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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. again, who owns it based on what? our map? UN map? Putting up a few temporary structures isn't enough to claim ownership. And yes, a barong-barong is a temporary structure.


    since you won't backread, i'll return the favor and not put your replies in the context of your bigger view articulated to other posters here.


    it's ours based on our map, on the un map, and based on the simple fact that it's right inside our waters.


    a garrison with a couple hundred men is hardly a barong-barong, jourdan.


    but it's beside the point, really. I look at the whole issue at the vantage point of NOW. It's pretty useless to be nostalgic about how we "own" those islands 50 years ago. 50 years ago we were crying that Sabah was ours. Now, we have given up hope of getting it back. Borders across the world had been re-drawn countless times since. So, I don't get whole "dati amin" blah blah. It doesn't help.


    The reality is NOW, those islands are hardly ours.


    who's talking about 50 years ago? nostalgia? don't get your critiques mixed up.


    Well, I just find the whole "shedding a tear" comment a tad too dramatic. Even beggars hardly cry nowadays. I don't think diplomats would cry when they see the Chinese delegate. But yeah, I'd ask my friend if they did have some crying sessions.


    a tad too dramatic. that's the crow calling the raven's feathers black. lol.


    Guard your shores? with what? Jesus, we don't even have a thriving community there.


    It's this: Go to the southernmost islands of the Philippines and check yourself what currency they're using and where they are getting their livelihood. We couldn't even ensure that Filipinos in established Filipino communities use Philippine peso. We couldn't even support them economically. I guess you have to set your patriotism straight. Deal with the things closer to home first. Maybe then, you'd be able to convince me that you could guard those islands.


    you have no idea how close the Chinese are, do you?


    and since when was patriotism based on military might? you need a gun to feel love for your own, is that it? if you keep no weapons at home, you just let the friendly communist neighbor build a doghouse in your yard?


    as for the US not taking an interest, i wonder what their navy base in Mindanao is for. (well if you believe UP law professors, the base is there to honor ancient treaties with the US protectorate in Mindanao. funny, funny lawyers.)


    but all this discussion is moot and academic and frankly quite laughable. while we're all failing to "convince" each other here, guess which nation is of one mind in willfully claiming what they believe with all their communist hearts and souls is theirs.


  2. Sovereignty? Hmm, are we still talking abt the Spratly's here? I guess we're missing the whole point - those islands are contested by several countries claiming sovereignty over them! So let's just relax a bit...we're not ceding palawan or mindoro to China. We're talking abt a hotly contested group of islands that are neither ours nor theirs!


    And no, I wont shed a tear if I see a Chinese contingent come to the table to discuss joint development. Why would I? I'd shed a tear when I see the first drop of crude oil come out of Spratly's with the Philippines getting some much-needed $$ from a joint-venture.


    It is truly a unique pinoy problem....oversentimentalism. You dont solve problems with rhetorics and posturing. Instead, you sit down, roll up your sleeves, and iron out details where mutual benefit could be had. Overzealous patriotism is so 1900's. We dont have conquerors and colonial masters now. Its a whole new world. Economics is the language of geopolitics. Its a pity that our country is still run by lawyers who are more concerned abt "winning" arguments than putting food on the table for 90million plus pinoys.



    it might help to look at some of the islands china has built on and see who owns it. gma has to answer for some of that, and that may be the one point i would cede to vubuli.


    don't know who you're replying to but who's being sentimental? when diplomats shed tears it's not out of sentimentality but out of the very thing you complain of, mendicancy. was i criticizing that tendency to be overwrought? yes. would i have engineers and businessmen take charge? yes.


    is it overzealous patriotism to guard your shores? apparently, to at least two posters here, the answer is no.

  3. diplomacy is all well and good. fine, let's make nice. and being filipino, let's shed a tear of relief when china sits with us at table.

    bringing in big business and bright-eyed engineers is great, too. sit and talk. maybe somehow do.



    while we hem and haw, devious devils are chipping away at our sovereignty, not with pictures on passports, but with cement on islands.

