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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. but the really scary part is, I know that I'm already THIS dumb, BUT I'm still smarter than almost 99% of the people that I meet.


    no kidding.


    but what if cthulhu got dropped on that same deserted island you were on? you still wouldn't be able to send out an SOS? lol


    anyway, if aliens did exist and they were all giant terrorist octopi, i'd rather there weren't any aliens at all, humanity's flaws notwithstanding.

  2. on second thought, watching events in Cyprus unfold, an economic civil war in America doesn't seem so far-fetched anymore. but there are a few more years to go to correct this trajectory.



    The problem isn't reserves, as there are lots of that even for oil, but production rate vs. demand. That is, the energy returns for other sources of energy are lower, and thus production rate is unable to keep up with demand. That's why we are now resorting to non-conventional production:



    you really need to update your reading list. what do you think of clean coal for starters?

  3. I've heard that some Americans have given up their US citizenship because tax rates in the US are just too high. The time might come when there won't be any rich people left in America. Their government is killing the goose that lays the golden egg.


    approximately half of americans (47%) don't pay federal income taxes. but most people have to pay some form of local tax.

    those that do pay federal taxes, pay a progressive tax, with about the top 1% paying about the same as 95% of the population.

    the 'rich' also pay a capital gains tax - which means they pay taxes on money that's already been taxed.


    so you gotta ask - is this good for wealth creation, business, and productivity?

  4. going on nat geo and history channel specials alone, No. 10 seems to be the fave reason among alien-loving humans. maybe it's the prospect of having someone looking over us that is appealing. someone/something involved but aloof, which would explain the elusiveness.


    what about hp lovecraft's cthulhu mythos, wherein an alien life form is simply hibernating on earth, waiting for the right time to reappear. i suppose that is a combination of reasons 1, 3, 4, and 8.


    anyway, as fun as it is to think of aliens, i find figuring out earth-dwellers infinitely more fascinating. ph34r.gif

  5. http://www.salon.com...a_collapse_2025



    How America will collapse (by 2025)


    Oil Shock: Present Situation


    One casualty of America's waning economic power has been its lock on global oil supplies. Speeding by America's gas-guzzling economy in the passing lane, China became the world's number one energy consumer this summer, a position the U.S. had held for over a century. Energy specialist Michael Klare has argued that this change means China will "set the pace in shaping our global future."


    By 2025, Iran and Russia will control almost half of the world's natural gas supply, which will potentially give them enormous leverage over energy-starved Europe. Add petroleum reserves to the mix and, as the National Intelligence Council has warned, in just 15 years two countries, Russia and Iran, could "emerge as energy kingpins."



    Compounding the problem, the Chinese and Indians have suddenly become far heavier energy consumers. Even if fossil fuel supplies were to remain constant (which they won't), demand, and so costs, are almost certain to rise -- and sharply at that. Other developed nations are meeting this threat aggressively by plunging into experimental programs to develop alternative energy sources. The United States has taken a different path, doing far too little to develop alternative sources while, in the last three decades, doubling its dependence on foreign oil imports. Between 1973 and 2007, oil imports have risen from 36 percent of energy consumed in the U.S. to 66 percent.


    Oil Shock: Scenario 2025


    The United States remains so dependent upon foreign oil that a few adverse developments in the global energy market in 2025 spark an oil shock. By comparison, it makes the 1973 oil shock (when prices quadrupled in just months) look like the proverbial molehill. Angered at the dollar's plummeting value, OPEC oil ministers, meeting in Riyadh, demand future energy payments in a "basket" of Yen, Yuan, and Euros. That only hikes the cost of U.S. oil imports further. At the same moment, while signing a new series of long-term delivery contracts with China, the Saudis stabilize their own foreign exchange reserves by switching to the Yuan. Meanwhile, China pours countless billions into building a massive trans-Asia pipeline and funding Iran's exploitation of the world largest percent natural gas field at South Pars in the Persian Gulf.




    The oil shock that follows hits the country like a hurricane, sending prices to startling heights, making travel a staggeringly expensive proposition, putting real wages (which had long been declining) into freefall, and rendering non-competitive whatever American exports remained. With thermostats dropping, gas prices climbing through the roof, and dollars flowing overseas in return for costly oil, the American economy is paralyzed. With long-fraying alliances at an end and fiscal pressures mounting, U.S. military forces finally begin a staged withdrawal from their overseas bases.


    so with that new Ohio State U study that has successfully removed the dirty in coal-powered energy, and with US coal reserves enough to last a hundred years - the oil shock scenario is beginning to go kaput, isn't it.

  6. I find obama's militarization of the DHS, plus drone strikes against US citizens, indefinite detention, his executive orders, etc reminiscent of what Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Lenin tried. he is trying to outlaw gun ownership at the same time that the DHS is being set up as some kind of private army/praetorian guard. This could precipitate a violent reaction or civil war that could turn the US to a basketcase.


    Obama is far from being Hitler, Stalin, or Mao. i doubt he will cause civil war.


    but okay some of his people's moves such as trying to diminish the constitution are reminiscent of totalitarian regimes that want power centralized.


    your first page replies were more on point though.



  7. Well I'm sofa sitting, compromising

    thoughts on what I'm realizing

    Ask me what I'm thinking

    It's hard to say cause the way I'm reeling

    it could be most anything

    to do with you

    Can't you tell I'm telling you

    that I want to

    understand you

    Some things can remain unsaid, now

    you don't have to share your bed with me

    it's a gentle thing we're making

    Got the time for stronger weather

    until we get to know us better

    we'll remain suspended

    Can't you tell I'm telling you

    that I want to

    understand you


    Lyle Lovett, Understand You

  8. hatred.


    Are Kate Beckinsale, Charlize Theron, Milla Jovovich, Catherine Zeta Jones and Kate Upton historical figures or fictional characters? wacko.gif


    lol...since history questions are de rigueur with you, here's another one you can cut/paste to answer at your convenience if someone beats you to the punch.

    who among all of history's great men and women gives your blood a rush and why?

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