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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. I think Bizu offers canape

    just checked, and Bizu does have canapes (the mushroom duxelle, creamy chicken, and beef bulgogi vol-au-vent look good) as well as a picnic tray. thank you!


    SINFUL BANDIT ...... I remember you once telling me about this deli shop that offers take out platters of their meat goodies. (I just cant remember which and where)



  2. ...still...it's disappointing that homicide charges are being brought against so many men. Not sure how one is charged when there is command hierarchy, and one is merely following his commanding officer's orders.


    As for tampering with evidence, that's just indefensible.


    changed my mind. i saw the footage where our coast guard were laughing as they shot up the taiwanese boat.


    Good job by the NBI and the Philippine government investigating this incident.


    We've asserted our jurisdiction over this incident and conducted the investigation fairly to the satisfaction of both parties proving the naysayers wrong.


    So who here is confident that the investigation will be thorough and fair? Raise your hands.


    If you were Taiwan, would you trust the NBI? Filipinos themselves don't trust the NBI lol.



    oh this is rich. do you just have a hard on for my posts or did someone blow his bitch whistle and sic you on the one person who posited the PCG actions were possibly an overreaction? if you're so bent on showing inconsistencies then why focus on my inconsistencies and not your beloved master's hmm? have you been fair?


    if you agree with the NBI findings, then you agree with the points i initially brought up. caught between the monster and the deep blue sea, you don't seem to have the balls to say maybe you were wrong to call me a traitor for questioning our actions, legitimately question them as it turns out, given that the PCG have been charged with murder, which means my points were v-a-l-i-d. at least when i'm wrong i have the guts to say so.


    when i asked that question you quoted about the NBI...who here defended them? was i not right to say filipinos don't trust the NBI e kahit ngayon ang daming nagsasabing ginawa lang yon ng NBI to appease Taiwan. e di tama ako di ba?



    good job by the Philippine government? lol. what happened to all here who said good job by the PCG huh?


    by the way, writing 101, if you're going to quote someone, indicate when you edit out sentences. tsk tsk.

  3. From GMA News on the PCG/Taiwan fisherman's death. Emphasis mine.


    The NBI, which released its findings nearly three months after the incident, recommended the filing of homicide charges against eight Coast Guard personnel who fired their weapons during the encounter:




    The NBI said that in the absence of conclusive evidence to justify self-defense, the PCG personnel "presumptively violated" the rules of engagement when they fired on the Taiwanese vessel.

    "The PCG personnel were no longer performing their lawful mandate when they continuously fired at the Taiwanese fishing vessel, resulting in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman which, according to jurisprudence, automatically raises the presumption of an intent to k*ll," it added.


    In its report, the NBI said the PCG personnel fired more than 100 rounds of ammunition at the fleeing Taiwanese vessel, "inexplicably a high volume of firepower used on an unarmed fishing vessel even when expended intermittently."


    "One PCG member fired at the Taiwanese fishing vessel despite visibility of one of its occupants outside the cabin signaling the crew of the PCG to proceed to the starboard side of the Taiwanese fishing vessel, and no one among the PCG crew prevented the shooter from doing so or showed disapproval of such action," it added.


    "COMMANDING OFFICER DELA CRUZ and his personnel were initially motivated by a legitimate law enforcement objective to prevent the escape of a hostile watercraft. However, in the course of pursuing such a legitimate objective, their collective act of firing at the fishing boat regressed into indiscriminate firing which disregarded a primary directive in the ROE, that the use of deadly force should not be for the purpose of causing bodily harm or death, but merely to disable the hostile watercraft," the NBI noted.



    Though I suspected as much (and said so) with regard to the absence of evidence (i.e. intent to ram) to justify the self-defense claim, q.v....

    1. what was the provocative act made by a 15-tonne, wooden fishing boat - that probably only went at a maximum speed of 6 knots - that justified shooting?

    2. is the mere "attempt to ram" (vs. actual ramming) a steel boat by a wooden boat a provocative act warranting shooting into a boat?

    3. if only warning shots were fired as the coast guard first claimed was all it intended in some reports, why was the fisherman killed?

    4. why did our coast guard say they were aiming for the engine when the engine is deep in the boat under water? shouldn't they have shot at the rudder instead?

    5. did our coast guard chase the fishing boat for one hour? and if they did, to what end?


    if we were smart, we would pay compensation to the fisherman's family and end the story there.


    besides, anyone that's been out to sea knows that when you approach a fisherman's nets, he will chase you off and even appear, at times, to attempt to ram you. what most yachties don't realize is that fishing boats have the right of way in a lot of cases. they have the right of way vs vessels like a sailboat or a container ship. at the very least, extreme tolerance should have been afforded to the fishing vessel


    "The intent to ram is not clear, given the perspective offered by the video, and the fact that such maneuver could have been intended merely to escape, but not to ram, the Philippine craft," the NBI said in its 84-page report.


