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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. black liberation theology is practiced by jeremiah wright, obama's pastor for 20 years. it's core belief is the redistribution of property from the rich to the poor. wright's speeches are full of hate. years ago, he insulted an accomplished woman by calling her condeskeeza rice.


    yes, that is how tenure works. it's the closest thing to a risk free employment.


    about side show bob, he was krusty the clown's former sidekick. well...he's more of a crazed criminal than a cracker.


    before i forget, cheers for mtf for his post. kim kardashian has to be kareful with her komments.


    i know you like ben carson, as i do. he was saying on hannity that george zimmerman should have been tried for manslaughter, convicted, and gotten 1-2 years in prison, then people would eventually forget about him and he wouldn't have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life - which is what may happen now that he's been acquitted. trayvon martin's life did end at his hands. now i do believe a person has a right to defend himself so i wouldn't have agreed with mr. carson if not for the belief that you do have to pay somehow for the life you take even if an intent was absent or if your actions were justified.


    i grew up watching the simpsons and sideshow bob is as creepy as a cartoon can get.


    speaking of despicable things... what the mohair fork is up with the new rolling stones cover? no matter the disclaimer about describing dzhokhar tsarnaev, the boston marathon bomber, as a monster, the cover itself does a good job of glamorizing a terrorist.


    University of Pennsylvania Professor: American God a 'White Racist'



    is she side show bob's sister? haven't watched the simpsons for a long time.


    she's the graduate chair in the department of religious studies? i'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this professor is a proponent of liberation theology also. i could be wrong but i don't understand the racial animosity when apparently homicide in the african-american community is ascribable to african-americans 94% of the time.




    university professors have it so good - protected employment under the tenure system, a pulpit from which to spout your political views, power over your students, and a comfortable salary. student loans are now in the trillion dollar territory and higher than credit card debt. for decades, college costs have been rising as much as 7% a year, according to the wall street journal, faster than inflation. that sounds ridiculous especially when you know that the "cost culprit" is labor.




    isn't side show bob a crazy a** white cracker?

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  3. One recurring theme seems consistent in Athenian literature on the eve of the city's takeover by Macedon: social squabbling over slicing up a shrinking pie. Athenian speeches from that era make frequent reference to lawsuits over property and inheritance, evading taxes, and fudging eligibility for the dole. After the end of the Roman Republic, reactionary Latin literature -- from the likes of Juvenal, Petronius, Suetonius, Tacitus -- pointed to "bread and circuses," as well as excessive wealth, corruption and top-heavy government.


    For Gibbon and later French scholars, "Byzantine" became a pejorative description of a top-heavy Greek bureaucracy that could not tax enough vanishing producers to sustain a growing number of bureaucrats. In antiquity, inflating the currency by turning out cheap bronze coins was often the favored way to pay off public debts, while the law became fluid to address popular demands rather than to protect time-honored justice.




    By any historical marker, the future of Americans has never been brighter. The United States has it all: undreamed new finds of natural gas and oil, the world's pre-eminent food production, continual technological wizardly, strong demographic growth, a superb military and constitutional stability.


    Yet we don't talk confidently about capitalizing and expanding on our natural and inherited wealth. Instead, Americans bicker over entitlement spoils as the nation continues to pile up trillion-dollar-plus deficits. Enforced equality rather than liberty is the new national creed. The medicine of cutting back on government goodies seems far worse than the disease of borrowing trillions from the unborn to pay for them.


    History has shown that a government's redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector's creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.


    one group's objective is to try to take bigger and bigger slices of a shrinking pie. the other wonders why they don't just make more pies.

  4. Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman


    I don't want to describe the book because my words aren't enough to let you know how you would feel after reading a story or two from the book.


    wonderful read. because it is a collection of stories, you can pretty much start with any chapter and meditate on time and the worlds that would result as a consequence of its permutations. the stories can be heartbreaking or heartwarming. i've lent out my copy several times over the years and it has come back to me with (welcome) marginalia from entranced readers.

  5. this is going to sound hackneyed, but i found the u.s. the most interesting and memorable for the amount of things i saw and learned. significant because my hollywood-fed presumptions about its history and its people were proven wrong over and over again. plus it's just naturally beautiful. i mean...to stand alone on a protruding rock and take in even just one part of the grand canyon...no words.




    what have you learned lately?

