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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. i also asked, since you called the Tea Party a bunch of morons over, yes, the shutdown, what you thought of the GOP's proposals to keep the fed funded.


    it's not like the shutdown silently crept up on that whole lot (the congress), and yet only one party gets blamed. incidentally, why was the white house happy to be winning that debate, when the truth was the whole nation was losing. it's not gobbledygook when the administration issues directives to "make [the shutdown] hurt," prompting the government to mistakenly shut down a private park, or keeping visiting veterans away from a war memorial, just to make a point.


    it seemed to me, listening to both sides in the weeks leading to the shutdown and in the weeks after, that what the GOP wanted was to cut spending, reduce debt, and yes...fight Obamacare. as a small-government kind of gal, i get that.


    as for the budget proposal riders you spoke of, to "sabotage" Obamacare, recent events show clearly why the "morons" wanted to stop that. now if it were me in congress, i would've let the Affordable Health Care Act through cleanly, let the people see just how much they love losing their coverage or their doctors, and let them vote accordingly in the next election. that's me, i'm reprehensible that way. but some tea party senators, like ted cruz, were voted in specifically because they ran on platforms promising to do something about problematic laws and unfair exemptions to democratic "friends" like what we've touched on here.


    i also replied to the editorial you quoted from that bastion of objectivity, the Phil Daily Inquirer, on the issue not just of the shutdown but of Obamacare as well, calling insurgent republicans racist. for someone who does not have skin in the game you sure quote some vile things, the racist tag is no light matter. and you sure are relentless in mocking the tea party and other conservatives. anyway, i thought i would reply to such a base, misguided, and unfounded generalization made by the Inquirer, hence bringing the discussion back to Obamacare. i'm not itching to discuss anything, there are more fun threads than this, but some things just bear replying to.


    the short of it is, Republicans will continue to get blamed for most everything going wrong under this administration. that one-sided, inevitable blame loomed over the GOP for years, and they've finally called the Democrats' bluff, at great, great cost. cue liberal media coverage. cue you and your apparent disdain for the Tea Party.


    despite this, i'm pretty sure you were being facetious in your oversimplification of the Republican agenda. i'll admit lashing out against a ban on transfats sounds lunatic. but in the context of protecting the citizens' freedom to choose how to live their lives, it's really not such a crazy thing to fight for.

  2. UP is the worst school... yes University of the Philippines... why?

    1) most of our leaders are graduates of UP... look at our government!!! need i say more?

    2) I agree that those who graduate from UP were smart before they even entered UP and yet this school cant get 100% in board exams.. hell, there are schools who out perform them during exams.. take a look at the track record of UST in most board exams lalo na in the field of medicine, look at the record of San Beda and ateneo in the field of law..hell, kunn parepareho lang ang utak ng mga estudyante na pumapasok sa mga schools kung training wise lang malamang kakainin ng buhay ang UP ng other top schools lalo na yung mga private.. kung ngayun pangalang na they get the best students from high school naout perform na sila on a regular basis by other schools...

    3) napakayayabang... lalo na yung mga taga diliman.. d naman talaga magagaling.. most of my officemates are from UP Dil.. well, d naman talaga sila ganun kagaling parang parepareho lang level.. although i have to admit there are those who are really brilliant... pero napaka yaytabang parin kala nila may monopoly sila ng knowledge...

    4) their basketball team suck!!!

    5) they cultivate a culture of violence parati may frat war etc.

    6) pugad ng mga komonista... this isone of the schools that is heavily infiltrated by elements of said enemies of the state tapos gobyerno nagpapaaral sakanila




    Ill just say forgive this person because he does not know what he is talking about.




    too funny. gave me my first good chuckle of the week. (it's been a slow-starting week.)


    having graduated from UP three times, i agree with a lot of the things said about UP here, bad and not so bad. what's interesting to me is that very little good is said about UP, and that its graduates speaking on this forum tend to be more circumspect about what it means to have a UP education.


    perhaps this is because the UP grad, in my experience, tends to self-evaluate and is less likely to be insecure, having survived 4 to 9 years of getting his self-esteem crushed in myriad ways by professors that very rarely care about a young person's fragile emotional state. compared to an unending supply of terror teachers and derisive if brilliant (sometimes extremely hot) classmates, what matters the opinion of a jealous co-worker? or, lower on the totem pole, an anonymous keyboard warrior?


