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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. there are times when i just want to walk away but i cant.

    its as if my feet have turned into lead and they just stand here... transfixed.


    when i try to turn my back .... some unseen force prevents me from doing so.

    and i remain, facing you... staring at that precious face,

    letting my eyes scan each and every feature that makes you.. you...


    love is never easy. its full of rough turns and bumpy roads...

    but i have willingly taken this path with you.

    whether or not it turns out to be the best ride of my life

    or i take a tailspin out of the path,

    i dont really have a choice anymore.

    im in for the ride.


    i just hope that the course

    does not throw us too many obstacles along the wa.

    that way, we can finish this journey ... together.




    to you who must not be named...


    you sure as heck have been givin me a helluva time. but.. il grin and bear it. however, some things do need to be said. you might not acknowledge this but there are always two sides to a coin.


    lets flip the coin for a change...


    i offered a genuine hand in friendship, and i trusted you were doing the same. i was myself, open and honest. as i had hoped you were. apparently i was wrong...


    there were things i told you in confidence, in the same way you have. i never really expected those confidences to be bandied about as if they were hot items in a tabloid... you never saw me talkin bout how you called a certain lady a "pu*a" right? i never wrote about how you called this other one "mukhang lalaki at matigas ang mukha"... or i never said that you had called this lady a "pokpok" at "naghahabol ng lalake"... nope. because those things i treated as confidential information shared from one friend to the other...


    those people you surround yourself with now -- have i ever written about how you used to laugh at them and their pictures.. how you called one "mukhang katulong" and how you called the other "mukhang tanga"... did i ever write about how you lambasted this certain person during our talks ... because she had dared go against you in a certain thread... how you called her "nagdudunong dunungan... etc etc...." nope not one word from me.


    those frustrations you shared with me... the loneliness... the problems... i treated them as a confidence too. in the same way that when i shared my own problems, loneliness and frustration with you, i had hoped you would respect those as private matters too....


    i am going to continue not to say a word. i will continue to bite my tongue and control my typing fingers... i will continue to exist in my small nook of the world.


    i just hope the coin does not flip this way for you. if you can do this to me, so can you do the same to those whom you call your friends now. and ... guess what, they can do the same to you.



  3. try the quarter pounder with only cheese, no ketchup, pickes or mustard.  they'll have it specially cooked.  and you'll taste the real beef that wont be overpowered but complemented by the cheese.

    i agree! thats how i order it. at times, i ask for a bit of onions... (would be better if they could grill the onions along w/ the patty too but... thats another story)...


    they have a double quarter pounder here in the US for those w/ heartier appetites...


    heres a simple recipe for a quarterpounder wannabe burger that my cuzn taught me...


    * buy ground sirloin...


    * lightly season w/ salt and fresh cracked black pepper


    * form into patties (of your desired size/thickness)


    * fry in a non stick pan with no oil or butter to the desired level of doneness ... as you fry, add a few drops of lea and perrins sauce to both sides


    * eat with either rice (my preference) or a lightly toasted hamburger bun...


    i like it w/o anything on it... just the meat but some others add on the cheese, greens, tomatoes, mayo, mustard and ketchup.



  4. dearest god...


    i know you think i can handle this.

    but .. part of me rages at the hurt.


    its as if you teased me with a present i so wanted.

    and then you took it away.


    but i know that there is a reason for this

    i also know you undertand when i rant and rave this way.


    make me strong god.

    help me get through this.


    in your own time. in the way you best see fit for me.



  5. inputs po ulit... asking rates are expected to be 'jacked up'. its almost a given. as such, hr negotiatiors should make sure to get the current pay of the candidate. the candidate should be able to support this with other docs like ITR papers. when you get the current pay, a 25% increase is the normal benchmark in our industry to get a guy from another organization. its just a benchmark so its not a straightjacket formula. bottomline is what the company can offer and the contribution that the candidate can give back...

    agree ako given nga iyon.. kaya malakas ang aking reliance sa market data.


    of course standard procedure na for me to ask for the most recent payslip of my applicant.


    i use market data and current pay PLUS budget salary for the position in question to come up with a fair offer.



