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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. besides my bed, lots of pillows, my fav down-filled comforter, books,


    a couple of chest drawers....


    my clothes and purses are inside my walk-in closet


    my favorite chaise lounge where i cuddle up


    we don't allow t.v. in our bedroom so when my hubby


    and I are in there it serves as our sanctuary..


    And my absolute fav, a fireplace in our bedroom.


    and yes my Santo Nino,rosary and prayer books






    and in my side table, my vibrator and printed erotic stories from mtc




    hey, who said I can't worship and please myself too...Tao lang ako!

  2. Gusto kong matutong


    mag-luto... yung mga authentic Filipino dishes from different provinces

    para maiba ang luto ko when I have parties


    mag-gupit nang buhok...I have 3 kids and every 6 weeks I spend about $40 on their haircuts

    ang simpleng gupit lang naman ang ginagawa nila


    manahe/saw...to enchance my passion for interior decorating...

    there's so much I wanna make but I don't know how to sew...


    photography...I want to put together life momentos for my kids

    but all the pics I take of them on the move are not turning out nice at all.

  3. This one I never understood...yung gawing kang ninang or ninong nang mga anak

    nila eh you've just briefly met them....There were instances where I just shook this

    lady's hand dahil kaka-introduce lang sa akin...as were shaking hands sabay sabi

    "Ay, gawin kitang ninang nang anak ko ha!"


    Hindi ko nilalahat pero yung mga iba ginagawang "pamperahan" ang mga binyag

    nang mga anak nila. I had this one lady made toka to every Godparent on what they

    are responsible for in the binyag..like yung invitations, tapos pati lechon ha...And

    then para kaming pinagsasabong kung sinong mas malaki ang magbibigay sa mga

    ninang...I worked up enough courage kasi hindi naman kami close talaga at

    na-irita na ako...sabi ko although I'm flattered na she wants me to be ninang

    to her daughter, I can't dahil hindi ko ma-afford yung mga monetary requirements

    na ini-impose niya. Yun hndi ako inimbita sa binyag.


    I take my responsibilities seriously as a Godparent

    and consider it a priveledge when I am asked to be

    someone's Godparent...But they don't think about it like that.

    I think choosing Godparents for your children should be taken

    seriously and not potential money tree for your children.

  4. Pepsi...this is harder than you think to kick...I get caffeine withdrawals, esp.terrible migraines


    Chocolates...kahit skip ako nang meals, as long as I get chocolates


    Shopping... for everything I can't afford



    lately I've been really good with all three addictions


    just hope I won't fall off the wagon, Again!

  5. Run my self a hot soapy bubble bath with some soothing ek-ek salts


    then light up some candles, put on some of my fav music, and


    glass or two of my fav Merlot...And soak in my manmade heaven


    for hours to drain all my stress away...


    I get so relax that I have a bad habit of falling asleep while soaking in the tub


    so I make sure that I have my kids near by to wake me up.



    Or I go for a walk or swing on my kids playset like a kid again.

  6. On every one of my visits to Las Vegas (I live in Colorado),


    I make sure I get my hair done by Pops...no one here in Colorado


    can get my hair color right...but Pops gets it right all the time...


    the right shade of light base color to compliment my blonde highlights.



    He's the guy/gay that everyone goes to when they are performing here in


    Vegas...From the Champions, Eric Santos atbp, Pops and Martin, of course,


    Lani M., Zsa-Zsa Padilla, and dami pa...I forgot the names


    But I was lucky enough to meet Piolo Pascual,

    some of the Viva Hot Babes and those hottie guys that sang

    Jumbo Hotdog several times when I was there.

  7. if the ugliness that resides only in the face

    is much less in severity than

    the beauty of that man's strength of character and positive vibes,

    in all honesty, i could learn to love that kind of man


    (more specially if he's well-endowed down there.

    just being honest here  :blush:  :lol:



    I second that!


    And add to that if he knows how to hit it and treat you like a goddess!


    Oh yeah baby! That's why my hubby is worth the wait.

  8. I used to then a lot of knock offs started coming out and now it's lost it's novelty for me.


    I'm regretting spending all the money on several of them that are now just collecting

    dust in my closet. Can't sell them b'cuz hubby gave them as gifts. I know better now!

    My new obsession, Chanel and Christian Dior...but I'm not working anymore so

    hanggang tulo laway na lang ako...I'm trying to convince myself that I really don't need

    or want them... just too expensive, impractical, and just way too foolish for me to

    spend that kind of money on a purse...everyday, I say that to myself about a hundred times

    a day....

  9. Love has thought me to be patient and be faithful.

    Not that I was never faithful before.

    But these are trying times for our marriage and

    there are so many temptations that we're facing now.

    Yet with all these I am loving him more and more each day.

    I knew I love him but I didn't know the capacity of my

    commitment to him and our marriage.

    I know now that I am fully and completely in-love with

    him and our marriage and our family.

  10. I just had to comment kahit off topic ako because I was so intrigued...


    since wala ako sa PI and I've never been at motels/hotels diyan akala


    ko, kailangan i-check pa sa front desk ang mga kasama mo o kaya


    per person ang bayad...o kaya bawal ang mag 3some sa hotel...



    napatawa ako sobra...


    para hindi OT, saan ho ba puedeng mag 4some na hotel?



    me contest kaming sasalihan ni hubby eh!

  11. First Love (ex-fiancee)...North Shore, Hawaii, he was trying to help me look for my bikini top that

    was lost when I was boogie boarding...I used him as a shield...then he followed us at the club

    where we would be at that night. The rest is history...


    My Greatest Love (my hubby)...also in Hawaii...fate keeps bringing us together, it's either that

    or our barkada keeps setting us up

  12. it's because we women can see past the look department and value the person

    for who they are and not what they look like...at the end of the day mas importante

    sa amin in how you treat us women...if you treat us like a princess kahit mukha ka pang

    palaka...we will love you and treat you like our prince

  13. nothing important really...simple lang

    fashion..what's in and out this season..

    interior decorating...

    applying make-up

    obsessing with my hair, hairstyles, hair color




    typical girly girl


    basta ka-artehan, game ako

  14. No action is justified enough for anyone to put their hands on somebody else...

    unless it's kinky sex we're talking about.

    From my experience, my ex hit me, I kicked his ass back...s@%t walang makaawat sa

    amin...I'm glad I'm out of that relationship...not healthy...physically and emotionally



    I think it's personal issues with men that hit women and vice versa...yes there are

    a lot of women that inflict physical abuse on men too...they have anger control

    management issues. They don't know how to handle their anger and communicate it

    so they hit. I hit because I was defending myself but I sought help after because as

    I said it wasn't healthy anymore....now, I only inflict pain on a willing partner. :P

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