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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. Don't you just love an accessible poem, inspired by tawdry lines

    You are the bread and the knife,

    The crystal goblet and the wine...

    -Jacques Crickillon

    You are the bread and the knife,

    the crystal goblet and the wine.

    You are the dew on the morning grass

    and the burning wheel of the sun.

    You are the white apron of the baker,

    and the marsh birds suddenly in flight.

    However, you are not the wind in the orchard,

    the plums on the counter,

    or the house of cards.

    And you are certainly not the pine-scented air.

    There is just no way that you are the pine-scented air.

    It is possible that you are the fish under the bridge,

    maybe even the pigeon on the general's head,

    but you are not even close

    to being the field of cornflowers at dusk.

    And a quick look in the mirror will show

    that you are neither the boots in the corner

    nor the boat asleep in its boathouse.

    It might interest you to know,

    speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world,

    that I am the sound of rain on the roof.

    I also happen to be the shooting star,

    the evening paper blowing down an alley

    and the basket of chestnuts on the kitchen table.

    I am also the moon in the trees

    and the blind woman's tea cup.

    But don't worry, I'm not the bread and the knife.

    You are still the bread and the knife.

    You will always be the bread and the knife,

    not to mention the crystal goblet and--somehow--the wine.

    Billy Collins
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  2. Hate to beg the question after all the back-and-forth over which president did what and disagreements over what constitutes 'noise' but what has the investigation yielded? Asking for real since I've not heard news except for a July piece from Raissa Robles about a leaked report from the Manila side.


    Also, why the double standard in defending the president? You can be critical of the man while still supporting him or his policies right? So why not call cowardly behavior just that? If he can be noisy over Canada's sh*t, he sure as heck should have a ready response when it comes to defending our fishermen and our territories. I think when we clamor for a response, this is not tantamount to calling for war. That much should be plain. As for actions, he can beef up our defense and have a firm response when Filipino lives are at stake, while still maintaining good relations with China. That would be true leadership. Sure, speak softly, but not gutlessly, yun lang naman hinihingi. But maybe that's too much to ask for, especially of a tired old man.

  3. Depends what tickles my fancy but when it's a Netflix series, I can't sleep because parang bitin when you sleep while watching a series. Try watching the Travel Channel. Some shows there are interesting but sometimes creepy.



    Haha, okay. Thanks for the tips, especially about leaving things be

  4. db, watching tv works for me. I fall asleep with only thirty minutes of tv at bedtime. I can empathize with you regarding not being able to sleep because of something that worries you but I long ago accepted that I can't change what bothers me if I have no control over it. Just leave it be and let the chips fall where they may.


    Really, what do you watch? I've binge-watched shows up to 3am. News shows are too bright; horror flicks are dark enough but then the screaming wakes you up. Maybe I need to pick awful dramas.

  5. I've terrible insomnia. If I'm troubled or even slightly bothered by something, I'm up. I've tried so many remedies, from the usual tea-drinking and using a weighted blanket to wrestling a shark/bear/whatever to get tired. It's ridiculous. Last year I started listening to long-winded lectures in bed and that worked for a few weeks. Then I spent three pretty sleepless months before I came upon binaural beats on youtube. Worked for a while, I even started dreaming again. Now I'm back to square one.

  6. Most likely mapapaaway tayo. Well, ikaw for sure. :P


    But I'm serious, if we could police ourselves it'd help with the personnel shortage problem. If we all know that dash cam footage showing wrongdoing could lead to a fine, we all might follow our rules better.


    Flexitime sounds good, I know some schools implement this at least for drop-off schemes. Drivers of PUVs seem to get away with a lot of violations so, again, enforcement is a big chunk of the problem.


    More than anything, though, an effective and clean mass transport system that'll make car owners forego the convenience of driving themselves everywhere is a leap forward. The P2P buses seem to be popular among people who would otherwise be in cars. Can't wait for the railway projects to get completed.

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  7. That'd explain why people vote on loyalties versus platforms.


    If he were to chair a committee maybe he should at least have some idea how the government might fix the problem. It's not like the DOTr has been free of issues.


    Anyway, Tolentino did relaunch the Pasig River ferry system and he did stop oversize advertising beside roads; I'd say he has a vision in his head of how to approach this monster of a problem.


    When Tolentino was interviewed by ABS, he mentioned that he will push for the emergency powers for traffic. I hope he gets the chairmanship of the public services committee. The former chairman was useless as the chairman of that committee.


    Poe was a disappointment even though she did seem to be asking the right questions. Whatever happened to the case against Abaya, I wonder.

  8. What is Tolentino's plan for Manila traffic, though?



    I wish there was a system whereby we could report erring drivers easily. Where I live, there are two intersections where everyone complies with traffic rules because enforcers are stationed there. A couple of blocks away from those intersections, people get away with illegal turns and speeding. If everyone could report a violation, having proof of said violation with dashcam footage, and receive a small incentive for this I bet drivers would fall in line.

  9. Hahaha! Now, you know why I said it does not belong here. There are 3 others but I am pretty sure you know who they are. :lol:


    When I sniff out bs I tend to bypass. I don't have the time. Who do you mean, ilaglag mo na.


    Hey so good old Jopoc's still around; why is he so grumpy all the time? Hi Jopoc :lol:

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