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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. You do that, we lose the moral high ground. Us lodging our complaint in that International Tribunal has boosted our standing in the eyes of other countries. As one ASEAN Diplomat stated, "The Philippines Foreign Service has been for decades, not held in very high regard, but with this move, it shows that they clearly did their homework."


    Sec. Albert Del Rosario et al put China in a bind... If they ignore said complaint, they'll be seen as not participating in the proper and legal forum. If they send delegates to said tribunal, they'll concede their position of "Irrefutable Sovereignty" and recognize our complaint. :blush:


    taiwan's dnd has been doing it for 3 years, according to reports. how's taiwan's moral highground?


    and how is panatag shoal, is its entrance still barred by the Chinese?

  2. im thinking joining the northface trail run event by april half marathon pa muna din kung sakali. whats your thought guys? anybody interested for a changed and exciting challenge.


    baguio-benguet. so that's camp john hay, down kennon, up again all the way to the summit of sto. tomas, and back to john hay? my lungs hurt reading about it.

  3. Good idea. The question now is, how long can these students camp on Taiwan's portion of the Spratlys? Or do they have relievers on a rotation basis so that Taiwan's portion of the Spratlys would always have Taiwanese on it?


    a good idea but you know as well as i do that this was a point of contention just last year. what does occupation amount to? wink.gif


    anyway, the time frame is being kept under wraps for security reasons, but the taiwanese will be sending postcards from the spratlys. apparently they already have LSTs there, and frigates. can't confirm this last bit of info though.

  4. Are you looking for a specific brand?


    not really. just need closed foot, lightweight fins for making it to shore in a strong current. would appreciate a recommendation on the brands that are available locally, but at any rate thanks for the additional info on the shops!

  5. Yes, and if this happens, the resolution would not be passed. However, paragraph 3 of Article 27 of the United Nations Charter states that "Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members including the concurring votes of the permanent members; provided that, in decisions under Chapter VI, and under paragraph 3 of Article 52, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting."




    true, they abstain from voting but, as i understand it, after having abstained they can still veto the resolution. maybe an expert can weigh in.

  6. hi dungeon baby, where exactly is the night safari park in bohol? In the mainland/not in Panglao? HOw to get there? thanks!


    hi mango man, sorry for the delayed reply. you meet your guide/s in the simply butterflies conservation centre in bilar. pretty easy to get to as the center seems to be a regular pit stop on most mainland tours. i posted the link in my previous entry. from the butterfly center, you ride on motorbikes with guides to the national park about 15 minutes away.



    as for photos, yeah...you don't go to this safari for the photo opportunities unless you plan on camping out in the jungle like a nat geo guy. :)

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