    ...still...it's disappointing that homicide charges are being brought against so many men. Not sure how one is charged when there is command hierarchy, and one is merely following his commanding officer's orders.


    As for tampering with evidence, that's just indefensible.


    The NBI said video footage submitted for investigation by Ramirez turned out to be spliced. Ramirez said he did so on Bernabe's instructions.


    In turn, Bernabe said dela Cruz had "ordered him to remove certain portions of the video."


    On the other hand, Bendo was involved in another attempt to tamper with the evidence when he prepared a falsified monthly gunnery report of the PCG BFAR MCS-3001 crew.


    "Both acts of splicing the video footage and submitting a falsified monthly gunnery report constitute the crime of obstruction of justice, for which the concerned officers and men should be held liable," the NBI said.

  4. “Whatever malignant dream I had last night, it’s been disinfected by these warm rays of sunshine. I can’t remember the details…”


    “You were thinking of me…”


    “I was not,” she said with a wince, the obvious cover-up making him smile.


    “Did my stories from dinner contribute to these sick dreams you’re having?”


    She had never heard such risqué stories, told in unflinching manner, while she half-gagged and attempted to swallow her food like a proper lady. This overgrown boy and his girls. Spanking, screaming, choking, cursing. Girl turning red under her tan, boy spilling seed onto the Frette sheets, his stalwart efforts also drying on her lean thighs. Every other month it’s someone else’s wife or some boardroom Amazon. She listened as he worried that he might one day declare love upon his little deaths, as he put it. But he never did.


    “It’s the literate sort who are deadly,” he repeated, watching her. He liked saying that. She never could tell if it was a warning, or fearless surrender.

  5. nung pinapayagan pa ang tambayan sa 2nd floor ng a.s., kapag nalaman nilang magsisimula na ang oblation run, magtatakbuhan pababa ang mga nakatambay, tapos makikisiksik sa mga nag-aabang sa lobby. nakakatawa mga komento pagbalik nila sa kani-kanilang mga tambayan sa 2nd floor.


    in all my years in UP i've never seen the oblation run. pero mula sa tambayan namin sa a.s., nagtatakbuhan nga ang mga tao para manood. i've heard it was never that big of a deal wink.gif

  6. Morning routine:


    Push-ups x 30 reps, then crunches x 5minutes, then inclined push-ups x 30 reps, then Left obliques x 5 minutes, then declined push-ups x 30reps, then Right obliques x 5 minutes, then push-ups x 10reps PLUS inclined push-ups x 10 reps PLUS Declined push-ups x 10 reps, then crunches x 3 minutes PLUS sit-ups x 1 minute, then seated leg raises x 30 reps as finale..


    * total exercise-time: 30 minutes maximum; no rest periods in-between sets.



    Afternoon/evening routine (after work):


    Lying chin pull-ups x 20 Reps, then crunches x 5 minutes, then lying chin pull-ups x 20 reps, then Left obliques x 5 minutes, then lying wide bar rows x 15 reps, then Right obliques x 5 minutes, lying wide bar rows x 15 reps, then crunches x 3 minutes PLUS sit-ups x 1 minute, then lying chin pull-ups x 20 reps, then seated leg raises x 30 reps as finale..


    * total exercise-time: 30 minutes maximum: no rest periods in-between sets.



    Been doing this regimen of mine 6-days a week since January (weight: 168 lbs.; waist 34 inches).


    My current weight is now down to 126 lbs., with waistline of 28 inches.cool.gif


    wow that workout is killer. just reading that made me reach for a creme-filled doughnut. exercise or doughnuts. the tyranny of choice.


    +1 on the weight loss!

  7. Click on titles for reviews to:


    Pacific Rim


    "i like big 'bots and i cannot lie" -- good one! i watched pacific rim on the basis of two reviews - yours and another jap giant-robot anime geek's. the movie was entertaining with an understandably simple plot, but why was the female lead so strange and slow in her reactions? she spent half the film with her mouth agape i thought. was that purposely done or is she just a terrible actress? sorry if you're a fan.


    (did you catch the dubbed portions that were apparently integral to the movie?)



    for this girl - who grew up religiously watching Voltes V, Mazinger Z, and Daimos - the visual effects and the action scenes were indeed stupendous and an obvious paean to the genre. gotta love guillermo del toro.

  8. Whether we like their stories or not, freedom of expression is essential in a free society.


    what many people forget is that the constitutionally protected freedoms we have 1) extend to all people - conservative or liberal, 2) come with responsibilities, and 3) are not unlimited. just as you have the right to carry a gun, you are charged to use it responsibly without infringing on other citizens' rights. words can hurt, too, and just as you are free to say what you feel or believe, others are free to respond in kind.

