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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. Another fun run newbie question po.


    1. Do you run faster or slower in a fun run vs your practice pace? Let's assume you are properly conditioned, warmed up and ready to go. I imagine the crowd of people makes it hard to run in a straight line, and it will mess up your running pace. Plus probably increase your actual distance as opposed to the official distance. On the other hand, your competitive nature might make you push harder. Personally kasi pag me nakasabay ako na kasing pace ko or is a bit faster than me, I find myself jogging faster. As opposed to me running alone with a set distance and time frame in mind.


    2. Me markers ka on where to turn? Baka po kasi sa exhaustion mo eh hindi mo na maalala ung race course laugh.gif


    1. i tend to run faster than my practice pace, and, according to other runners, that seems to be a normal reaction to raceday conditions. the mass of people in the first few kilometers does tend to disrupt your "trajectory," and you have to get used to dodging people, like a game of patintero almost, but the crowd does thin out near the end where you can use other runners to mentally slingshot yourself to a faster finish.


    2. yes, there are usually markers and race marshals on the race route, no matter how small the race is.

  2. emphasis mine:


    First and foremost just to clarify ....did the US really sent BILLIONS of DOLLARS in aid to our Yolanda victims already?


    I wouldn't want to second guess what "self interest" it did serve the US when they donated. So let me answer your question this way, in general countries and various private sector donated to the victims of Yolanda because they wanted to help. But are we definitely sure that "self interest" was never a factor when they did it? Some companies donated their budget for their Christmas party to the Yolanda victims but why not a bigger amount than that since they can afford it anyway given that they earned good profits for the year? Some companies donated as part of their CSR but knowingly that this will bring them media mileage or whatever benefits. Maybe there were politicians out there too who donated relief goods in plastic bags with their names printed during times of calamities. Surely they just wanted to give aid don't they?

    In Uncle Sam's case, in your opinion, can the US afford NOT to donate in aid for Yolanda even if donating was against their will? Well IMHO I don't think so. Just imagine what will the international community say to them or the 'IMAGE" they would be projecting. In fact even if they decided that they really wanted to help or donate can they afford to just donate a "token amount" say like a million dollars or should they go all out say to the point of funding the rehab program for the victims? What do you think came across their minds when they make these decisions? Did they not consider their "interest" when making said decisions? Your guess/opinion is good as mine.

    I think same goes when deciding whether or not to give assistance and determining what kind of assistance will be given to us when we talk about the MDT.


    in other words, by your own reckoning, self-interest was not likely the only motivation to provide aid.


    losing face was not likely to be the primary motivator. i say that in light of the sheer volume, and the type of aid we received from the US, at a time when that country is economically vulnerable. how much does it cost to bring a carrier and all that equipment over? how much does it cost to bring all that manpower over - including fuel, personnel cost? what kind of aid was received? what millions did the private sector send? if it was just worried about losing face, the US could have easily scaled down its efforts and still been deemed a decent nation. but that's not the point.


    the point was to establish how certain you were that self-interest is always the first concern. and to point out... that if the main motivation during the Yolanda relief efforts was the desire to help, and we got that much aid, then a self-serving interest (pick one among the many that have been outlined on this thread such as access to the energy-rich spratlys) would logically lead to the MDT definitely being honored (with a physical presence).

  3. what I really want to find out, is the end game to all of this.


    what does china look to achieve, they're doing fine without these islands, and it doesn't seem worth it to me to test the resolve of the US by continuously pushing its buttons.


    I mean they know an all out war with the US is a conflict they can't hope to win, not at this time at least, so why keep playing with the tiger's tail? and very aggressively at that.


    they're not really doing that well, it seems. they are facing a massive shortage of food and, if you watch the financial channels and look at what they are investing in, are taking measures to address this.


    add the energy-rich spratlys in the mix...and you've got a big, drooling behemoth at our doorstep.


    they might not want to get into a conflict with the US at this time, but they also see that the US is losing its position in the world. the end game? has the communist agenda ever stopped drumming in their hearts? this is one of those rare times i sort of agree with dos8dos.


    ...China has only one carrier, the Liaoning, which will get taken out by a hunter-killer submarine. China will get routed in this theoretical Battle of South China Sea.


    is that carrier even functioning yet? it floats, yeah.

  4. In my opinion and to answer your question, yes it is. I mean after all, there is a strong historical tie between RP and the US. If worse comes to worst, RP will invoke it and the US will enforce it.



    What is the American concept of "face"?


    at the moment, America is weakened and is generally seen to have lost face in the world, its own citizens saying the same in surveys, its frenemies flouting red lines, sanctions, and whatnot.


    is its decreased standing enough to completely wipe out its belief in american exceptionalism? probably not. the US will likely come to our aid, as it has done in the past. but it'll need a good old moral imperative to take up the cudgels for us, such as China behaving really, really badly.