  6. my schizophrenic playlist (alternative, reggae, industrial, dance, old school funk, and pop) curated for a post-workout run


    1. stay: blue nile 4.58

    2. runnin': the pharcyde 4.31

    3. exaltation: matisyahu 6.58

    4. maniac: michael sembello 4.04

    5. firestarter: the prodigy (for when i start to feel like crap) 3.47

    6. you know what you are: NIN 3.43

    7. around the world: daft punk 4.04

    8. galaxy: hippiehaus (recover) 5.24

    9. suspicious minds: elvis presley (start thinking about food) 4.27

  7. baby you a song

    you make me wanna roll my windows down

    and cruise


    down a back road blowin' stop signs through the middle

    every little farm town with you

    in this brand new chevy with a lift kit

    would look a hell of a lot better with you up in it


    so baby you a song you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise



  8. Let's lighten things up here. Racial slurs, white, black or Mexican jokes. After all, if you heard Juan, you heard Jamal.




    Rapper Lil Wayne trotted all over my American flag in a music video; has he gotten railroaded by his record label or distribution company? Last year, they take my Twinkies. This year they want to defame the heavenly creator of sweets, G*d Bless that woman. If I lose another source of sugar due to the frivolous and paltry issues people have with sensitivity, I'm turning guns. Hi DB, you're gorgeous.


    *I hope I didn't just offend anyone on this thread because I addressed another person about their appearance. If so, FYI GFY.


    GFY = good for you? go fry yourself? lol. hi mtf, you're doubly so. did anyone besides you get angry over that Lil Wayne flap? didn't hear a peep of complaint over it on tv.


    how does one do battle with media and academe - the strategic stronghold of the left? conservatives and libertarians need to fight the misrepresentation of their views, but the left wins with slogans (e.g. 'if the glove don't fit you must acquit' / 'bush lied people died') because slogans that take nanoseconds to read are all the public has time for.

  9. how is it that paula deen is crucified with lynch mob intensity for saying the 'n' word many years ago, something she has apologized for; and media gets away with applauding the zimmerman trial's star witness rachel jeantel, despite her saying 'creepy a** cracker" is not a racial slur...


    is racism only defined one way?



    bryan singer's superman was rated by critics with a 75% rating. the right hated it. they did not like an emasculated superman and they called it the metro sexual superman. the greatest offense was superman peeping at lois lane.


    a few weeks ago, rotten tomatoes gave a 53% rating to the man of steel. liberal critics hated it's all-american feel, family values orientation and its religious undertones. they did this to depress ticket sales.


    they failed.


    i liked both superman renditions. never thought of brandon routh's portrayal as girly. and the religious undertones of 'man of steel' eluded me until i read all the hullaballoo on some sites. but superhero movies have become unabashedly patriotic of late, which is refreshing to see after all the bashing that went on in the past.



    during 9/11, the late ron silver strongly supported gwb. he was a founder of the creative coalition. i don't remember if he was the founding chairman but he served in that position. before he died, he told ann coulter that hollywood jews abandoned him. coulter comforted him by saying the right has better jews and they support him. james woods recalled suspicious looking "arabs" in one his flights weeks before 9/11. he realized later that they were holding a dry run. woods then stopped hiding his right of center views after 9/11.


    surprising that james woods is right of center. i remember well his portrayal of ray cohn in 'citizen cohn.' but maybe that's why he's a great actor.


    suddenly, an insurgency happened. gary sinise, a tireless worker for american troops, was appointed chairman of the not so secret anymore, friends of abe (abraham lincoln), a group of right leaning industry people. jerry bruckheimer, susan lucci, l.l.cool j., heather locklear, melissa joan (sabrina the teenage witch) hart, freddie prinze jr. and sarah michelle gellar were coming out of the "closet". patricia (everybody loves raymond) heaton never shied away from expressing her christian views. they're hoping denzel washington comes back. he voted for obama twice.


    there's more. former teen idol, scott baio's twitter battles with california liberals became a hot topic with some conservatives. sylvester stallone became an active republican donor. even the showbiz oriented pat riley donated the max amount of 5k to mitt romney twice. once in the primaries then in the general election.he then skipped the heat's white house visit early this year.


    and of course there's clint eastwood and his strangely amusing i'm-addressing-an-empty-chair speech.

  10. it's a waste that the low-information voters rejected a vice-presidential candidate who has a better grasp of the issues than the current president.


    in his debate with biden, ryan was the smarter one, the one with a plan. but biden was just too seasoned a politician, too charismatic despite the boorish behavior. part of the problem is that the public has a short attention span and they seem to care more about how something is said, rather than what is being said.


    think it was churchill who said the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

  11. I can't remember everything but two women gave powerful statements while holding back their emotions. It made me listen intently.


    "I'm not here as a serf or a vassal. I'm not begging my lords for mercy. I'm a born-free American woman, wife, mother, and citizen. And I'm telling my government that you've forgotten your place." - Becky Gerritson


    that made me pay attention, too. especially after Rep. McDermott's ridiculous assertions that these conservative groups had only themselves (and their beliefs) to blame for being targeted.