    UP is a huge, heterogeneous community and though all versions of it may be applicable in some way, any generalization said of it will always do it injustice.



    and to my friend that said Matute Fashion School...repent. don't bully the soft, fluffy bunnies.

  3. The Cultural Revolution ended way before I was even born, and so with it the socialist agenda of the Maoists and the gang of four.


    If you look closely China's economic model is nowhere near what the Maoists wanted to institute, it's a strange hybrid of socialism and capitalism, and it seems to be working well.


    but the whole point of this thread is not China's socialist propaganda. They're not spreading socialist propaganda as far as I can see, they're secretive but they're not trying to convert the world to submit to their socialist "propaganda". Their socialist propaganda as you call it, is mainly internal (although I doubt this too), and not exposed, nor is it pushed to the outside world.


    Given that, Chinese socialist ideals are way off base in a discussion about Chinese expansionist policies in the south and east china sea. It seems to me that you're the one pushing anti-socialist propaganda in this thread (or any other thread that has china in it) which seems kooky and insane as a) we're not turning into socialists anytime soon and B) there's no one pushing a counter pro-socialist agenda in this entire forum. Looks like you're crying wolf when there are no wolves around.


    Deng Xiaoping, who advocated adherence to socialism, called it Marxism integrated with Chinese conditions, capitalism with a communist political system. Or something unwieldy like that. Its thrust is developing production capacity as the first step in achieving true Marxist communism.


    I think understanding what motivates China, and what its mindset is, is key to predicting how it will operate. China needs to feed its people, and that seems a likely motive for some of the interesting moves it has been making in the US, for example, buying huge food production capacity.




    Just to clarify what you're saying about the alleged expansionist movement of China. The only thing China wants to expand is its economy. But can it maintain, much less expand its economy without much needed fuel to run its industries?


    China is willing to rock the boat in its quest to sustain and expand its purely economic model of business. Consequently, it doesn't mind challenging the stability in this region in its attempt to control all that natural gas (and probably even oil) that lies trapped underneath the South China Sea. It has clearly marked its territory and has created and deployed a formidable military to intimidate its neighbors ....giving due notice to one and all that it means to defend that territory.


    No wonder it has renounced UNCLOS and instead set up its own definition of its territorial limits. Which is practically the entire China Sea itself.


    It does this, not to be able to physically control other countries but to control resources it deems necessary to sustain and expand its economy. No more, no less.


    Agree with the motivation part of this. But it isn't as if you are taking a radical position here.

  4. Actually the antichrist in islamic belief will reveal himself as a prophet of god which will lead many to follow him. Muslims will lead the fight against him but it is jesus that slays him. So i guess whether youre christian or muslim it doesnt matter just as long as your faith in god is strong. We are both people of the book. Salaam to all.



    And what about Buddhists? Hindus? What about pagans and idolaters?



    I wonder what the marrying age is in Shari'ah Mindanao, because when you have a 30-, 40-, 50-year old man marrying a child and consummating that union, what protection does a child have?

  5. Please, my friend, hang tough. Don't do it. The pain will subside enough and you'll be able to breathe again. I wouldn't know what to do if you went. Maybe the same thing, I guess.




    please think it through because people won't recover from it. i won't recover from it.