    China's smart enough to know not to do anything so drastic it'll be indefensible. so it'll creep up on us, get us used to relinquishing control over our own islands, our own waters. next thing you know, when we take a dip in the Lingayen Gulf, we'll be illegally entering Chinese territory.

  5. So 20 minutes of warm up is too long? meaning I might have an injury?


    Kasi po, as long as I have a minimum of 20 minutes warm up/walk, before my run, There is no pain on my knees, Aside from the pain of running itself hehehe. If I try to lower my warm up to 10 minutes, ayun, parusa ung first 3k.


    i've had the same kinds of hurts. i would have to warm up on the elliptical machine for about 20 minutes before doing leg extensions, curls, and presses. if i had warmed up properly then the extensions would feel okay. if i didn't warm up enough, i wouldn't even be able to complete a single rep.


    the therapist said if i was going to do curls (which i liked), i would have to do at least as many extensions (which i hated). that's probably to address the kind of imbalance you were speaking of between your upper/lower legs.


    thankfully, 'di naman pinuna yung coffee addiction ko. haha.


    i do take a baby aspirin before a run sometimes. heck, girls are asked to take an aspirin before getting waxed to help with the pain.


    but, as with anything medical, ask a doctor first.



    on a side note, i've abandoned weight training and have shifted to yoga. helps my running so much more.

  6. @Confusedcius: i think you're really better off having your knees looked at because it could be a host of different things.


    i was having problems with one knee, couldn't step up onto the sidewalk running outside. pinatingin ko and because my knee wasn't aligned right, i was given a regimen of weight training and exercises: controlled leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls on a machine, running on a treadmill, etc. i've also had to lose weight to ease up on both knees.


    nakakawalang gana talaga ang may injury. kaya i wouldn't recommend increasing the intensity of your run before a proper warm-up, like someone suggested you do. whatever you do, take it easy, warm up properly.


    i used to dread climbing or descending stairs. but now my knees feel good as new.

  7. Recently writing about popular verses from several religions, I've discovered that there are more genocidal verses from Jewish books like the Talmud as compared to the Quran. I also felt inner peace reading inspiring verses from Quran.


    Allow me to quote from "The Talmud in Anti-Semitic Polemics" by the Anti-Defamation League, especially since I was recently reminded of deeply-ingrained biases in history by a friend who read in the Encyclopedia Britannica that Jewish law allowed and regulated prostitution. The following passages address your claim in general terms:


    "Anti-Talmud tracts were originally developed in the Middle Ages as Christian Polemics against Judaism, but today they emanate from a variety of Christian, Moslem and secular sources. Sometimes such "studies" have blatantly Anti-Semitic tones; sometimes they are more subtle. Yet all of them remain as false and pernicious today as they did in the Middle Ages.


    "...By selectively citing various passages from the Talmud and Midrash, polemicists have sought to demonstrate that Judaism espouses hatred for non-Jews (and specifically for Christians), and promotes obscenity, sexual perversion, and other immoral behavior. To make these passages serve their purposes, these polemicists frequently mistranslate them or cite them out of context (wholesale fabrication of passages is not unknown)...


    "In distorting the normative meanings of rabbinic texts, anti-Talmud writers frequently remove passages from their textual and historical contexts. Even when they present their citations accurately, they judge the passages based on contemporary moral standards, ignoring the fact that the majority of these passages were composed close to two thousand years ago by people living in cultures radically different from our own. They are thus able to ignore Judaism's long history of social progress and paint it instead as a primitive and parochial religion.


    "Those who attack the Talmud frequently cite ancient rabbinic sources without noting subsequent developments in Jewish thought, and without making a good-faith effort to consult with contemporary Jewish authorities who can explain the role of these sources in normative Jewish thought and practice...


    "Probably the most far-reaching claim made by anti-Talmud polemicists is that Judaism views non-Jews as a subhuman species deserving only hatred and contempt from its Jewish superiors. The visceral hatred that Jews are alleged to bear for non-Jews is proven, they claim, by a variety of statements in the Talmud and by Jewish law itself , which purportedly encourages Jews to exploit their non-Jewish neighbors and engage in criminal activities against them. Many go so far as to claim that Jews are intent on subjugating non-Jews around the world and even on committing genocide against them.


    "...But normative Judaism has never diminished the essential humanity - and the concomitant holiness, derived from the doctrine of creation in imago Dei - shared by Jews and non-Jews alike."


    Why not share the verses from the Quran which have inspired inner peace for you? By the way, which version of the Talmud did you read - the Soncino or the Artscroll edition?



  8. LOL. He might at least make a difference by directing traffic on EDSA at 5PM on a Friday. :)



    Actually I think he'd be better off as an MMDA traffic enforcer than president of this country!:lol:



    Baka di qualified as traffic enforcer.


    Pikon. Baka mabaril lang nya ang mga motorista. Mahilig pa naman sya sa baril.



    Actually, I think he'd do a much better job as a paperweight...


    this just became my favorite thread. laugh.gif

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