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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. oh this is for you. yep you.


    il just let you rant and rave and be all nasty.

    youre just showin me that i was right not to trust you.


    and il just smile and let you show me what kind of a low down dirty maggot you really are.




  2. for a new found sister.


    i guess we really dont know each other that well

    because there is one thing you should know bout me


    once i give the gift of friendship

    its yours to keep.


    i dont take it back.

    thats why its called a gift.


    oh and... it really was not about you. promise.

    besides which its all blown over by now.





  3. archer dude if you mean w/holding tax levied on your monthly pay... thats roughly 32% of your pay...


    thats whats called a hypothetical tax .. its annualized at the end of the year in order to determine your tax due or refund ... the proper computation for that figure is at the back of the form 1701 that you file every year....


    if you pm me your figures il tell you if theyre on track or not. :)


    ikaw -- oo ikaw!


    suplada ako. il be the first to admit that. but when i warm up to people, it also means i warm up to them good. when i extend a hand in friendship, it means im offering real friendship.


    but never before has my friendship been so rudely rejected as now.


    you make me regret shedding the suplada demeanor ....


    but i guess thats that, you win some you lose some and im probly better off losin this one.





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