  9. Is the music and pop culture that diluted that you have to publish a pinup of a Morrison look-alike to reinvent the publication?


    The U.S., stamping a posthumous cover to commemorate the life of a young man who just so happens to have injured hundreds and fatally wound a handful? Sounds about right. 'Merica.


    My phone isn't exactly ringing off the hook to get me on the cover of the latest Al Jadid news magazine. I would've smiled for them. Sayang.



    they can't publish a pinup of you yet, mtf, despite the brilliant smile. next month's issue is already being imagined...




  10. The work of intelligent journalism is to report, to provoke thought, and to offer inputs enabling readers to develop a view to an event in its fullest context. Then they can arrived at more informed opinions.


    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was the doer, the prime mover behind the Boston Marathon bombing. He caused it to happen.


    From a journalistic standpoint, I can accept why the editors put him on the cover, distasteful as it might seem. Putting the victims on the cover would have been the humanly empathetic thing to do, but it would have deviated from the focus of journalism.


    By the same token, that is why books are written about serial killers and other sociopaths, not their victims..


    true, the magazine cover did provoke. just as rolling stones did in the past with its charles manson cover. let's say that the magazine did want to investigate how a young man became a monster when he was by all indications doing well in america. was that the sole reason rolling stones used that selfie on the cover? was the feature going to be a psych piece on why this terrorist has got teenage girls atwitter and calling for his release? if so, could rolling stones not have placed the photo on the inside?


    there's no question it's distasteful, one can only imagine the pain that victims and their loved ones feel over the fan base that has developed around dzhokhar proclaiming his innocence. is there any doubt that young females defend him for his good looks, did khalid sheikh mohammed develop such a fanbase after his photo was released? the rolling stones cover is a glamour shot, a flattering shot taken by dzhokhar himself, and we all know a caption-less picture can deliver a powerful message. in this case, the ensuing furor has shown that the photo is more powerful than the accompanying cover type.


    the people who reacted found it hard to believe it was not a deliberate attempt to sell copies, to be controversial, despite the obvious insensitivity to victims of the bombing. so while the editors can claim they had a journalistic mission, it's doubtful they can claim common decency. they could have stuck to their mission and been respectful of the dead and the maimed by simply choosing a more appropriate cover.



    I stand by my statement about the function of intelligent journalism. Think of the time Erap called for a boycott of the Inquirer.


    with its front page misdeeds in the last year, i have trouble equating the Inquirer with intelligent journalism :)



    to maxiev: you and i are free to express our disgust with a boycott of a publication. but write and boycott its sponsors, more effective.

  11. the prosecution over charged zimmerman. a manslaughter charge in the zimmerman case carries a sentence of at least 20 years according to lawyers ben shapiro and joel pollak. the legendary lawyer alan dershowitz, said that it should have gotten to a grand jury first. they will then determine if there were enough grounds for a trial. dershowitz wants special prosecutor angela cory disbarred for her misconduct during the proceedings. black civil rights attorney leo terrell agreed with the verdict and lashed out at the media and told them they were a disgrace. he also warned the race profiteers to stop their destructive agenda. he joked in disbelief that he sided with hannity for the first time. they crossed swords many times before.


    dr. carson's comment was well-meaning. the case was so confusing even the charge of manslaughter was thought to be lenient in this case. only a not guilty verdict will free zimmerman.


    upto now, the prosecution are still trying the case. jasmine rand, a lawyer for the trayvon martin family, said to greta van susteren it was an injustice and she wants to pursue a civil case against zimmerman. she said that she is a social activist first and a lawyer second. van susteren challenged rand. van susteren wanted rand to look at her civil cases and asked rand if she could match her record. rand backed away from her statements.


    a revelation was rachel jenteal. dr. walter williams, a professor of economics, wanted to know why educators enabled jenteal. she can't read cursive and she had a hard time communicating. dr. williams said that her level of education is only at the 4th grade elementary level. he's wondering why would they let her graduate high school a year from now. in addition, it was rarely reported that jenteal uttered "that's retarded" several times during her testimony. she used "retarded" as a substitute for no, not true or incorrect. the country's failed educational system reared its ugly head again.


    think it was legal analyst lis wiehl who said as much about the mandatory 20 years for manslaughter in the zimmerman case. 20 years would have been too much, true.


    for every person who says the acquittal means mothers will always fear for their children going somewhere as mundane as the local 7-11, there is someone that says a guilty verdict would mean citizens could never again be sure that they have a right to self-defense.


    saw that when leo terrell said for the first time he agreed with hannity, which was surprising. also saw greta challenge that young female lawyer with her civil rights record, i had never seen greta bare her teeth like that.


    anyway, it's over, mainstream media should stop trying to convict zimmerman. stevie wonder might not do a concert in florida any time soon, but will he also boycott the 30 other states that have some version of the stand-your-ground law.

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