  12. apologies to Mr. Custodio but i believe he is guilty of non sequitur statements in this article.

    Although the Taiwanese government has claimed that the fishing boat was within their territory, several facts that contradict this claim of Taiwan is that their fishermen frequently poach in the Philippines and Philippine patrol vessels never stray outside of the country's territorial waters. To further emphasize this, given the materiel deficiencies of the Philippine Coast Guard, the BFAR, and the Philippine Navy as compared to our neighbors in the region, the Rules of Engagement are so strict that it will be out of character to imagine any Philippine patrol vessel going gung-ho in our territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone.


    the circumstances cited make the Taiwanese claim unlikely but do not preclude it.


    Despite Taiwan's near saint-like depiction of the fisherman who died, Chinese and Taiwanese fishermen are a rowdy bunch and have engaged in aggressive acts against Japanese, Vietnamese, and even American vessels. There are also many cases of Taiwanese fishermen routinely abusing Filipinos working in their fishing boats in our country's northern waters. It is bad enough that Taiwanese fishermen poach in Philippine waters, but what makes it worse is that they use our own poor countrymen to do the dirty work for them. Some Taiwanese fishing vessels also are used for smuggling operations by transnational crime syndicates thereby adding another dimension to the issue of monitoring the movement and taking effective measures against these ships and boats in our territory. Thus, the contention of the PCG personnel manning the MCS 3001 is believable that the Guang Ta Hsin 28 was in Philippine territory and it tried to ram them. Since BFAR vessels are usually made of fiberglass, the consequences of a ramming attack would most likely be lethal to it.


    believable but not necessarily fact. which is why Mr. Custodio rightly still calls it a "contention." it is careless logic to say Taiwanese fishermen are no saints, they abuse Filipino fishermen, and therefore were likely trying to ram the PCG.



    here is where i agree with the author:


    Template for additional territorial grabs by Beijing


    The Philippines should be very careful in the manner it handles this situation with Taiwan. This is not because of economic or political fallouts that we will have with Taipei, but due to the fact that Beijing is carefully studying the responses and reactions that we are making. They will then use this as a template to make their next territorial grab against the Philippines and as of now the Chinese have more than enough proof that our Achilles heel is not that we have a weak military capability, but that government resolve evaporates quickly especially when the OFW issue is exploited. With an estimated several hundred thousand Filipinos working in Hong Kong alone, Beijing will not think twice in using the OFW issue now that they see that such threats always remain effective against Manila.



    government resolve can be seen to have evaporated quickly because it took such a hard line stance in saying it would NOT apologize. if government had apologized about the loss of life (which is not an admission of any wrongdoing) and said it would look into the matter immediately, then it could have stood firm on the other issues.



    Hence, if the Philippine government projects an image of total capitulation to Taiwan, it should expect more aggressive actions on top of already an increasing display of aggressive activities by China in the West Philippine Sea in areas like the Kalayaan Island Group specifically at Ayungin Shoal just a few hundred miles off Palawan. A few weeks ago, Beijing reiterated a demand for Manila to dismantle a grounded World War Two era landing ship at Ayungin Shoal that is being used as an installation by the Philippines to protect the country's maritime interests in the area.

    So far, the Philippines has stood pat on its decision not to give way, but the Philippine government should be prepared for other threatening moves once China presses further on Ayungin Shoal or elsewhere in the KIG (Kalayaan Island Group). These threatening moves will range from harassment of Philippine vessels at sea, hacking of Philippine websites, and even threats on continued Filipino OFW employment in China and Hong Kong. If the Philippine government caves in, no amount of diplomatic artistry from the Department of Foreign Affairs will be able to stem the onrush of Chinese annexation of the West Philippine Sea and the neutralization of the Philippine presence there.

    the Chinese are already holding Panatag, are they not? i will go one step further and say that that was the template for Beijing.

  13. I heard on the news the other day that PNoy was open to the idea of entering into an agreement with Taiwan on the issue of fishing. The following day, the Taiwanese government swore to arrest those responsible for violently attacking Filipinos. Then today, there was news footage showing Taiwanese police providing "protection'' for Filipino workers.


    I couldn't help but correlate PNoy's statement with Taiwan's sudden about face stance from hostile to suddenly protective.


    so you have to ask, how much damage could have been avoided if we had issued a statement earlier.


    now if you are on the other side of the fence on this, and believe we should not be apologizing, you still have to ask - if Malacanang was going to capitulate anyway, why didn't they do it sooner? according to the quoted article from Jose Custodio, it is because we allowed ourselves to be bullied by economic sanctions. so...who is satisfied that Malacanang acted smartly?


