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Posts posted by hottlipss

  1. post-88345-1148475614.jpg


    got a Motorola RZR V3c in my fav color- Black- everything about it says SEXY

    and Motorola SLVR L9 with itunes in Black din...love the MP3 player

    now when I go to the gym...I don't have to log around my cell phone and my Ipod


    bought this Sony T9 digi-cam this March 2006 along with it I purchased a warranty for additional $80

    now the LCD screen is cracked after I touched the so-called touch screen

    Best Buy, this major chain store I bought it from, does not want to honor the warranty

    claiming what I did was abuse and that is not covered....$600 something digi-cam after a couple

    of months and a couple of use is now nothing but a piece of crap along with the useless warranty....

    Had to argue my case to the general manager and now they agreed to fix it at their cost...

    but I'm still stuck with that super fragile digi-cam...


    No, I wouldn't want to be the cause of someone else's pain, even if their relationship is rocky...


    I can't be happy knowing someone else is miserable.


    And in the back of my mind, I will think na if I do pursue a relationship with this person and when


    things aren't so rosy (as every relationship go through), would he fool around on me too?



  4. post-88345-1147922260.jpg


    Wholesome me!

    taken kanina while doing the mommy thing chaperoning my son's class sa Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

    me with my little funny man & his super kulit na classmate...how wholesome can I get? nakasakay pa nang school bus...

  5. post-88345-1147905615.jpg


    My most daring dare to bare picture to date...

    Dared to take a pic of myself with no make-up :boo:


    Summer's here so I went a tad lighter with the blonde highlights!

    Straight hair....taken a couple days ago...




    RDH- Registered Dental Hygienist

    ~not quite a dentist but more than a dental assistant~

    but chose to be a full-time stay-at-home-mom

    since last month

    College: Hawaii Pacific Univ.,

    Univ, of Co. Colorado Springs

    switching careers to be a Registered Nurse so back to school again for me


    with my ex-fiancee when we broke up no words were exchanged

    yung ang pinakamasakit dahil we just hugged each other tight and

    cried (as in sobbing) in each other's arms...


    with my ex-hubby; parang binabae yun...I recovered from the

    physical abuse pero yung verbal abuse tagas sa buto...took me

    years and a wonderful man to get me over it...


    but here's some of the things he would barrate me with


    "babuy", "burikat"-dont know what it meant until our divorce

    but it's something bad in Visaya, "pasalamat ka pinakasalan kita

    kahit hindi ka na virgin"( I never claimed I was!), "you would never

    amount to my ex girlfriend", "I have to watch porn to get turned on

    kasi you don't turn me on or diring diri ako sa'yo"....marami pa



    can't afford the one I really like so I found an alternative


    that looks similar...Skagen with pearlized face with white strap


    the numbers are alternating what looks-like diamonds (but I'm sure


    they're not)...


    I consider myself a "people person" and some might consider it flirting...but I never go beyond flirting. By American standards flirting doesn't have a bad conotation like what it seems to have there in the P.I....correct me if I'm wrong but I'm just going by what some ppl told me of what they perceive

    "a flirt" is.


    This is what I did on with my hubby when I sense na gusto niyang hingin din ang number ko but he's too shy din...I just handed him my number on a piece of paper and I asked for his in return nonchalantly...I think I asked him about fixing my car or about gimmick sked...


    My hubby is so wonderful na if I he ever does cheat on me, siguro me kulang o problema ang relationship namin and I would do everythng including giving him and our marriage another chance

    to work our marriage out...Of all my past relationships (ex-fiancee for 7 years, 1st marriage 5 years) this is the only relationship na I can really say that I fought for...my hubby and my marriage is worth the fight and hubby is a keeper!



    my gal friends and I bought one for our hubbys as a joke...

    it was shaped like an elephant...

    yung elephant trunk me pocket to put his thingy inside

    with a musical button in the front that you push...


    It was so hilarious specially when my hubby had his on and

    he started dancing seductively!

  13. my hubby is sooooo addicted...he's usually very mellow but when he tries to quit

    smoking and he has cravings , he's so grumpy that I run out the door

    to get him some smokes and literally light it for him so he can be normal again...

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