  6. always hot.


    if im using instant coffee - its 2 tbsp with 1 packet of equal or splenda OR 1 tbsp brown sugar and some skim milk (or if im splurging -- some half and half)


    if im taking brewed - 3/4 of the mug will be filled w/ coffee, always 2 tbsp brown sugar (sweetener makes brewed coffee bitter to my tongue) and half and half...


    sometimes i would add some syrup - favorites are amaretto and hazelnut... or some cocoa powder... :)

  7. Has anyone here heard 'bout coldstone, gosh they are the best. They mix the ice cream in front of you and you get to actually try all the flavors before you order anything.


    Sa coldstone nasira ang diet ko, but if you have one near where your living, you gotta try em.

    lagot sa kin yan coldstone na yan sa aug 13 / 14 :evil:


    samahan mo ko ha?


    i saw a picture of gov schwarzenegger eating a waffle cone full of coldstone in a magazine and it looked as if he was really so into it - parang ansarap! :P


    i cant wait sis! :)

  8. hi, I'm going to be in Manila at the end of July and am a confirmed ice-cream addict.....some of these places you guys have mentioned.....Selecta and Arce together with Haagen Daaz, do they operate ice-cream cafes or shops where I can go and have a try? thanks for any help! I'm from Singapore.

    haagen dazs has cafes in the major malls - shang ri la in edsa, power plant in rockwell, glorietta four...


    for selecta and arce - they might have stalls inside the malls but your best bet is to go to a grocery store and raid their icecream section!


    :) happy icecream-ing!

  9. i got this in an email from a friend... i think this is quite fitting since we interact in a message board...



    In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to be held in high esteem because of his knowledge. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopherand said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?"


    "Hold on a minute," Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything I`d likeyou to pass a little test. It`s called the Triple Filter Test."


    "Triple filter?"


    "That`s right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you`re going to say.


    That`s why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is Truth.


    Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"


    "No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and..."


    "All right," said Socrates. "So you don`t really know if it`s true or not. Now let`s try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?"


    "No, on the contrary..."


    "So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, but you`re not certain it`s true. You may still pass the test though, because there`s one filter left: the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?"


    "No, not really."


    "Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?"


    This is why Socrates was a great philosopher & held in such high esteem.


    Friends, use this triple filter each time you hear loose talk about any of your friends.


    We teach little by what we say; we teach more by what we do; we teach most by what we are . .

  10. i guess this is fitting... we dont really know what the future will bring, but i hope that its something that will make us both happy. ive said just about everything i want to say. this song will say the rest about what i hope and dream for...




    There’s something I want to tell you

    There’s something I think that you should know

    It’s not that I shouldn’t really love you

    Let’s take it slow


    When we get to know each other

    And we’re both feeling much stronger

    Then let’s try to talk it over

    Let’s wait awhile longer


    Let’s wait awhile before it’s too late

    Let’s wait awhile before we go too far

    Remember that special night

    When all of the stars where shining bright

    We made our first endeavor

    To stay together


    Remember our very first promise

    To love, to share, and be real honest

    But on that very first night

    It wasn’t quite right


    Let’s wait awhile before it’s too late

    Let’s wait awhile, our love will be there

    Let’s wait awhile before we go too far


    I didn’t really know not to let all my feelings show

    To save some for later so our love can be greater

    You said you would always love me

    Remember I said the same thing too


    You don’t have to be frightened with my love

    Because I’ll never give up on you

    Let’s wait awhile, awhile before it’s too late

    You know you can’t rush love


    Let’s just take our time

    With love so good, we shouldn’t rush it

    We need to slow it down

  11. MmmHmm, I like Ginataang Halo-halo, too.


    Especially iyung mainit-init pa.


    Best iyun during rainy days to Comfort urself while in the arms of ur baby. :blush:

    hehe... ingat lang po sa pagkain ng guinatan ... bka matapunan kyo ng baby mo :boo:


    nachos -- yan ang comfort food of the day ko. yun mdami cheese sauce at me salsa and ground meat...


    sarap nyan while watching tv or reading... :)

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