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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. thanks for this tip. i will be in bohol tomorrow with some friends. this is new to me


    you're most welcome. we saw everything except a tarsier and any kind of snake (thankfully). i absolutely loved the two-hour trek - loved turning off our lamps and being engulfed in pitch black while watching a firefly display, loved finding ginormous millipedes, laughed at every single goofy joke our guide recited, loved the mammal eyes that looked back at us from the trees. but it's not for everyone. weirdly enough, one of my companions wasn't a fan - some people expect it to be a zoo experience, which it isn't.

  2. if you're looking for something to do in bohol that's off the beaten path, quite literally, try the night safari inside the rajah sikatuna national park. for P900 per person, guides take you through the forest after dusk looking for tarsiers, civets, macaques, flying lemurs, various birds, snakes, cave-dwelling spiders...well, you get the picture. wear pants, hiking shoes (or sneakers), and insect repellent. headlamps provided.



  3. coin operated boy

    sitting on the shelf he is just a toy

    but i turn him on and he comes to life

    automatic joy

    that is why i want a coin operated boy


    made of plastic and elastic

    he is rugged and long-lasting

    who could ever ever ask for more

    love without complications galore

    many shapes and weights to choose from

    i will never leave my bedroom

    i will never cry at night again

    wrap my arms around him and pretend....


    coin operated boy

    all the other real ones that i destroy

    cannot hold a candle to my new boy and i'll

    never let him go and i'll never be alone

    not with my coin operated boy......


    this bridge was written to make you feel smittener

    with my sad picture of girl getting bitterer

    can you extract me from my plastic fantasy

    i didnt think so but im still convinceable

    will you persist even after i bet you

    a billion dollars that i'll never love you

    will you persist even after i kiss you

    goodbye for the last time

    will you keep on trying to prove it?

    i'm dying to lose it...

    i want it

    i want you

    i want a coin operated boy.


    and if i had a star to wish on

    for my life i cant imagine

    any flesh and blood could be his match

    i can even take him in the bath


    coin operated boy

    he may not be real experienced with girls

    but i know he feels like a boy should feel

    isnt that the point that is why i want a

    coin operated boy

    with his pretty coin operated voice

    saying that he loves me that hes thinking of me

    straight and to the point

    that is why i want

    a coin operated boy.


    - dresden dolls

  4. so ang nangyari... nakainom + pagod + puyat + no stretching + no warm up = WASAK

    luckily i was still able to finish 21km below 3hrs... sayang ganda pa naman ng condition ko. for the first time, nde ako pinulikat despite 21km.. bawi nalang sa PSE bull run next year


    hanep, ppdd, ang tatag mo laugh.gif

  5. Ito ay isang malaking kahihiyan!



    Manny is officially a LOSER!!!!we should be ashamed of his performance......he should renounce all of his endorsements and instead endorse salem bed!!!he's a DISGRACE!!!


    Ang Pinoy nga naman. Take a cue from Pacquiao himself and learn how to take it like a man.




    I guess he knew that at one point in the fight, Pacman would come charging at him like what he did. El Dinamita really did his homework. In a sense, lamang na sya kay Manny coz Pacman hasn't done to him what he did to Pacman and that is score a sensational knock out. I'm really hoping for a 5th fight in the Manny-JMM saga. Sugar Ray Robinson and Jake Lamotta fought five times with Robinson winning 4 and Lamotta winning only once.


    ditto that.

  6. @Jourdan. Sigh. For starters, let's have a perfunctory look at your posts to find a few contradicting statements:



    You say the US is a nation that "pursues abstract goals and lofty aims." But you also say they can't be bothered to defend their allies, they only look out for themselves, they only care for economics. I assumed by abstract goals and lofty aims you meant something like coming to the defense of the helpless. What did you really mean?


    You say historical claims are useless. But you also point out that both the PRC and the ROC "have long been fighting over who 'owns' the islands based on historical grounds." So, it's good enough for China and Taiwan but not for us?


    You say go read history. But then you say "you [can't] keep on looking back for solutions to issues that confront us now." So...how're you putting that Kas I knowledge to good use?



    You wanted me to enumerate the ways in which you contradicted yourself, to show a claim was not an empty one. Your turn. Post a classcard of that Kas I grade.



    You also wanted to know why I said you were all over the place:


    You said: "We readily commit ourselves to 'altruistic' pursuits without the benefit [of] careful reality check."


    Ok. Apart from vubuli wanting to parcel out the Philippines to China, who here is advocating altruism? Was that a malapropism on your part or another sweeping generalization?



    You said: "And while martyrdom is cute for the history books, it really does very little in real life."


