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Posts posted by camiar

  1. Of course he didnt sell the Philippines to China. Dds fanatics are so shallow and literal. Intelligent discussion from a Duterte fanatic? Lol


    Whaat??!!? He didn't sell the Philippines to China???


    Your post was very clear saying that he's selling us out to China! Ibinebenta nya tayo sa Tsina!


    Are you backing out of your statement? Tumiklop ka na ba?


    Para ka rin bang si Rooster na walang itlog?

  2. It would help a lot if you include in your list the assigned number of your candidate.


    For Example : #62 Villar, Cynthia ; #46 Marcos, Imee ; #51 Ong, Doc Willie


    Matagal hanapin yung pangalan pag di mo alam ang assigned number nya.


    It took me several minutes to find my choice of Party List (#144 Ating Koop) because the Party List roster are no longer arranged alphabetically.



    KAHIT SINO ALAM ITO, ... once you join the "underworld" death is the only exit.


    ...hindi ka basta basta tumiwalag sa isang grupo at hindi ka tutugisin nang dating mong kasamahan para ligpitin at patatahimikin.

    ... and for sure, no one is indepensable in this dark world of drug and power, even PETER JOEMEL ADVINCULA is no exception, if ever what he said is really true.

    ... And understanding how these drug syndicates group or cartel work ... do you think, Bikoy would still be alive after he "showed all those documents, the tara, - exposing the workings and operations of the syndicate." AND THAT EXPOSURE WOULD BE OKEY FOR THE TRIAD? I strongly doubt. And Bikoy should be running for his life ... though I do not even think that Bikoy, the character is even real.

    And then, sa press conference with the IBP ... kung hindi ba naman tanga ang nag prepare nang script na yon, bagkus sabihin ba naman na may mga tao or mga dating kasamahan na nagbibigay nang mga documents sa kanya

    ... those na sinabi mo sa video serve no purpose at all dahil lahat nang mga iyon ay matagal nang basag ... proven that they were manufactured and fabricated



  4. Semplang agad yung allegations ni Bikoy kay Bong Go. Halatang ventosa lang yung marka. Si Kitty Du30 kaya ano trabaho sa sindikato para idamay din ni Bikoy?




    Pati yung payola list at mga fake signatures, napaka-amateur ng pagkakagawa.


    Siguro binulsa ni Trililing yung budget, at para makatipid, kung sinong tambay lang sa kanto ang kinuha para gumawa ng fake documents.

  5. Abnoy pa din ang may kasalanan. Lol





    DDS brain is amazing.

    May dahilan.


    Ipinaliwanag sa yo.


    Abnoy appointed Virginia Torres to LTO. An inept kabarkada / kabarilan who has a habit of getting involved in corrupt transactions. She f#&ked up LTO operations, and got involved in various other corrupt transactions as well.


    But Abnoy refused to fire her.


    He eventually just let her retire hoping to let the matter rest quietly and be forgotten.


    But her corruption cases hounded her in her retirement.


    She died of heart attack at 63.


    Justice still not served. Dapat si Abnoy ang ikulong.




    Meanwhile, itong manok na walang itlog, di pa rin nya ma gets kung bakit si Abnoy ang sinisisi sa Car Plate backlog fiasco at pilit isisisi kay Du30 and problema. Wala na ngang itlog, wala ring utak. Baka puede syang humingi ng konting libreng utak kay Bam.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. DDS fanatics would blame anybody except their idol. May nakausap akong solid tabogong dds galit na galit nun kc un binili nyang kotse ilan taon na wala pa din plaka. Nun si Tatay Digon na presidente at wala pa din plaka eh sinisisi pa din si Panot. Pag nauto ka talaga ng mga trapong pulitiko na to kawawa ka. Iboboto mo na sila into power at ipagtatanggol mo pa. DDS is Life ika nga

    A large part of the backlog stems from the 2.9 million vehicles registered from February 2014 to July 2016, whose plates have yet to be processed.

    This huge backlog was created during the time of your idol Abnoy. Sino ngayon ang dapat sisihin?

    The fiasco was a result of anomalous and corruption-ridden transactions under Abnoy-appointed LTO chief, Virgie Torres.

    Hindi lang Car plate fiasco. Marami pang corruption charges kay Virginia Torres. Among the corruption charges Ms Torres faced were:

    • The COA charged that the LTO’s deal with supplier Power Plates Development Concepts Inc.-J. Knieriem BV-Goes (PPI-JKG) was illegal or awarded without an allotment under the 2014 General Appropriations Act.
    • Corruption case filed at the ombudsman related to the attempted takeover of the Stradcom computer services operation of LTO transactions
    • Corruption charges related to the attempted smuggling of 64 container-load of sugar
    • She was caught playing in a casino violating Memorandum Circular No. 8 - "All government personnel concerned are prohibited from entering, staying and/or playing at gambling casinos."

    However, despite the multiple corruption charges filed against her, Abnoy refused to remove her from office.

  7. Philippine hunger rate drops in Q1 2019 — SWS


    Read more: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1110445/philippine-hunger-rate-drops-in-q1-2019-sws#ixzz5m5wcxaXv

    Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook


    MANILA, Philippines — An estimated 2.3 million families experienced involuntary hunger at least once in the last three months, the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey revealed.

    According to the survey, 9.5 percent of Filipinos experienced involuntary hunger in the first quarter of 2019.


    Of this number, 8.1 percent, or about 2 million families, said they experienced moderate hunger or experienced involuntary hunger “only once” or a “few times,” while 1.3 said they experienced severe hunger or experienced involuntary hunger “often” or “always.”

    The SWS defined hunger as “involuntary suffering since the survey question specifies that the hunger experienced was due to lack of food to eat.”