  6. I don't need to debate Obamacare with you. The 2009 Affordable Health Care Act was debated upon and passed into law in the United States. It is the law. Whether we like it or not, it has to be implemented. If the Tea Party Republicans despise it, they should pass another law to repeal it. But as long as no such law is passed repealing Obamacare, leave it out of the Appropriations Act.


    no, you don't need to debate anything with me. i just thought you might relish the chance to explain which among the tea party's arguments vs implementing Obamacare is moronic. thought you might also know, since it is the law like you rightly say, why or how the president changed the law so that certain corporate entities got a waiver? and if corporations got it, why can't individuals get the same waiver? after all, isn't that what republicans want? a one-year waiver until they figured out all the effects the act would have?


    The Republicans are luring the American public to an Obamacare debate when it has really nothing to do with the current Appropriations Act. The result is that the first few days, several U.S. agencies and services were shut down. Ironically, the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act proceeded as other government agencies shut down.


    and what a success that implementation was. so successful that the president himself had to disavow major aspects of its implementation. or maybe i'm wrong. i could be wrong.



    As if America can afford it, the Republicans yet again hand it another self-inflicted crisis. Credit downgrade, sequestration, government shutdown, what's next?


    speaking of being able to afford anything, what about these nasty, selfish republicans, making the people buy things the country can't pay for.


    Philippine Daily Inquirer

    9:55 pm | Thursday, October 3rd, 2013



    Let's just say it: Insurgent Republicans have a problem with their country's first black president.


    new high for the inquirer - calling republicans racist without proof. i wonder, too, if the editors were aware that obamacare was upheld by the supreme court because it was considered a tax which, while within the government's right to impose, was an appellation that, if i remember correctly, the white house was avoiding attaching to obamacare. wonder why.


    Philippine Daily Inquirer

    9:55 pm | Thursday, October 3rd, 2013



    Policy wonk Ezra Klein summed up the situation nicely: "Washington was shut down because Republicans don't want Obamacare. On the other hand, Obamacare was nearly shut down because so many Americans wanted Obamacare."


    beautiful spin in the light of recent news. bravo.

  7. well paint me a silly schoolgirl shade of happy.


    thank you for that. and for the job application, the obvious enthusiasm for beer, the barbs on my vote for best beards on tv,


    for having the same exact feelings about speaking out or staying mum,


    and for remembering all the key words. that is something.


    good luck with that non-bonus huh :)

  8. Gravity is a breathtaking feast for the eyes. This is must-see cinema, but not just for its technical achievements. After a slew of noisy blockbusters, this movie manages to deliver a quieter brand of claustrophobic tension in the frightening vastness of space. Sandra Bullock is a riveting, familiar center in this survival flick, and an attractive one as well (how does a 50-year old woman look that sensational?). Her character's strength, as she deals with the mind-boggling isolation of a disaster unfolding rapidly above our blue planet, harks back to Sigourney Weaver's Lt. Ripley in Alien. This girl Sandra rocks, and Alfonso Cuaron gets an honorary seat at the women's wing of historic films for this one.

  9. Well that's another thing altogether. Any documentation to show that Hillary's suspected lover has links to the Muslim Brotherhood?


    her assistant's links to the brotherhood? yes, those are searchable.


    her assistant being her lover, too? that's just my take. though i might not be completely off-base on this one. gumshoeing hillary. ph34r.gif thanks for the follow-up q.

  10. After causing the U.S. Government to shut down by not passing the budget,

    the House Republicans have the gall to complain about the adverse effects the shutdown is causing the American people.


    What a bunch of Tea Party morons.


    are you, in effect, saying you like Obamacare? if so, what about it do you like? do you also like that Nancy Pelosi has given waivers in her district, mostly to friends? what do you think about the individual mandate, do you like that individuals can pay a $100 fine for not buying into it, and then get insurance on the day they need it, sans screenings?


    besides, hasn't the GOP made 3 proposals on keeping the fed funded? who shot that down?

  11. You think there's any through to this article? Even if there were, I don't think it should play any role by the oppostion to discredit the demorcrats. Hillary's lifestyle is really none of our business.


    except for when her suspected lover works with organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, and also serves as her assistant.


    Hillary has been lying since she was a young lawyer thrown out of the Nixon trials for unethical behavior.

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