    up from my squat position...I was in tears and he was still forcing

    me to go finish my set...now I suffer from sciatica


    the other injury was when I was on this thread mill and I lost my grip

    and feel while flying across the room...hit my chin and biting my lower lip

    and tongue- making a bloody mess and scene...

    the most embarrassing part is that there were room full of people

    watching me...dang! pa-cute pa naman ako...

    never been back to that gym since then


    another walang katapusan na field trip...ang dami ko kasing anak eh

    so it seems like everyday I'm chaperoning them on their activities...

    just want to promote my"motherly and wholesome" side...

    with my sweet eldest angel riding on a school bus...



    sana hindi kita masyadong mahal at nami-miss so hindi ako

    naghihinakit when you don't call me or email often...


    sana wala ka diyan sa panganip so hindi ako nagpapraning sa pagaalala sayo

    everytime hindi ka tumatawag akala ko nadisgrasya ka na...


    sana alam mo kung gaano din ako nahihirapan sa sitwasyon na 'to at kahit wala

    ako sa gyera katabi mo...ang hirap mo - hirap ko din at parang nasa giyera na din ako...


    sana maintindihan mo din ako at ang hirap na dinadanas ko


    sana masabi ko sayo kung gaano mo ako sinasaktan at ang mga hinanakit ko sayo

    pero hindi puede dahil iniintindi kita :(

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