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Posts posted by dungeonbaby

  1. @nick: fact is, there has never been an autonomous palestinian, muslim, or arab state on that teeny tiny piece of land. besides, historically speaking giving away land there has just made it possible for the fatah and hamas to bring their missile launch pads closer to the Holy Land.


    @Jourdan: condi rice. i'd ask "would you sign my t-shirt please?"



    where in the world do you feel closest to a supreme being (or if you're an atheist, where do you feel closest to the universe lol)?

  2. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2 (with spoilers)


    so okay, i'm not the target demographic for this movie, since i'm not a 14-year old girl prone to fainting at the mere sight of taylor lautner, but i've watched this series from its first installment and felt a certain commitment to see it through to its highly-polished, much-vaunted end. fifteen minutes into this movie, however, my date leaned in and whispered "tell me again why we're watching this?" frankly, i was at a loss for an intelligent answer myself.


    you can miss the first half of this movie and still be ahead of the story, but i guess to a screaming tween, plot is only secondary to long, romantic stares and passionate PG 13 caressing between the two main stars. this is like porn for 12-year old girls, i suppose. can i say that? it's got all the right stuff to make you swoon. the cinematography is gorgeous, all the vampires are mtv-grade beautiful, and the only actor who is allowed to have pores on his skin is Bella's father. beside kristen stewart's two-dimensional acting, dakota fanning and michael sheen are sheer geniuses. but who cares about stony acting and drawn out love montages. this was a trip. by the time the audience is brought to the final confrontation between the Cullens and the Volturi, everyone is so ripe for a fight that it's actually pretty gripping action. especially when heads come off. so at least the producers showed a little sympathy to all the boyfriends who sat through all the lovey-dovey stuff. (spoiler alert). it's too bad that in the end, though, we had to be dealt a major cop out when we find that it was all just a vision and no one's really dead. swell.


    the thing i like about the movie is the preponderance of female characters that rock. and finally, bella is doing something more than just moping around. what a relief. strong female figures for all the little girls to aspire to without letting go of their precious fairy tale endings.


    if i were 14, i would've given this movie 7 out of 10 hearts. okay, maybe even a 9.

  3. Anyway, I have a race yesterday at Laguna... UPLB... I placed 4th Overall sa Mens Division sa 3km .... Swerte lang dahil 2 lang elite runner sa category namin yun nga lang isa na lang podium na... kahit wala na cash prize medal man lang... hehehe time for 3km - 14mins and 10secs .... the 3rd placer is not close to me he is 13mins 25secs.... around 200m layo sa akin.... KAINIS isang place na lang may Medal na :tongue.giflaugh.gifrolleyes.gif


    whoa, nice time Turk! ang layo ng pr ko, 18min 19 sec. how many km do you guys run in a week?

  4. can't tell if you're sniffing glue or just blindly repeating an extremist mantra you picked up somewhere.


    those are war materials. I did n0t say engage and get to war with china. Or given if i did say that cant i change my mind. Diplomacy works better. Look at the americans they are being kicked by the jihadist. Look at america advising us on the milf issue. We lost mindanao. Look at china in their mustim and tibetan area. They eliminated their own rebels. We could do better. If chinese forces are with us in mindanao. Instead of the americans


    yes, look at China and the historic kindness with which she treats her dissidents. first you preach diplomacy with China (which, by the way, is exactly what we're doing at the moment), but then 5 short sentences later you admire how China "eliminates" rebels.


    you would have China eliminate rebels in Mindanao and expect them to stop there? you expect Malaysia will sit by and let the inroads they've built there be threatened by China? and throughout this epic move, you think the Philippines will remain sovereign? all of Asia will be eyeing us like a fat and tasty morsel.




    "It's a real wow" is correct. why don't you explain in detail how such a scenario would 1) be created, and 2) how you see that being sustained. and then discuss, how well-positioned the Philippines would be in this new Asian shangri- la.


    at least in the asian setting you only dream of what you can afford. Being imaginative with out a reality check. Is destructive. The asian time have arrived. 1 day americans and westerners. Will become our own ofw. N0w they are being kick out in their houses own by asians. Tommorrow they will serve new asian masters. Including us filipinos.


    if people only dreamt of what they could afford, no one would innovate, create, or dream big. try again.





    and for purposes of being on topic, bash American consumerism here if that's what floats your boat but reserve your "i love China" posts for the South China sea thread.

  5. had to look closely at my own avatar to determine if those were bat wings or angel sleeves. then it reminded me of a jon santos line "wala akong pakpak, p*kp*k lang." crass, but funny. anyway, i think women like winged creatures for all the varied notions and images they call to mind beginning with the obvious - angels - and reaching to more abstract concepts such as power and the implicit freedom to "fly away," whether from her daily life or from societal convention.



    what is the male fascination with guns and cars?

  6. yeah that twinkies newsflash upset me, because i don't know about eating China-made ho hos. wink.gif



    seriously though, why is the benghazi hoo hah now about "unfairly" attacking susan rice?


    as for vubuli, i don't know if anyone's told him that we did kick out the americans, and look how we run to mommy when china flexes its muscles. i hope that "let them in" mentality is not one shared by the majority of Filipinos. because if it is, we deserve to be colonized.

  7. i subscribe to the sage advice "trust but verify" and "always deduct 2 inches from whatever a guy claims online." so no. and in the internet age when stories of serial killers abound "throwing yourself at someone" without having met them is the province of the very naive.



    what's the stupidest thing you've done online?




  8. might pass on condura too, since it's not going to be at bgc. that said, the caliraya uphill challenge in january seems fun.




    wow, thanks for the heads up on the sin tax run, turk!




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