  4. so let me get this straight: you support China's claim over disputed territories for the following reasons:


    1. you believe China makes for a better ally than the US or any western nation, especially since the US doesn't give free support and you still think they've not cleaned up their mess in Subic

    2. you believe China will be a benevolent benefactor, all your personal dealings tell you so despite historical data which shows just how mild they can be

    3. you believe giving up our claim to the Spratleys is a small price to pay for Chinese-style rule (communist), especially when you believe (without proof) that we've already sold said area to the Chinese



    anything else?




    by the way, effective nkvd, sd, and gestapo men would've executed you already for your treacherous statements against your own people. food for thought.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. doubtful! Scenario. If they have those reserves.. They should renounce their oil grab policy. Such as the asia pivot. And the carter doctrine


    it isn't whether they have reserves, it's will they get out of their own way to tap those reserves. in the internet age, narrow-mindedness is easily remedied. use your mouse, the cure is just a click away.




  6. Can you tell us exactly what the plan is? The last three SONA's were grasping for the right message yet there were really no plans. FYI, if there is a strategic plan with specific targets, then each succeeding SONA would appear like a report card of the past year's accomplishment or performance gauge of the ADMINISTRATION.


    the plan? obamacare and bigger gov't spending. at least that's what the texan secessionists were upset with.

  7. The decline of America spells a great investment loss for China. China propped up the US economy to save it from the dot com bust and became its largest single investor. No Chinese citizen ought to be happy with the impending fiscal cliff of the US Federal Government and the fact that Obama's more than 5 trillion dollar expenditures in his first term are more than what China ever produced in its first decade after opening up to the World Market. As of last week, 50 states in the USA have already filed for secession. This is a strong message that the gross mismanagement of the federal government is not going to be tolerated nor absorbed by state governments.




    interesting. i knew texas had filed for secession recently, but 50 states? that is a message, though i doubt that even puts a kink in this administration's plans.

  8. Forgetfulness

    The name of the author is the first to go

    followed obediently by the title, the plot,

    the heartbreaking conclusion, the entire novel

    which suddenly becomes one you have never read, never

    even heard of,

    as if, one by one, the memories you used to harbor

    decided to retire to the southern hemisphere of the brain,

    to a little fishing village where there are no phones.

    Long ago you kissed the names of the nine Muses good-bye

    and watched the quadratic equation pack its bag,

    and even now as you memorize the order of the planets,

    something else is slipping away, a state flower perhaps,

    the address of an uncle, the capital of Paraguay.

    Whatever it is you are struggling to remember

    it is not poised on the tip of your tongue,

    not even lurking in some obscure corner of your spleen.

    It has floated away down a dark mythological river

    whose name begins with an L as far as you can recall,

    well on your own way to oblivion where you will join those

    who have even forgotten how to swim and how to ride a bicycle.

    No wonder you rise in the middle of the night

    to look up the date of a famous battle in a book on war.

    No wonder the moon in the window seems to have drifted

    out of a love poem that you used to know by heart.

    - Billy Collins

  9. ^i did not say surrender our independence! Per se! Our country has a 60/40. Rule. What im saying let them in. Instead of favoring western companies. We could harness. The oil thru cheap but sophisticated technology. China have been giving us cheap loans. When the chinese are with us. Look at the south china sea quite peaceful. Why do we have to allign ourselves with a spend force like america. Who has the best track record in insurgency counter operations. China or u.s. China ofcourse. And with their assistance we could defeat the milf. Mnlf. Its n0t about the ideology its about business.


    off-topic ka nanaman. (the south china sea is quite peaceful? did you just wake up from a deep and brain-numbing slumber? or does china chipping away at our protected reefs not bother you at all?)


    and whats wrong in adopting their harsh brutal rule. In exchange for walking free at the deadbeat of the night. With almost no tolerance for criminals. Thats way better. C0mpare with this american style system.


