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Posts posted by Wyld

  1. UCC Coffee...


    You should try either the Sumiyaki...If you dont like it, come to my office, ill reimburse your coffee expenses.


    If you have the cash...Blue Mountain.



    i just might take you up on this offer :lol:


    seriously id have to agree, UCC's coffee is prolly the best in the Metro... il take a cup of their house brew anytime...but yes, the sumiyaki rocks!


    the blue mountain is a bit too steeply priced for me :)

  2. for you.


    you did not come into my life in the best of circumstances.

    yet you did.

    you are god's gift to me,

    and for that i cherish you.

    i promise to be the best i can be for you.

    no matter what.

    inspite of.

    we are in this together...

    i will not let you down.


    all this is for you.


    i love you already.



  3. i cannot name you

    for to name you

    is to drive a nail into my heart

    a heart im trying to save...


    i can only say

    that sometimes

    what you do

    wounds me to the quick


    for each and every act

    clearly shows

    that you do not care.

    that i am nothing.


    in the grand scheme of things

    i am probably

    an afterthought...

    an aside.


    i should move on

    and spare my heart and soul

    the torture.

    i cant.


    but i will.

    in time.

    i value me too highly

    to stay.






    may i feel said he

    ee cummings


    may i feel said he

    (i'll squeal said she

    just once said he)

    it's fun said she


    (may i touch said he

    how much said she

    a lot said he)

    why not said she


    (let's go said he

    not too far said she

    what's too far said he

    where you are said she?


    may i stay said he

    (which way said she

    like this said he

    if you kiss said she


    may i move said he

    is it love said she)

    if you're willing said he

    (but you're killing said she


    but it's life said he

    but your wife said she

    now said he)

    ow said she


    (tiptop said he

    don't stop said she

    oh no said he)

    go slow said she


    (cccome said he

    ummm said she)

    you're divine said he

    (you are Mine, said she)


    now do you know what i mean?


  5. to my warrior...


    i can only share in your rage.

    i can only rail at those who sling stones at you.


    i wont meddle.

    ill restrain myself.


    just know im here for you.

    to stand by you.


    as always.

    as promised.

    inspite of.


    dearest chris,


    i have no words for you other than... i am sorry. in my heart of hearts, i know that i have let you down in the worst way possible. i know that i have shattered the gift of trust that you have given me... and while im not trying to make any excuses for myself, the only thing i can say is... it happened and i do not regret that it did -- i only regret that it will hurt and wound you... deeply.


    i am such a coward because i cannot tell you what is in my heart... i can only hope that you will take my silence as a sign that i need to breathe, that i need some space, that i have some issues to resolve... i sensed the frustration in your voice earlier... i know how hard you have tried to reach out to me... share my pain and know my grief and yet, this is something i must bear alone for now.


    i dont know where my path shall lead me. i dont know what other twists and turns lie along the way... i only know that i am so blessed to have had you in my life. i can only wish that inspite of all this, you will want to continue to be in it...but if you decide otherwise, then ill leave you be. let you go without clinging... and wish you well.


    i wish it did not have to be this way but... i feel i do not deserve you anymore...im not the cheery girl that the "sun has kissed and caressed" anymore ... (i still smile when i remember those words... no one has ever described a bad case of sunburn as sweetly as you did... )... and while i have not become a worse person, i am changed. completely, irrevocably changed - and i do not know how you will accept me now. honestly, im too scared to find out.


    perhaps, i should move on ... leaving you memories of the sunkissed, carefree girl behind... taking with me memories of your shy, crooked little smile with me...


    but then again, perhaps i should stay... and give you the gift of the person i have become... hoping you would still love me for me.


    honestly, i dont know what to do. not yet. not now.


    im sorry.



  7. resolution


    i always have managed

    to pull myself out

    from the pits and depths

    from the blackness and fear.


    and i have done so yet again.

    life is a challenge.

    ill face it.

    as i always have.


    alone or not.

    i will.

    and come out...




  8. in the depths of despair.



    i almost let go.

    i tried not to.


    still alone.

    as usual.








    if i fade into nothingness.

    will anyone ever notice.





    sent a cry out to you

    it went unheeded.


    inspite of your promise.

    you were not there.







    i could have vanished earlier and no one would have known...


    strange, but im both scared and steady at the same time.

    i know that so much will change.

    so much will become undone by events of the past days...

    but ... this much i know for sure.

    i have never been more than ready to face life as it is now...

    i have so much courage in my heart that i know...

    i can look life in the eye and take what it dishes out to me.


    i have to be strong. i will be strong.


    even if i have to be strong by myself.


    we both deserve nothing less.


    it will be good for you and me dearest one...


    i promise.


    :heart: :wub: :heart:

  10. dear god...


    each day seems to bring a new set of trials i must face.

    make me strong enough to face them

    with my head up high and my shoulders straight.


    i know i have tough choices to make

    as the days pass.

    guide me towards the right ones...


    help me.

    gather me in your arms.

    keep me safe.


    help me.

    i know i have to be strong.

    to face life alone.


    help me.

    i want to move on.

    i should move on.


    help me.

  11. Thony the Tiger


    tomorrow is the day! the bar exams! the event you have been prepping for forever.


    im glad to have read your email, gladder to know that youre hyped up and feeling positive about the tests... im sure you will do well but as promised, i will continue to pray for your success...


    im looking forward to our regular email exchanges... and certainly lookin forward more and more to our hangout, bookbuying, coffee-guzzling, storytrading extravaganza when i come home.


    for now... i give you my wishes for success, a clear mind, a sure pen and the sharpest of wits... and of course a good luck :*


    take care of you tiger... and i will see you soon.


    -wyldnina ;)

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