    The hunger rate in the first quarter of the year was 1 percentage point lower than the 10.5 percent rate recorded in the last quarter of 2018, marking the second consecutive quarter where there has been a decrease in the hunger rate in the country.

    The survey noted that hunger rate declined in Metro Manila from 18.3 percent to 11.7 percent — or 6.6 points. SWS said this was the first in four quarters that there was a decrease in Metro Manila’s hunger rate.

    The hunger rate also decreased in Mindanao but slightly increased in Balance Luzon and Visayas.

    The March 2019 SWS survey was conducted from March 28 to 31, 2019, using face-to-face interviews of 1,440 adults, aged 18 years old and above, nationwide.


    Respondents were asked to answer the question, “In the last 3 months, did it happen even once that your family experienced hunger and not have anything to eat? (YES, NO).”

    Those who experienced hunger were further asked: “Did it happen ONLY ONCE, A FEW TIMES, OFTEN, or ALWAYS?”

    This should be expected.


    Employment has increased lately. My company employed 200 additional personnel this year for various projects that we got.


    Generally, the increase in business is benefiting the working class.


    More jobs, less hunger.

  8. A piece of paper wouldnt justify the true state of the nation. Mas madaming drugs ngayon, mas madaming walang trabaho. Karamihan pa nga ibinibigay sa mha dayuhang Intsik. Traffic, MRT, walang plaka, mataas na bilihin, korapsyon.. ano pa ba nirereklamo nyo kay Pnoy nun na nasolusuyunan na ngayon? Unless you are a fanatic.


    Piece of paper? Lol

    Instead of ranting incoherently, try talking with some sense.


    "Mas madaming drugs ngayon..." -- I don't see it anymore in my neighborhood in Makati. Most of the people around have the perception that the drug menace is still there, but the government is moving in the right direction in solving the problem. Please enlighten me where you're coming from.


    "Mas madaming walang trabaho..." -- I saw a report before that the employment has improved. I'll look for that report. But in the meantime, can you show where you got the info that the unemployment and under-employment has deteriorated?


    "MRT..." -- My observation is that the MRT are no longer breaking down left and right. The new coaches are now deployed. New maintenance contractor has already been selected. Has the MRT further deteriorated?


    please make a point-by-point explanation on why we should believe your doomsday scenario.

  9. I don't even have to defend my answer. Enrile is at least thrice a turncoat if you just spend time researching his career.

    Those were interesting events in JPE's career.


    He talked about it in these two videos.


    Was it for pragmatic political reasons?, for self-preservation?, or for the good of the country?


    Watch it and decide for yourself which.




  10. And again, if Du30 has poor economic management, how come Poverty Incidence has significantly gone down all across the nation from 2015 to 2018?


    attachicon.gif2015 vs 2018 Poverty Statistics.jpg


    Light Blue and Light Green are 2015 figures


    Dark Blue and Dark Green are 2018 figures.


    The decrease in poverty are significant.



    i”i challenge to a debate” and “lets talk substance” daw ... nun. natanong question number one pa lang di makasagot ...”what you see is what you get.”. AYOS sa substance!




    OK. Let's talk substance.


    Start by explaining the graph above.


    Titiklop ka uli. I'm sure.


    Mr. LaBayag

  11. Because a troll said so? :lol:

    I used to hate J P Enrile.


    I grew up hearing and believing all the stories demonizing him as the veritable Rasputin of the Martial Law era.


    Until I got mature enough to question:


    If our post-EDSA-revolution leaders were so good and the Martial Law leaders were so evil, why are people saying that life was easier during Martial Law years?


    As I read less of the mainstream media and more of information in library archives and documentaries on the internet, it dawned on me that our "new" leaders are misleading us.


    More so now that I'm in senior management with more confidential data available to me, I can confirm my previous suspicions that the oligarch-supported leaders have made our situation worse.


    The videos I linked above explains how our current predicament came about.


    Little-by-little, the truth will come out.

  12. Little by little the truth will come out ~ BBM inteviews JPE


    part 1:




    part 2:








    • Political alliances between Joma Sison, Ninoy, New People's Army, and the Liberal Party
    • Martial Law was planned 3 years in advance.
    • Little known events leading to the declaration of Martial Law.
    • Background events leading to the confrontation at Camp Aguinaldo / Camp Crame that led to the 1986 EDSA People Power.
    • Who really run the government during Cory's administration?


    the capacity to pay debt should also put in issue the kinds of debt that we have or about to enter.

    has this graphic considered the numerous debts entered into under the BBB program?


    please enlighten us.

    What you see is what you get.


    The info-graph shows DEBT-to-GDP.


    That is the official accounting of debt entered into by the Philippine government from Cory's time to present.


    If you know of other new debts that are kept secret from us, which I doubt if there's any, please feel free to post.

  14. If it's not working, how come you have a need to always have the last word regarding this topic? Enjoy the wanking video, you perv.

    So you keep replying so you can have the last word.... so vain.


    What I meant by "It won't work." is that you can't silence people from talking about the issue by projecting Jim Kanor's shame on the posters who write about it.


    Projecting strategy is obviously the working instructions given to you by your handlers.



    One newspaper columnist accurately puts Paredes' ignominy in the right perspective:


    "...He spoke like an icon of decency, and had this video not surfaced, he would have continued to remind us of the perversions of the Marcoses as though he himself were unblemished.

    What undermines Paredes’ pretense at a sincere apology is his readiness to politicize it. He quickly blamed his enemies for causing his misfortune when he said: “I can only surmise that in this ugly season of toxic politics, muckrakers determined to neutralize my influence by violating my privacy and digging up dirt on me are at work.”..."



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