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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. Q&A: why would even marry him/her in the first place?


    (ok na ba ed?)


    iisa pa din ang sagot at tanong? tapos sarcastic pa?


    @nick: neither, really. i've not given it much thought but if i did, i don't think it'd matter much to me.

    @de: because they came out so slippery the doctors/nurses thought they'd pronounce some sort of disclaimer in case the baby did slip out of their hands and bounce around the floor? i dunno. that was pretty lame, sorry.


    what do you think the biggest disadvantage is to being a girl today?

  2. Surprised there aren't any reviews for Looper. So I suppose I'll go ahead and give it a whirl...


    Halfway through this movie, I thought to myself how appropriate the title was, as the story arc kind of threw me for a loop. I knew the basic premise - that hitmen called loopers in the film's present assassinate people from a future whose criminal network sends unfortunate fellows back through a time machine, back to a past where it's convenient to dispose of bodies. Okay. I knew that Bruce Willis was in it, and that Joseph Gordon-Levitt (3rd Rock from the Sun, Inception) plays Willis' younger self, brilliantly too, without resorting to a comical impression of the action star. Okay.




    But did anyone expect this movie was also going to be about a kid who's a cross between ultimate-evil-kid Damien and Anakin Skywalker? Not I.


    Remember how Anakin turned to the dark side because of the traumatic way in which his mother died? Same idea, better acting. Emily Blunt, who does a fantastic job as a shotgun-toting farm mom, must keep her son Cid shielded from further becoming embittered, ensuring that he turns out okay, instead of becoming Darth Vader…er, I mean, the Rainmaker.


    Fun to think about a future where you can count TK (telekinetic) skills as part of your repertoire for picking up women. Interesting to think about what you would do when faced with the possibility of ending the life of your future self. Ultimately, though, the most compelling thing about the film was the presence of so many parallel character threads and story loops that the audience was allowed to ruminate on. Joe and Cid thoughtfully regarding each other as they revealed their stories of loss; Cid protecting present Joe, as future Joe surely worked his way to killing him; stripper mom and farmer mom moving heaven and earth to make sure their children are going to be alright. All these layers provide a depth to this movie that was one heck of a sleeper.



  3. great thread.


    We started from LA - San Diego - Phoenix - Grand Canyon - Vegas - Reno - Tahoe- Yosemite - San Fran - Valencia - LA


    did almost the same thing except we took all of ten days so it was a bit of a blur, unfortunately. had no time for a helicopter or hot air balloon ride, which would've been awesome.


    started out in san fran, went through yosemite, death valley, then the grand canyon, joshua tree park, and on to vegas...on the way back to sfo we went through sequoia. you're right about going through route 66 but hoover dam was congested so we didn't find the prospect of stopping and taking photos too appealing. when we got home, we were so tired we had to take a vacation from our vacay. but it was so worth the almost nonstop driving and sightseeing. would do it again in a heartbeat.

  4. Some things that are done in the name of peace, leave nothing but death in their wake.

    He's a great humanitarian, he's a great philanthropist

    He knows just where to touch you, honey, and how you like to be kissed

    He'll put both his arms around you

    You can feel the tender touch of the beast

    You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace


    - Bob Dylan, Man of Peace

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. so.... is it scary? Im having second thoughts of horror flicks nowadays, most of them disappoints me.

    my friends were asking me to watch it.. heck I dont want to waste good money


    if you scare easy like me, then it's scary. it involved some pretty gruesome images of people being killed so the part of it that wasn't supernatural, was disturbing. ethan hawke turned in a good performance, and was convincing as a self-absorbed, selfish writer more interested in resurrecting his career than in protecting his family.


    though there are moments when the film succumbs to the usual horror flick cliches, overall it held its audience in suspense, and there were plenty of creepy moments to keep the audience invested in the protagonist's fate.


    i'd give it 3 out 5 stars.

  6. drinking alone?


    ever notice it doesn't take much to hijack a thread? that could be a good thing. but it's very often bad wink.gif


    i discovered cobra recently. that pee-like, sugary energy drink. it's nice.

  7. @nick: based on the little i know about them, plus my relative disinterest in masonic lodges lol i'd say they do well because it's the kind of network where success is innate.



    @next q: i compliment people i like a whole lot. in real life (because apparently all this is fake), i give great big bear hugs.



    whose history are you most interested in?

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