    Superfluous. No one is advocating we give up our lives either. Unless you count the formerly unspoken wish that Vubuli put his sorry *ss on Masinloc as part of our welcome committee to China.



    It's funny you berate TSB with "context, dude, context" when you previously bragged you don't back-read. Who came in, saw a few words, and assumed everyone but himself was an idealist, a simpleton, or a dreamer? Who does that if not the most arrogant airhead? Who bandies their college grades as if that proved anything in the real world and expects people to take him seriously? What are you, a child? Maybe you could join vubuli and wave that class card from Prof. Gotiangco at the Chinese next time they disallow our fishermen from taking refuge in our atolls.



    Jejemon advisory: multiple punctuation marks don't strengthen your statement; you can drop the 13 extra question marks on your posts and help maintain a veneer of having had an education. ;)

  7. No, its not a 'simple' fact that its 'right inside our waters'. I wish it was that simple. There's no simple rule that defines territorial ownership. If there is, there'd no disputes everywhere in the world and we will all be happy.


    But go ahead, amuse me. Tell me what's that simple fact and whys and hows behind it.


    And oh, I was being sarcastic with the barong-barong. It was meant to exaggerate the contrast between what we built vs what the Chinese contingent had put up in the area.



    Err, hmm...I probably should stop the exaggeration bit because it just serves as a distraction. The whole point is that what happened in the past has little relevance to how things are now. You cant keep on looking back for solutions to issues that confront us now. The problem facing us right now is that a powerful bully is adamantly claiming those islands and our posturing and rhetoric had done nothing to deter the bully. Digging up what happened years ago or talking abt Marcos, Ramos, and whoever you can think of wont solve that problem. Neither does dreaming of some strong leader like what some intellectual pansy would solve the issue.


    You tackle the issue given the actual, tangible parameters NOW. The state of any physical or social phenomenon is only defined by the parameters existing at the time of observation. However you get to that point is of little relevance to how you could change it for the future.


    Ok, case closed haha



    Really? Do you really think I'm THAT clueless? Lol

    Do you want the distances in km or nautical miles?

    Again, if we're going to go by distances alone, western nations shouldnt have any claims over islands in the pacific. Now, hows that possible that France, Netherlands, etc own lands too far from their shorelines?



    . You implied that guarding our shores isn't overzealous patriotism and not so sheepishly imply that I wasnt all for guarding our shores. I simply rebuked that by highlighting your misplaced sense of patriotism. You're looking to display your vaunted patriotism by guarding a barely uninhabited group of islands while you stand and do nothing about filipino communities in well-established Philippine territories who, for all practical purposes, no longer have allegiance to the flag. Its ridiculuous. If you cant assure them that the govt could viably take care of them, don't go and shout that you just have to guard those islands.



    Oh sly....hahaha. You're one smart cookie. But I'll bite anyway. Yeah, lawyers are a funny bunch. Ancient treatise! Hahahahaha


    The US is in Mindanao bec they had to have some presence in the region. SE Asia is a growth corridor, and buffer to China and India...2 of the emerging powers that seem to be not in awe of the American might. Its also a good staging ground for intel ops on Islamist extremists linked to Al Qaeda, e.g., JI and a deterrent too.




    Hardly communist at all. And no, I dont intend to convince anyone at all. I really dont care if you think you can change the world by shouting obscenities at the Chinese and threathening war with museum-quality military gear. I wouldnt fault the Chinese for believing its theirs. Pragmatic people only believe things that could really happen...like they have the resources to actually translate that belief into something concrete. And its usually at the expense of stubborn idealists and dreamers here and there. After all, words may hurt but missiles typically k*ll people.


    the natural assumption when you make contradicting statements is that, yes, you are really THAT clueless. your condescension and sarcasm are noted, but you're all over the place. so why don't you rest your smooth-skinned chin on your baby-soft palm and take a breather, let the brain work for once instead of jumping in wildly and assuming you understand the positions that are being stated here from reading a total of one or two pages.



    additionally, why should i amuse you? go amuse yourself and go through our islands to see just how close that huge chinese garrison is to our shores, we're talking dog-paddle distance. while you're there, take note of the dome that's on stilts that's also theirs. then, as you take that measurement, read the provisions in the unclos. and yes, as has been pointed out on this thread before by a lot of us - not that you can be bothered to read too far beyond your own words - the unclos may not hold water with some major stakeholders but, at present, it may be the best thing the region has. then think about squatters...and just how damn easy it is to get them off land that is not theirs. possession is nothing? possession is 90% of the game when you've got nobody willing to fight the bully.


    oh, by the way, there is sarcasm and hyperbole mixed in here somewhere. i'm sure you can separate the chaff from the grain, that is, if you can take time off from your beauty regimen ;)


    virtual hearts, sweetling. p

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