    Nice try splitting hairs to wriggle yourself out of your first statement. Ang daming mong sinasabi na hindi ko na re-replyan dahil humahaba ng walang patutunguhan ang diskusyon, pasensya na Mr. Bugatti.


    Malinaw naman ang sinulat mo at naiintindihan ng mga bumabasa. Wag na magpalusot. Unless of couse, aminin mo na it was poorly written and does not adhere to the facts that so far has come out.

    Facts gaya ng, nasa teritoryo ng Pilipinas ang mga Taiwanese ng subukan sila hulihin ng Coast Guard. Facts gaya ng sinubukan hulihin ng Coast Guard ang mga Taiwanese poachers kaya't kahit papaano, may rason naman kung bakit nagkaroon ng engkwentro sa pagitan ng dalawang panig. sa mga Taiwanese na nangingisda sa hindi naman teritoryo ng Pilipinas.


    may nagpapalusot ba na umaamin din ng mali? wala ka na bang ibang argumento?


    the only facts that are agreed on by both parties are that someone fired shots, someone died, and that no actual ramming occurred. most everything else that was peddled here as facts are now being challenged, including those of your statements that are not actually facts, but premature justifications for a certain course of action, with malice towards one party, given that you were not actually there and cannot know why our coast guard did what they did. to wit:


    Facts gaya ng sinubukan hulihin ng Coast Guard ang mga Taiwanese poachers kaya't kahit papaano, may rason naman kung bakit nagkaroon ng engkwentro sa pagitan ng dalawang panig. Hindi yung basta na lang nagpaputok yung Philippine Coast Guard...


    or are you perhaps immune from all your own advice and believe you and heatseeker, unlike all the rest of us here, can prejudge the situation?





    I thought so, too, when I read the article. The phrase "showing them the famous finger" was my own speculation, and I indicated so. I did not intend to imply that our Coast Guards were trigger happy when provoked. Sorry about that. Such action is not characteristic of military personnel. They are more disciplined than us civilians when it comes to firing of weapons. The saying "wag mong itututok kung di mo ipuputok" is a military adage. I trust their capability to hold their fire under stress.


    So, if our Coast Guards had to fire their weapons, we should initially assume that they were indeed under attack, or were taking active measures to counter a "clear and present danger". Ramming is a serious threat especially out on the sea where you are beyond the reach of comrades who could help you, and you are outnumbered by foreign vessels who are showing hostile intent. We would not know the exact circumstances our Coast Guards went through at that time, but I would assume that they did what they were trained to do for their situation.


    and it is precisely our trust in our own that shows we are not impartially looking at the situation. if we can "initially assume" one scenario, why can we not initially assume a different scenario? i did. and took heat for it. but if one explanation makes so much more sense than any other, then why is the alternate explanation so offensive to some? true, ramming, like you said, is a serious threat. i've held that the attempt to ram is not, because it is difficult to ascertain just what a boat is trying to do. he could've been maneuvering clumsily and looked, for a while, like he was about to ram the pcg. so, until the investigation ascertains that there was cause to believe this, no one can say with any certainty whether (1) the pcg was truly under threat or not, (2) justified in opening fire, whether warning shots over the bow or disabling shots to the rudder or engine.

  14. The record of the Democrats on blacks was horrible. Their party platform around the 1850's was whites should rule because they are the superior race. We know that a civil war was fought to free slaves. During Reconstruction, blacks started to get economic opportunities and some became Republican politicians and officials. This was the time that the KKK was established to intimidate, beat-up and k*ll them. Woodrow Wilson showcased the pro-KKK film The Birth of a Nation in the White House. FDR and LBJ were the ones who implemented policies of dependency. LBJ's War on Poverty cost $500 billion. Single mothers were the main beneficiaries.


    Republican Senator Everett Dirksen helped write and pass the Civil Rights Act. It was passed because a great number of Republicans supported it. Some of the Democratic Senators who opposed it were Al Gore Sr. and KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd. Martin Luther King was a Republican. Democrats switched everything and now Republicans are the racists.


    Today black Republican politicians and candidates are labeled as Uncle Toms.

    It is also conservatives who are referred to as 'grand wizards' by NBC and CNBC "newsmen" like David Gregory.


    One group certainly seems to be responsible for the revisionist history. In a nation where people are becoming more and more distracted by technology, and possess an attention span too short to retain anything but hollow epithets, the tactic seems to work.


    Keep in mind that the IRS considers you guilty until proven innocent when they audit you. The Fifth Amendment does not apply.


    Perhaps you should give them a dose of their own medicine and stamp your tax form with the words "I plead the Fifth," pay the fine, wait 6 months. :)

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