    how is harsh brutal rule way better than the freedom to choose your own destiny? what american style system are you referring to? the economic crisis america is in right now is due, in a nutshell, to a departure from their traditional values of small government and self-reliance. so which system exactly are you comparing to china's hybrid economy?


    i was also going to ask you what the frack you mean by "at the deadbeat of the night" but never mind.


    btw dnt tel me about. 1st world mechanic style junkyard bullshit style ec0n0mics. How americans do about their life. There are only simple rules in life. Work hard. And buy only things that you can afford. Dreaming with out a reality check is a recipee for disaster.


    what makes you think america won't correct itself before it's too late?


    what makes you think the philippines can adopt a chinese system when our government doesn't have massive financial resources like china does?

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. I try to run every day ... TRY is the big word coz I end up walking fast lang :lol:


    we've all been there, at least you get out and do a brisk walk. sometimes i get up, get dressed, and snooze on the sofa hehe.


    wow dami nyo pala takbo. ako weekend warrior lang. the most i do is 10km per week (on my usual sunday run from house to sta lucia, then back)

    pag tinamad pa.. wala na.. running and bball are my only activities (except for spa of course haha)


    wow ppdd, how do you manage to finish a 21k with only a long sunday run to prepare? ang lakas mo, nakakainggit.


    Passed on the Sin Tax run. Will just run solo from Dec 16 onwards. Sa January na lang ulit sasali sa mga fun run.


    i passed on all runs for the rest of the year, too, even the very tempting sin tax run. might just prepare for the subic run in january.

  11. I've tried that, but when I go inside the house I have the urge to just stop and take a cold shower. hehehe. I have to hit 3:30 to 4:00 hours on the road by next month.


    The number of km per week will really depend on your goal. The only reason I need to do 40+km per week is because I'm training for 42K. :-D After this, will probably go back down to around 20-25km/week.


    hahaha, fdrive i get what you mean. laziness strikes me in a similar way. when i wake up at 5am to run, and there just happens to be any kind of sweet thing inside the fridge when i reach for a drink, i will most likely greet the sun gorging on cake rather than lacing my shoes.


    my goal is to run enough to stay fit despite the dessert habit. medyo mababaw, kaya ang hirap mag-increase ng mileage laugh.gif. but i think i'll try to get to 30k a week by feb next year.

  12. Right now around 20-30km/week, but I should be getting 40-45km/week.


    Well, I see to it to run 2-3 times a week... An alternate of Long Run, Speed Training, and Run (medium lang distance)

    I don't have calendar or sched when will I run basta naispan... hehehe


    KM in a week... averaging 25-35km...


    thanks, fdrive and turk!


    i'm clearly the laggard on this thread, running between 18-24k a week, 5-6x a week. no matter how many times i do run, i try to get 3 key runs in: tempo, quality (intervals done on the treadmill), and a long but easy one (same as Turk, i go by time, which is 60 min. max for me)


    For long runs, how do you manage hydration? Do you bring a bottle or just buy drinks along the route?


    Problema ko kasi yun. Meron lang akong belt na may 2 10oz bottles. OK sa sponsored fun runs kasi pwede mag-refill sa water stations na every 2km. Pero sa solo long run, hindi ko pa napa-plano kung paano. Nagatatanong lang at baka may standard practices na kayong ginagawa.


    my "long" run is done on the treadmill so i have water handy, and the a/c keeps me from overheating. to combat the boredom i've switched to audiobooks, instead of listening to music, which gets tiresome after about 30 min. my friend who runs marathons said he makes his home part of the route, and that's his water stop lol.

  13. a ferry system around the islands that 1) works, 2) is efficient, and 3) services as many communities as possible. i think this'll help more filipinos gain access to better education and opportunity, and help them achieve more prosperity.



    what event are you worried you will not live long enough to see and why?










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